ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Payments resource manages payment details of the order.


Name Type Description
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] Long SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
PaymentTransactionId [KEY] Long PaymentTransactionId of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
Amount Decimal Amount authorized for the payment.
AuthorizationStatusCode String Status of the payment. Values include Pass or Fail.
AuthorizationStatus String Authorization status of the payment transaction. Values include Pass or Fail.
AuthorizedInSourceFlag Bool AuthorizedInSourceFlag of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
AuthorizedOn Datetime Date when the application authorized payment.
InstrumentAssignmentId Long InstrumentAssignmentId of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
OriginalSystemPaymentReference String Value that uniquely identifies the payment details from the source application.
PaymentTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the payment type.
PaymentType String Name of the payment method for the transaction.
PaymentSetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the group of payments for one prepaid sales order. If the payment is a prepayment, then this attribute uses a foreign key to reference billing.
PaymentMethod String Name of the billing payment method.
TransactionExtensionId Long Value that identifies the payment transaction extension in the payment system.
UniquePaymentReference String UniquePaymentReference of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
PaymentMethodCode Long Abbreviation that identifies the payment method. The application uses this payment method on the invoice to collect the open balance.
CardTokenNumber String Token number issued by the tokenization service provider corresponding to a card number. This is a required field for card token and authorization import.
CardFirstName String First name of the card holder.
CardLastName String Last name of the card holder.
CardExpirationDate String Date when the card is no longer valid. The value is provided in the YYYY/MM/DD format.
CardIssuerCode String Value that identifies the card issuer; for example, Visa or MasterCard.
MaskedCardNumber String Masked format that displays only the last four digits of a card number, and replaces all other digits with X. This attribute is used for security purposes. The length of the masked card number should match the actual length of the number provided by the card issuer. For example, the masked card number for a Visa card number is XXXXXXXXXXXX2345.
AuthorizationRequestId String Value that uniquely identifies the authorization request received from the tokenization service provider to authorize the card number. If you want to import a card authorization other than the Card Token Number, then you must provide either the Card Authorization Request Identifier or the Card Voice Authorization Code. If both are provided, then the Card Authorization Request Identifier takes precedence.
VoiceAuthorizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the card authorization. If you want to import a card authorization other than the Card Token Number, then you must provide either the Card Authorization Request Identifier or the Card Voice Authorization Code. If both are provided, then the Card Authorization Request Identifier takes precedence.
PaymentServerOrderNumber String Number that identifies the card payment that was authorized by Oracle Payments Cloud.
AuthorizedAmount Decimal Authorized amount received from the tokenization service provider to authorize the transaction. The authorized amount must be provided if the authorization request identifier is sent in the payload.
Finder String Finder of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
FromDate Date FromDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
HeaderId Long HeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
OrderKey String OrderKey of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
OrderNumber String OrderNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
SourceTransactionNumber String SourceTransactionNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
SourceTransactionSystem String SourceTransactionSystem of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments
ToDate Date ToDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments

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Build 24.0.9111