CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles default values for transactions within specific inventory organizations.


Name Type Description
InventoryOrganizationsOrganizationId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this inventory organization parameter entry to a specific inventory organization.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the organization, automatically generated when a new organization record is created. This serves as the primary key.
Timezone String Specifies the time zone used by the organization for its operations.
MasterOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the parent or master organization overseeing this inventory organization.
ScheduleId Long Unique identifier for the work day calendar assigned to the organization.
DefaultPickingRuleId Long Unique identifier for the default picking rule applied when selecting material for picking.
DefaultLocatorOrderValue Decimal Specifies the default picking order assigned to each locator when creating a work order.
DefaultSubinventoryOrderValue Decimal Specifies the default picking order assigned to each subinventory when creating a work order.
NegativeInvReceiptFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization allows negative inventory balances. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: True).
StockLocatorControl String Defines the default locator control for subinventories, such as Predefined, Dynamic, or None.
SourceType String Specifies the source type used when replenishing an item, such as Organization or Supplier.
SourceOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization.
SourceOrganizationCode String Short code representing the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization.
SourceOrganizationName String Name of the replenishment organization if the source type is Organization.
SourceSubinventory String Specifies the replenishment subinventory if the source type is Organization.
SerialNumberType String Defines the control level ensuring each serial number is unique when created.
AutoSerialAlphaPrefix String Specifies the alphanumeric prefix added when generating serial numbers.
StartAutoSerialNumber String Defines the starting number for auto-generated serial numbers.
AutoLotAlphaPrefix String Specifies the alphanumeric prefix added when generating lot numbers.
LotNumberUniqueness String Defines the control level ensuring each lot number is unique.
LotNumberGeneration String Specifies the control method for generating lot numbers.
LotNumberZeroPaddingFlag Bool Indicates whether lot numbers should be padded with zeros. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
LotNumberLength Int Specifies the total length of the lot number.
StartingRevision String Defines the default starting revision assigned to new items.
PackingUnitPrefix String Specifies the prefix added when creating the packing unit string.
PackingUnitSuffix String Specifies the suffix added when creating the packing unit string.
PackingUnitStartingNumber Decimal Defines the smallest number used when generating packing unit numbers.
PackingUnitTotalLength Decimal Specifies the total length of the packing unit string.
GS1128Flag Bool Indicates whether GS1-128 barcode standards are enabled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
SerialNumberGeneration String Specifies the control level applied when generating serial numbers.
PickConfirmationRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether manual pick confirmation is required. 'True' means required; 'False' means not required (default: False).
OverpickTransferOrdersFlag Bool Indicates whether overpicking is allowed for movement requests. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: False).
DistributedOrganizationFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization provides logistics services like warehousing. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
AllowDifferentLotStatus Decimal Determines whether a lot’s status can change when transferring materials.
ChildLotControlPrefix String Defines the prefix for child lot numbers when generating child lots.
ChildLotControlTotalLength Decimal Specifies the total length of the child lot number.
ChildLotControlFormatValidationFlag Bool Indicates whether the child lot number format should be validated. 'True' means validated; 'False' means not validated (default: False).
ChildLotControlZeroPaddingFlag Bool Indicates whether child lot numbers should be padded with zeros. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
CopyLotAttributeFlag Bool Indicates whether a child lot inherits attributes from the parent lot. 'True' means inherited; 'False' means not inherited (default: False).
AutomaticallyCreateLotUOMConversion Decimal Determines whether lot-based unit of measure (UOM) conversion is enabled.
ParentChildGeneration String Specifies the control level for generating child lot numbers.
AutomaticallyDeleteAllocationsFlag Bool Indicates whether pick allocations are automatically canceled if a movement request is canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
EnforceLocatorAliasUniquenessFlag Bool Currently not used.
PreFillPickedQuantityFlag Bool Indicates whether picked quantities should be pre-filled during pick confirmation. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
CapturePickingExceptionsFlag Bool Indicates whether picking exceptions should be captured. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: True).
PickQuantityDefaultReasonId Long Specifies the default reason applied to picking quantity exceptions.
AllowNegativeOnhandTransactionsFlag Bool Indicates whether negative on-hand inventory transactions are allowed. 'True' means allowed; 'False' means not allowed (default: False).
UseOriginalReceiptDateFlag Bool Indicates whether the original receipt date should be used for inventory transactions. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
RoundReorderQuantityFlag Bool Indicates whether reorder quantities should be rounded to optimize planning. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
PickSlipBatchSize Int Defines the number of movement request lines processed together when allocating material.
ReplenishmentMovementRequestGrouping Int Specifies the grouping threshold for replenishment movement requests.
FillKillMoveOrderFlag Bool Indicates whether partially picked replenishment movement request lines should be canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
ManufacturingPlantFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization is designated as a manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
ContractManufacturingFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization is a contract manufacturing plant. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
SupplierId Long Unique identifier for the supplier if this is a contract manufacturing organization.
SupplierSiteId Long Unique identifier for the supplier site if this is a contract manufacturing organization.
MaintenanceEnabledFlag Bool Indicates whether maintenance activities are supported. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
SystemSelectsSerialNumberFlag Bool Indicates whether the system auto-generates serial numbers. 'True' means system-selected; 'False' means user-selected (default: False).
PurchasingByRevisionFlag Bool Indicates whether item revisions must be included in purchase orders. 'True' means required; 'False' means optional (default: False).
FillKillTransferOrdersFlag Bool Indicates whether remaining quantities on transfer orders should be automatically canceled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
ItemGroupingCode String Specifies how items are assigned to the organization.
ItemDefinitionOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the item definition organization.
TrackByProjectFlag Bool Indicates whether inventory transactions should capture project details. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
TrackByCountryOfOriginFlag Bool Indicates whether tracking by country of origin is enabled. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
InternalCustomerFlag Bool Indicates whether the organization serves as an internal customer. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
InternalCustomerName String Name of the internal customer associated with this inventory organization.
InternalCustomerId Long Unique identifier for the internal customer.
InternalCustomerAccountNumber String Account number associated with the internal customer.
ScheduleName String Name of the work day calendar for the organization.
UseCurrentItemCostFlag Bool Indicates whether the warehouse will default to using the current item cost in the Create Miscellaneous Transaction task. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
OverpickForSpecialHandlingFlag Bool Indicates whether the warehouse allows overpicking to accommodate material movements requiring special handling. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
CreatedBy String Username or system entity that created this inventory organization parameter record.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization parameter record was initially created.
LastUpdatedBy String Username or system entity that last modified the inventory organization parameter record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the inventory organization parameter record was last updated.
AcceptSubstituteItemsFlag Bool Indicates whether the warehouse accepts substitute items in place of ordered items. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
IntegrateWmsWithManufacturingAndMaintenanceFlag Bool Indicates whether the plant is integrated into the warehouse management system (WMS) for manufacturing or maintenance. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
FillKillSalesOrderFlag Bool Indicates whether remaining quantities on backordered sales order lines are automatically canceled during pick release, pick confirm, or ship confirm. 'True' means enabled; 'False' means disabled (default: False).
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve inventory organization parameter records.
Status String Current status of the inventory organization parameters.

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Build 24.0.9175