CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Installed Base Assets resource manages the customer and maintainable assets.


Name Type Description
ActiveEndDate Datetime Date when the asset becomes inactive. For maintenance assets, the asset active end date must be a future date. For customer assets, the asset active end date must be a past date and not earlier than the customer active start date. When the asset end date is populated, the other asset attributes cannot be updated.
AssetId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the asset. The application generates this value when it creates the asset. This attribute is read-only.
AssetNumber String Value that uniquely identifies the asset. This attribute is optional. If you do not provide a value, the application uses the asset identifier.
BOMExplosionFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then create component assets. Expand the primary bill of materials for the item, and then use the bill of materials for the components to create child items for the asset. If false, then do not create child assets from the primary bill of material. The default value is false.
CompetitorAssetFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the asset represents a competitor asset. if false, then the asset does not represents a competitor asset. The default value is false.
CurrentLocationContextCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the location context where the asset currently resides. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CSE_CURRENT_LOC_CONTEXT. This attribute is required to create the asset.
CurrentLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the location where the asset currently resides. You can provide the value for this attribute when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION or ORA_INTERNAL_LOCATION.
CustomerAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer account to which the asset is billed.
CustomerAccountSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer account site for the asset. This site must be part of the customer account.
CustomerAccountSiteUseId Long Value that uniquely identifies the usage of the customer account site for the asset. This attribute must be part of the customer account site.
CustomerAssetEndDate Datetime Date and time when the customer asset becomes inactive. If this attribute contains a value, then you cannot update other asset attributes.
CustomerAssetStartDate Datetime Date and time when the customer asset becomes active. The application uses the shipment date to determine the value for this attribute. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerBillingPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer party that the application bills for the asset. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerBillingPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the billing party site for the customer. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer party who currently owns or uses the asset. You need a customer to create a customer asset. You can provide values for either CustomerId or CustomerNumber.
CustomerSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer site where the asset currently resides. You can provide this attribute when the value for CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_CUSTOMER.
CustomerSitePartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer site party where the asset is located.
Description String Description of an asset. You can use this attribute to describe the asset features, characteristics, and so on.
DfltWoSubTypeCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the work order sub type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_MNT_WO_SUB_TYPE. The application uses this attribute to set the work order subtype when it creates a work order for the asset.
DfltWoTypeCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the work order type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_MNT_WO_TYPE. The application uses this attribute to set the work order type when it creates a work order for the asset.
FulfillLineId Long FulfillLineId of InstalledBaseAssets
InServiceDate Date Date and time when the organization put the asset in service. The in-service date must occur after the installed date.
InstalledDate Date Date and time when the organization installed the asset. The installed date must occur after the shipment date and before the in-service date.
LocatorId Long LocatorId of InstalledBaseAssets
IotEnabledFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then synchronize the asset with the application that controls the lot. If false, then do not synchronize. The default value is true. The response payload translates Y to true and N to false.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item that the asset references. You need an item to create an asset when ItemRequiredFlag is true. You can provide values for either itemId or ItemNumber. For customer assets, the item associated with the asset must have the value of Enable Asset Tracking set to Customer Asset or Full Lifecycle. For enterprise assets, the item must have the value of Enable Asset Tracking set to Full Lifecycle.
OperatingOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the organization that creates or operates the asset. You need the organization identifier to create an enterprise asset for a customer asset. If the organization is not provided the application uses the item master organization. You can provide values for either OperatingOrganizationId or OperatingOrganizationCode.
ItemRevision String Number that identifies the item revision that the asset references.
LocationOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the organization where the asset currently resides. You can provide the location organization if the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_WORK CENTER.
LotNumber String Number that uniquely identifying the lot that that the asset references to control the item in inventory. This attribute is applicable when the item is lot controlled. If the lot number does not exist in the inventory, then the application creates a lot in the inventory application.
MaintainableFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then enable the asset for a maintenance activity such as a maintenance program or maintenance work order. If false, then do not enable. The default value is true for maintainable items.
NewWoAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then allow the application to create a work order for the asset. If false, then do not allow. The default value is true for maintainable items.
PurchaseDate Date Date and time when the customer purchased the asset. If you provide the registration date, then you must provide the purchase date. The purchased date must occur before the registration date.
Quantity Decimal Quantity for the item that the asset references. If the item is serial controlled, then the quantity cannot exceed one. This attribute is required to create the asset.
RegistrationDate Date Date and time when the customer registered the asset.
SalesOrderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the sales order that is used to order the asset.
SalesOrderLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the line of the sales order that is used to order the asset.
SalesOrderLineNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the line of the sales order that is used to order the asset.
SalesOrderNumber String Number that identifies the sales order that is used to order the asset.
SalesOrderSourceSystem String Name of the source application where the sales order originated. If SalesOrderSourceSystemType is ORA_EXTERNAL, then SalesOrderSourceSystem contains the name of the source application that is not an Oracle Fusion application. If SalesOrderSourceSystemType is ORA_INTERNAL, then SalesOrderSourceSystem identifies the Oracle Fusion application.
SalesOrderSourceSystemType String Description of the type of source application. This attribute is read-only.
SerialNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the serial that the asset references. This attribute is used when item is serial controlled. If the serial number does not exist in the inventory, then the application creates a serial in the inventory application.
ShipmentDate Datetime Date when the asset is shipped to the customer. This attribute is optional. If you do not provide a value, the application uses the application date.
SoldByBusinessUnitId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that sold the asset. This attribute is optional.
SplitFromAssetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the split from asset reference. For non-serial assets, when assets are split during partial return, the new asset created with the remaining quantity will have this split from asset reference.
SubinventoryCode String SubinventoryCode of InstalledBaseAssets
UOMCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the unit of measure for the asset quantity. It must use the same unit of measure that the item uses as the primary unit of measure. If this attribute is empty, then the application sets the value to the item primary unit of measure.
UpdateContractFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application interfaces the asset change to the enterprise contract application. If false, then the asset change is not interfaced to enterprise contract application. The default value is true. This attribute is used when you import the asset and the contract through enterprise contract. Set this attribute to false only if you are certain that the application must handle each contract update separately, or if the update does not apply in the context.
WorkCenterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the work center where the asset currently resides. You can provide the work center when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_WORK CENTER.
WorkCenterName String WorkCenterName of InstalledBaseAssets
CustomerSitePartyName String CustomerSitePartyName of InstalledBaseAssets
CustomerSiteName String CustomerSiteName of InstalledBaseAssets
CustomerAccountName String CustomerAccountName of InstalledBaseAssets
CustomerAccountSiteName String CustomerAccountSiteName of InstalledBaseAssets
OperatingOrganizationCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the organization that creates or operates the asset. You need the organization code to create an enterprise asset for a customer asset. If the organization is not provided, the application uses the item master organization. You can provide values for either OperatingOrganizationId or OperatingOrganizationCode.
ManageAssetPrivilege String Contains one of the following values. C: Customer asset responsibility. M : Enterprise asset responsibility. MC: Super user responsibility.
ItemNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the item that the asset references. You need an item to create an asset when ItemRequiredFlag is true. You can provide values for either itemId or ItemNumber. For customer assets, the item associated with the asset must have the value of Enable Asset Tracking set to Customer Asset or Full Lifecycle. For enterprise assets, the item must have the value of Enable Asset Tracking set to Full Lifecycle.
CustomerName String Name of the customer who currently owns or uses the asset. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the customer who currently owns or uses the asset. You need a customer to create a customer asset. You can provide values for either CustomerId or CustomerNumber.
ItemRequiredFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the item is required to create an asset. If false, then the item is not required to create an asset. The default value is false.
Country String Country of the external address where the asset is located. You can provide a value for this attribute when CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
City String City of the external address where the asset is located. You can provide a value for this attribute when CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
PostalCode String Abbreviation that identifies the postal area where the asset resides. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
State String State where the asset is located. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
Address1 String First line of the address where the asset is located. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
Address2 String Second line of the external address where the asset is located. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
Address3 String Third line of the external address where the asset is located. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
Address4 String Fourth line of the external address where the asset is located. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
Province String Province where the asset resides. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
County String County of the external address where the asset is located. You can provide a value for this attribute when CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_EXTERNAL_LOCATION.
CurrentLocationContext String CurrentLocationContext of InstalledBaseAssets
LocatorName String LocatorName of InstalledBaseAssets
CurrentLocationName String CurrentLocationName of InstalledBaseAssets
ContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the asset contact. You must provide either the contact identifier or the contact number or the contact name to associate a contact to the asset. This attribute is optional and updatable. The contact identifier corresponds to the party identifier in the customer data model where the asset contact is defined as person-type party.
ContactName String Name of the contact person of the asset. This attribute is same as the party name in the customer data model where the party type is PERSON. The contact name is the concatenation of first name, middle name, last name, and the suffix. The contact name is not unique. You can use contact identifier, contact number, or contact name to create or update the asset contact.
ContactNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the contact person of the asset. This attribute is same as the party number in the customer data model where the party type is PERSON. For enterprise assets, the contact person would be the employee identified with usage as HR Employee. For customer assets, the contact person would be a contact with usage as customer contact. You can use contact identifier, contact number, or contact name to create or update the asset contact.
ParentAssetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent asset number to which the imported asset needs to be added.
StructureActionCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the import action to be performed on the asset relationship. Valid values are ORA_ADD or ORA_REMOVE. ORA_ADD: Add the imported asset to a parent asset. ORA_REMOVE: Remove the asset from its parent asset. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CSE_ASSET_IMP_CONF_ACTION.
WorkCenterCode String Abbreviation that identifies the work center where the asset resides. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_WORK CENTER.
CustomerAccountNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the customer account to which the asset is billed. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerAccountSiteNumber String Number that identifies the site of the customer account for the asset. This attribute is read-only.
SoldByBusinessUnitName String Name of the business unit that sold the asset. This attribute is read-only.
LocationOrganizationCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the organization where the asset currently resides. You can add the components of the address when the value of CurrentLocationContextCode is ORA_WORK CENTER.
CustomerSiteNumber String Value that uniquely identifies the customer site where the asset currently resides. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerSitePartyNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the customer site party where the asset is located. This attribute is read-only.
CustomerAccountSiteUseCode String Abbreviation that identifies the usage of the customer account site for the asset. This attribute is read-only.
ItemCustomerSelfServiceFlag Bool ItemCustomerSelfServiceFlag of InstalledBaseAssets
ItemServiceRequestEnabledCode String ItemServiceRequestEnabledCode of InstalledBaseAssets
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of InstalledBaseAssets
ItemLongDescription String ItemLongDescription of InstalledBaseAssets
SecondaryQuantity Decimal Secondary quantity of product that the asset references. If item is not defined as dual UOM item or if conversion for the secondary UOM is set to fix, this quantity is not required. If dual UOM conversion is set to default, this quantity will override the defaulted quantity. If conversion is no default, this quantity is required. Secondary UOM is defaulted from setup.
SecondaryUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the asset secondary quantity unit of measure. The secondary unit of measure is not required to create an asset. If provided it must be the same than the asset item secondary unit of measure. If not provided the value is defaulted from the asset item secondary unit of measure.
CustomerPartyType String Value that identifies the party type of the customer of the asset.The Customer can be of either Organization party or Person party.
ReturnSourceOrderNumber String Reference the unique identifier the Number of the Return Source Sales Order Number. This is a read-only and it is a system generated number when return sales order is created.
ReturnOrderNumber String Reference the unique identifier the Number of the Return Sales Order Number. This attribute is read-only and it is a system generated number when return sales order is created.
ReturnOrderFulfillLineId Long Value that unique identify the Return Order Fulfill Line Identifier. This Attribute is read-only and it is a system generated number when return sales order is created.
ReturnOrderId Long Value the unique identify the Return Order Identifier. This Attribute is read-only and it is a system generated number when return sales order is created.
ReturnOrderLineId Long Value that unique identify the Return Order Line Identifier. This attribute is read-only and it is a system generated number when return sales order is created.
OperatingOrganizationName String OperatingOrganizationName of InstalledBaseAssets
CurrentLocationNameFormatted String CurrentLocationNameFormatted of InstalledBaseAssets
Finder String Finder of InstalledBaseAssets

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Build 24.0.9111