CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages individual configuration lines, defining specific details for each line.


Name Type Description
ConfigurationsConfigHeaderId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the configuration header associated with the configuration lines, linking the configuration lines to a specific configuration.
ConfigurationsConfigRevisionId [KEY] Long Identifier for the revision of the configuration header, allowing for tracking and versioning of changes to the configuration lines associated with it.
ConfigHeaderId [KEY] Long Identifier for the configuration header, used to associate each configuration line with the correct overall configuration.
ConfigRevisionId [KEY] Long Revision identifier for the configuration, used to track changes to the configuration lines and ensure correct version control.
ConfigLineId Long Unique identifier for a specific configuration line, representing a single line item or section in the configuration.
ParentConfigLineId Long Identifier for the parent configuration line, used to establish hierarchical relationships between configuration lines, if applicable.
InventoryItemId Long Unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the configuration line, linking the line to a specific product or part.
InventoryOrganizationId Long Identifier for the inventory organization to which the inventory item belongs, helping to categorize and organize inventory data for configurations.
UnitQuantity Decimal Quantity of the inventory item in the configuration line, typically used to specify the number of units required for this configuration line.
UomCode String Code representing the unit of measure for the inventory item in the configuration line, ensuring that quantities are interpreted in the correct unit format (for example, pieces or boxes).
ConfiguratorPath String Path that defines the configurator logic or flow followed during the configuration process, helping to track the steps or options chosen.
InventoryItemNumber String Unique identifier for the inventory item within the catalog, providing a reference to the specific product or part being used in the configuration.
InventoryOrganizationCode String Code identifying the inventory organization in which the inventory item is located, providing context for where the item resides within the organization.
InventoryItemType Decimal Type identifier for the inventory item, which helps to classify the item (for example, product, service, part) and associate it with relevant rules or categories.
LineQuantity Decimal Quantity of the configuration lines themselves, often used to specify the number of instances of this particular line within the configuration.
ConfigurationId String Unique identifier for the configuration, linking the configuration lines to the larger configuration setup, ensuring consistency and accuracy in processing.
Finder String A tool or method used to search and locate specific configuration lines, typically used for filtering or identifying particular lines within the larger configuration setup.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175