Manages intraclass conversion rates between units of measure and their base unit within the same class, providing more granular control over conversions.
Name | Type | Description |
UnitsOfMeasureUOMId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier linking this intraclass conversion entry to a specific unit of measure. |
InventoryItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this intraclass conversion. This attribute is required. |
ConversionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the intraclass conversion record. |
IntraclassConversion | Decimal | Conversion rate between this unit of measure and the base unit of its class for the specified inventory item. This attribute is required. |
IntraclassConversionEndDate | Date | The date when the intraclass conversion for this unit of measure is no longer valid. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique alphanumeric identifier for the inventory item associated with this intraclass conversion. |
CreatedBy | String | Username or system entity that created this intraclass conversion entry. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this intraclass conversion entry was initially created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this intraclass conversion entry was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Username or system entity that last modified this intraclass conversion entry. |
DisableDate | Date | The date when the unit of measure is disabled and no longer available for use. |
Finder | String | A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve intraclass conversion records. |
UOM | String | The name of the unit of measure. |
UOMClass | String | The unit of measure class that categorizes the unit of measure. |
UOMClassCode | String | Unique code representing the unit of measure class. |
UOMCode | String | User-defined short code that uniquely identifies the unit of measure. |
UOMId | Long | Unique identifier for the unit of measure. |