CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Maintains detailed records for service events, including technician data, customer accounts, and service outcomes.


Name Type Description
AssetId Long The unique identifier assigned to the asset involved in the service logistics debrief.
BillToPartySiteId Long The unique identifier of the bill-to party site, specifying where the customer’s bill is directed.
BUOrgId Long The unique identifier of the business unit that is responsible for creating and managing the sales order.
CustomerAccountId Long The unique identifier of the customer account associated with the debrief record, used for tracking customer-related transactions.
DebriefHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the debrief header record, linking to the detailed service or repair activities.
DebriefNumber String A unique identifier for the debrief header record, typically assigned sequentially.
DebriefStatusCode String An abbreviation identifying the current status of the debrief header, which can be one of several predefined statuses from the 'ORA_RCL_DEBRIEF_STATUS' lookup.
FreezePrice String Indicates whether the price is fixed (frozen) when creating the sales order. This option ensures the price does not change after the debrief is processed.
ObjectVersionNumber Int A number used for optimistic locking to prevent simultaneous updates to the same record by different sessions. It is incremented every time the record is updated.
ParentEntityCode String An abbreviation that identifies the parent entity type for the debrief, such as a work order or service request.
ParentEntityId Long The unique identifier of the parent entity (such work order or service request) related to the debrief header.
ParentEntityName String The name of the parent entity associated with the debrief, such as a specific work order or service request.
PartyId Long The unique identifier of the customer party (from the HZ_PARTIES table) associated with the service logistics debrief record.
ProductItemId Long The unique identifier of the product (from the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS table) associated with the service logistics debrief record.
ProductSerialNumber String The serial number of the product involved in the debrief, used for identifying individual product instances.
TechnicianPartyId Long The unique identifier of the technician resource (from the HZ_PARTIES table) associated with the debrief record.
ProductItemNumber String The product number that uniquely identifies the item involved in the service logistics debrief.
BUName String The name of the business unit where the sales order for the debrief is created.
TechnicianPartyName String The name of the technician assigned to the service task associated with the debrief.
CustomerName String The name of the customer involved in the service request or debrief.
CustomerAccountNumber String The account number associated with the customer for billing and transaction tracking.
AssetNumber String The unique asset number that identifies the asset involved in the service logistics process.
ParentEntityCodeMeaning String The detailed meaning of the parent entity code, referring to the entity type such as work order or service request.
ParentEntityNumber String The identification number of the parent document associated with the service logistics debrief record.
CostOrganizationName String The name of the cost organization managing the maintenance and service tasks for the debrief.
CostOrganizationCode String The abbreviation or code identifying the maintenance organization handling the debrief.
CostOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the maintenance organization responsible for processing the debrief.
WorkOrderSubTypeMeaning String The description of the work order subtype used for categorizing debrief-related work orders.
WorkOrderSubTypeCode String An abbreviation identifying the work order subtype related to the service or maintenance task for the debrief.
ProductItemDescription String The description of the product involved in the debrief, detailing the item or service being worked on.
BillToAddress String The billing address associated with the debrief, indicating where the invoice will be sent.
PurchaseOrder String The purchase order number associated with the service request for the debrief header.
ServiceRequestId Long The unique identifier of the service request that initiated the debrief.
ServiceRequestNumber String The number associated with the service request, used for tracking and referencing the request in the system.
DebriefStatus String The status of the debrief, indicating whether the service task has been completed, is in progress, or other statuses.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the debrief record was created in the system.
CreatedBy String The user who created the debrief record, typically the technician or system administrator.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the debrief record was last updated or modified.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the debrief record, typically a technician or manager.
LastUpdateLogin String The login identifier of the user who last updated the debrief record.
RepriceFlag Bool Indicates whether the debrief should trigger a repricing process. If true, the system will initiate repricing for the debrief.
CurrencyCode String The currency code used for repricing the debrief, such as USD or EUR.
TechnicianPartyNumber String The technician’s unique party number in the debriefing system, used for identifying the technician.
TechnicianEmailAddress String The email address of the technician assigned to the debrief, used for communication purposes.
OrderId Decimal The unique order ID related to the debriefing process, used for tracking.
OrderNumber String The order number associated with the debrief, used for referencing the specific transaction.
CreateChargesFlag Bool Indicates whether charges created for maintenance work orders should be included in the debrief transaction.
Quantity Decimal The quantity of items or units involved in the debrief process.
ReceivedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items that have been received or processed in the debrief.
ShipToPartySiteId Long The unique identifier for the ship-to party site where the debrief service was performed.
ShipToAddress String The shipping address associated with the debrief, where items or services are delivered.
Finder String A generic search term used for locating debrief records in the system.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175