ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Item Categories resource manages the category details. A category is used to manage the catalog hierarchy. Items are assigned to categories in the catalog.


Name Type Description
CategoryId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the item category. This value should not be used in service calls to create categories in catalogs.
CategoryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the item category in user interface.
CategoryName String Name of the category.
CatalogId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the item catalog.
CatalogCode String Abbreviation that identifies the item catalog.
ParentCategoryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the parent category in a category hierarchy.
Description String Description of the category.
StartDate Date Date when the item category becomes active.
EndDate Date Date when the category becomes inactive.
ItemsOnlyFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the category can have only items assigned to it. If false, the category can have both items and child categories assigned to it. The default value is false.
SharedFlag Bool SharedFlag of ItemCategories
CreationDateTime Datetime CreationDateTime of ItemCategories
LastUpdateDateTime Datetime LastUpdateDateTime of ItemCategories
Bind_CatalogCode String Bind_CatalogCode of ItemCategories
Finder String Finder of ItemCategories
FunctionalAreaId Long FunctionalAreaId of ItemCategories

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Build 24.0.9111