CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Bill-to Customers resource manages the bill-to customer that the sales order header references.


Name Type Description
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] Long SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] Long LinesFulfillLineId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
AddressId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer address.
CustomerAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account that is legally responsible for payment. This account exists when a selling relationship exists between the deploying company and the party.
PartyName String Name of the party who is legally responsible for payment.
AccountDescription String Description of the account who is legally responsible for payment. This account exists when a selling relationship exists between the deploying company and the party.
AccountNumber String Number of the customer account who is legally responsible for payment. This account exists when a selling relationship exists between the deploying company and the party.
PersonFirstName String If a person is legally responsible for payment, then this attribute contains the first name of the person.
PersonLastName String If a person is legally responsible for payment, then this attribute contains the last name of the person.
PersonMiddleName String If a person is legally responsible for payment, then this attribute contains the middle name of the person.
PersonNameSuffix String If a person is legally responsible for payment, then this attribute contains the name suffix of the person.
PersonTitle String If a person is legally responsible for payment, then this attribute contains the title of the person.
SiteUseId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account site that is legally responsible for payment.
Address1 String First line of the bill-to customer address.
Address2 String Second line of the bill-to customer address.
Address3 String Third line of the bill-to customer address.
Address4 String Fourth line of the bill-to customer address.
City String City of the bill-to customer address.
State String State of the bill-to customer address.
PostalCode String Postal code of the bill-to customer address.
County String County of the bill-to customer address.
Province String Province of the bill-to customer address.
Country String Country of the bill-to customer address.
ContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the contact for the billing account.
ContactName String Person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactNumber String Telephone number of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactFirstName String First name of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactMiddleName String Middle name of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactLastName String Last name of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactNameSuffix String Name suffix of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
ContactTitle String Title of the person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
PreferredContactPointId Long Value that uniquely identifies the email for the preferred contact point for the contact at the account who is responsible for payment.
SourceAddressId String Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer address. Value is 1.
Finder String Finder of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
FromDate Date FromDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
HeaderId Long HeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
OrderKey String OrderKey of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
OrderNumber String OrderNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
SourceTransactionNumber String SourceTransactionNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
SourceTransactionSystem String SourceTransactionSystem of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer
ToDate Date ToDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer

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Build 24.0.9111