Defines processing rules for outbound messages sent to trading partners.
Name | Type | Description |
B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier linking this message processing rule entry to a specific trading partner record. |
OutboundcollaborationmessagesPartnerMessageCustomizationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier linking this message processing rule to a customized partner message in the outbound collaboration process. |
OutboundcollaborationmessagesPartnerMessageId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier linking this message processing rule to a specific outbound collaboration message. |
NodeId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the message processing rule, automatically generated when a new rule is created. This serves as the primary key. |
Name | String | Descriptive name of the message processing rule used for outbound document processing. |
MessageNodeXpath | String | Specifies the XPath expression used to locate and process the external message node. |
DefaultValue | String | Default value assigned to the node identified in the XPath when no other value is provided. |
ValueRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a value is mandatory for this field. 'True' means a value is required; 'False' means it is optional. |
IncludeInOutputFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the field should be included in the output message. 'True' means it is included; 'False' means it is excluded (default: False). |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this message processing rule record was last updated. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this message processing rule record was initially created. |
BindServiceProviderId | Long | Unique identifier for the service provider bound to this trading partner for message processing. |
Finder | String | A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve message processing rule records associated with trading partners. |
TradingPartnerId | Long | Unique identifier for the trading partner associated with this message processing rule. |