Tracks numerical values for flexfields, facilitating numerical attribute management.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Decimal | The unique identifier for each flexfield character value related to a number ID, used to track and reference individual numeric values within the system. |
Value | String | The actual value of the flexfield character, representing the numeric data stored for a particular field in the system. |
Description | String | A description of the flexfield character value, providing additional context or explanation about what the numeric value represents. |
StartDateActive | Date | The start date when the flexfield character value becomes active, used to track when it starts to be valid or applicable for processing. |
EndDateActive | Date | The end date when the flexfield character value is no longer active, helping track when it expires or is deactivated. |
EnabledFlag | String | Flag indicating whether the flexfield character value is enabled. A value of 'true' means the value is active and usable, while 'false' means it is disabled. |
SummaryFlag | String | Flag indicating whether the flexfield character value is a summary value. If 'true', the value represents a summarized or aggregated result. |
ValueSetCode | String | Code representing the set of values that the flexfield character value belongs to, helping to categorize and validate the possible numeric values. |
Bind_DataSource | String | The data source from which the flexfield character values are derived or bound, indicating the origin of the numeric values. |
Bind_FinderContext | String | The context in which the finder tool is used for selecting flexfield character values, helping to define the scope or conditions for searching for numeric values. |
Bind_FinderDateFlag | String | Flag indicating whether the finder context includes a date filter. If 'true', the context is filtered by date values when searching for character values. |
Bind_ValidationDate | Date | The validation date for the flexfield character value, specifying when the numeric value should be validated or used for date-sensitive operations. |
Finder | String | A tool or method used to search and locate specific flexfield character values, helping users find and select numeric values based on search criteria. |
Flex_vst_bind1 | String | Bind parameter 1 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind10 | String | Bind parameter 10 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind11 | String | Bind parameter 11 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind12 | String | Bind parameter 12 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind13 | String | Bind parameter 13 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind14 | String | Bind parameter 14 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind15 | String | Bind parameter 15 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind16 | String | Bind parameter 16 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind17 | String | Bind parameter 17 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind18 | String | Bind parameter 18 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind19 | String | Bind parameter 19 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind2 | String | Bind parameter 2 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind20 | String | Bind parameter 20 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind3 | String | Bind parameter 3 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind4 | String | Bind parameter 4 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind5 | String | Bind parameter 5 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind6 | String | Bind parameter 6 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind7 | String | Bind parameter 7 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind8 | String | Bind parameter 8 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |
Flex_vst_bind9 | String | Bind parameter 9 for the flexfield character value, used for binding specific conditions or values related to the flexfield numeric value. |