Ensures compliance with pricing rules by tracking validations and resolving pricing violations.
Name | Type | Description |
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the sales order header, linking the price validations to the parent order. This ensures proper tracking and management of price validation at the order level within Oracle Fusion Order Management. |
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the fulfillment line associated with the price validation, enabling tracking and application of price validations at the line level within Oracle Fusion Order Management. |
ChargeDefinitionCode | String | Code representing the definition of the charge subject to validation, used to categorize and identify the specific charge within the system for validation purposes. |
ChargeDefinition | String | Name or description of the charge subject to validation, such as a discount, surcharge, or standard price, providing clarity on what charge is being validated. |
ChargeId | Long | Unique identifier for the charge associated with the price validation, helping link the validation directly to the specific charge within the order. |
ConstrainingValue | Decimal | The value that constrains the price validation, such as a maximum or minimum allowable price, used to enforce rules and restrictions during pricing. |
ConstrainingValueTypeCode | String | Code representing the type of constraining value used in the price validation, such as a percentage or fixed amount, which determines how the validation is applied. |
ConstrainingValueTypeName | String | Name describing the constraining value type, helping clarify how the validation applies based on the constraining factor, such as percent-based or amount-based. |
Explanation | String | Detailed explanation of the price validation, providing context or reasoning for why the validation is being applied to the charge or order. |
ExplanationMessageName | String | Name of the message displayed to explain the validation, often shown to users in Oracle Fusion Order Management when the price validation fails or triggers. |
HeaderCurrencyConstrainingAmount | Decimal | Constraining amount for the validation, expressed in the currency of the order header, representing the threshold or limit for the price validation in that currency. |
HeaderCurrencyCode | String | Currency code used for the order header, indicating the currency type for the constraining amount and helping ensure proper currency conversion and validation. |
HeaderCurrencyName | String | Name of the currency used in the order header, providing clear identification of the currency for the price validation and the corresponding constraining amount. |
ManualPriceAdjustmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the manual price adjustment applied to the order line, linking the price validation to any manual adjustments made to the pricing. |
PricePeriodicityCode | String | Code identifying the periodicity of the price validation, indicating the frequency at which the validation applies, such as monthly or quarterly. |
PricePeriodicity | String | Description of the price periodicity, providing further context to the time-based nature of the validation, such as monthly or quarterly. |
PriceValidationId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the price validation, allowing tracking and reporting of individual validation instances within the order processing system. |
RollupFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the price validation applies to the rollup charge, which aggregates multiple charges. If true, the validation is applied to the rollup; if false, it is applied to individual charges. |
ValidationComponentEntityType | String | Entity type to which the price validation applies, such as a product, service, or contract, helping to specify which part of the order is being validated. |
ValidationComponentCode | String | Code representing the specific validation component, which helps identify the element or criteria being validated within the pricing rules. |
ValidationComponent | String | Description of the validation component, such as product price, service fee, or shipping cost, providing clear identification of what the validation pertains to. |
ValidationComponentEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the entity being validated, such as the product ID or service code, linking the validation to a specific entity within the order. |
ValidationSourceRuleId | Long | Unique identifier for the source rule applied to the price validation, helping to trace the origin of the validation rule that was triggered. |
ValidationSourceTypeCode | String | Code representing the source type of the validation, such as a price list, discount rule, or contract, defining the source that initiated the validation. |
ValidationSourceType | String | Description of the source type, providing a clearer context for the validation source, such as 'price list,' 'contract,' or 'discount.' |
ValidationStatus | String | Status of the price validation, such as 'Passed,' 'Failed,' or 'Pending,' indicating whether the validation was successful or if corrective action is required. |
ViolationTypeCode | String | Code identifying the type of violation triggered by the validation, such as exceeding the maximum price or failing to apply a required discount. |
ViolationTypeName | String | Name describing the violation type, offering a more detailed explanation of why the validation failed or was violated, such as 'Price Exceeds Limit' or 'Invalid Discount.' |
Finder | String | Method or tool used to locate specific price validation records in Oracle Fusion Order Management, allowing efficient retrieval and analysis of validation data. |
FromDate | Date | Start date when the price validation becomes effective. This date marks the period during which the validation applies to the order or line. |
HeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the header of the price validation record, linking it to the overall sales order or charge in Oracle Fusion Order Management. |
OrderKey | String | Unique key used to reference the sales order associated with the price validation, ensuring that the validation is applied to the correct order. |
OrderNumber | String | Unique order number assigned to the sales order, providing a reference for tracking and reporting within Oracle Fusion Order Management. |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | Transaction number from the source system that identifies the original transaction linked to the price validation, ensuring consistency in cross-system integration. |
SourceTransactionSystem | String | Name of the source system from which the transaction data originated, maintaining data integrity and traceability during system integrations. |
ToDate | Date | End date when the price validation is no longer valid. This date marks the expiration of the validation period, ensuring that the validation is applied only within the specified timeframe. |