Handles default values for transactions within specific inventory organizations.
Name | Type | Description |
InventoryOrganizationsOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier linking this inventory organization parameter entry to a specific inventory organization. |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the organization, automatically generated when a new organization record is created. This serves as the primary key. |
Timezone | String | Specifies the time zone used by the organization for its operations. |
MasterOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the parent or master organization overseeing this inventory organization. |
ScheduleId | Long | Unique identifier for the work day calendar assigned to the organization. |
DefaultPickingRuleId | Long | Unique identifier for the default picking rule applied when selecting material for picking. |
DefaultLocatorOrderValue | Decimal | Specifies the default picking order assigned to each locator when creating a work order. |
DefaultSubinventoryOrderValue | Decimal | Specifies the default picking order assigned to each subinventory when creating a work order. |
NegativeInvReceiptFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization allows negative inventory balances. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: True). |
StockLocatorControl | String | Defines the default locator control for subinventories, such as Predefined, Dynamic, or None. |
SourceType | String | Specifies the source type used when replenishing an item, such as Organization or Supplier. |
SourceOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization. |
SourceOrganizationCode | String | Short code representing the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization. |
SourceOrganizationName | String | Name of the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization. |
SourceSubinventory | String | Specifies the replenishment subinventory if the source type is Organization. |
SerialNumberType | String | Defines the control level ensuring each serial number is unique when created. |
AutoSerialAlphaPrefix | String | Specifies the alphanumeric prefix added when generating serial numbers. |
StartAutoSerialNumber | String | Defines the starting number for auto-generated serial numbers. |
AutoLotAlphaPrefix | String | Specifies the alphanumeric prefix added when generating lot numbers. |
LotNumberUniqueness | String | Defines the control level ensuring each lot number is unique. |
LotNumberGeneration | String | Specifies the control method for generating lot numbers. |
LotNumberZeroPaddingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether lot numbers should be padded with zeros. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
LotNumberLength | Int | Specifies the total length of the lot number. |
StartingRevision | String | Defines the default starting revision assigned to new items. |
PackingUnitPrefix | String | Specifies the prefix added when creating the packing unit string. |
PackingUnitSuffix | String | Specifies the suffix added when creating the packing unit string. |
PackingUnitStartingNumber | Decimal | Defines the smallest number used when generating packing unit numbers. |
PackingUnitTotalLength | Decimal | Specifies the total length of the packing unit string. |
GS1128Flag | Bool | Indicates whether GS1-128 barcode standards are enabled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
SerialNumberGeneration | String | Specifies the control level applied when generating serial numbers. |
PickConfirmationRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether manual pick confirmation is required. 'True' means required; 'False' means not required (default: False). |
OverpickTransferOrdersFlag | Bool | Indicates whether overpicking is allowed for movement requests. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: False). |
DistributedOrganizationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization provides logistics services like warehousing. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
AllowDifferentLotStatus | Decimal | Determines whether a lot’s status can change when transferring materials. |
ChildLotControlPrefix | String | Defines the prefix for child lot numbers when generating child lots. |
ChildLotControlTotalLength | Decimal | Specifies the total length of the child lot number. |
ChildLotControlFormatValidationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the child lot number format should be validated. 'True' means validated; 'False' means not validated (default: False). |
ChildLotControlZeroPaddingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether child lot numbers should be padded with zeros. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
CopyLotAttributeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a child lot inherits attributes from the parent lot. 'True' means inherited; 'False' means not inherited (default: False). |
AutomaticallyCreateLotUOMConversion | Decimal | Determines whether lot-based unit of measure (UOM) conversion is enabled. |
ParentChildGeneration | String | Specifies the control level for generating child lot numbers. |
AutomaticallyDeleteAllocationsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether pick allocations are automatically canceled if a movement request is canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
EnforceLocatorAliasUniquenessFlag | Bool | Currently not used. |
PreFillPickedQuantityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether picked quantities should be pre-filled during pick confirmation. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
CapturePickingExceptionsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether picking exceptions should be captured. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: True). |
PickQuantityDefaultReasonId | Long | Specifies the default reason applied to picking quantity exceptions. |
AllowNegativeOnhandTransactionsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether negative on-hand inventory transactions are allowed. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: False). |
UseOriginalReceiptDateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the original receipt date should be used for inventory transactions. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
RoundReorderQuantityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether reorder quantities should be rounded to optimize planning. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
PickSlipBatchSize | Int | Defines the number of movement request lines processed together when allocating material. |
ReplenishmentMovementRequestGrouping | Int | Specifies the grouping threshold for replenishment movement requests. |
FillKillMoveOrderFlag | Bool | Indicates whether partially picked replenishment movement request lines should be canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
ManufacturingPlantFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization is designated as a manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
ContractManufacturingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization is a contract manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
SupplierId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier if this is a contract manufacturing organization. |
SupplierSiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier site if this is a contract manufacturing organization. |
MaintenanceEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether maintenance activities are supported. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
SystemSelectsSerialNumberFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the system auto-generates serial numbers. 'True' means system-selected; 'False' means user-selected (default: False). |
PurchasingByRevisionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether item revisions must be included in purchase orders. 'True' means required; 'False' means optional (default: False). |
FillKillTransferOrdersFlag | Bool | Indicates whether remaining quantities on transfer orders should be automatically canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
ItemGroupingCode | String | Specifies how items are assigned to the organization. |
ItemDefinitionOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the item definition organization. |
TrackByProjectFlag | Bool | Indicates whether inventory transactions should capture project details. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
TrackByCountryOfOriginFlag | Bool | Indicates whether tracking by country of origin is enabled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
InternalCustomerFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the organization serves as an internal customer. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
InternalCustomerName | String | Name of the internal customer associated with this inventory organization. |
InternalCustomerId | Long | Unique identifier for the internal customer. |
InternalCustomerAccountNumber | String | Account number associated with the internal customer. |
ScheduleName | String | Name of the work day calendar for the organization. |
UseCurrentItemCostFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the warehouse will default to using the current item cost in the Create Miscellaneous Transaction task. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
OverpickForSpecialHandlingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the warehouse allows overpicking to accommodate material movements requiring special handling. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
CreatedBy | String | Username or system entity that created this inventory organization parameter record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization parameter record was initially created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Username or system entity that last modified the inventory organization parameter record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization parameter record was last updated. |
AcceptSubstituteItemsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the warehouse accepts substitute items in place of ordered items. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
IntegrateWmsWithManufacturingAndMaintenanceFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the plant is integrated into the warehouse management system (WMS) for manufacturing or maintenance. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
FillKillSalesOrderFlag | Bool | Indicates whether remaining quantities on backordered sales order lines are automatically canceled during pick release, pick confirm, or ship confirm. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False). |
Finder | String | A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve inventory organization parameter records. |
Status | String | Current status of the inventory organization parameters. |