ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


Automatically schedule.


Name Type Description
CallingInstance String Value that indicates the unique identifier of the source application.
CallingModule String Value that indicates the identifier of the module.
FulfillmentLineEntryList String Values that contain the attributes of the fulfillment line request entry.
ReleaseNumber String Number that indicates the release of Oracle Distributed Order Orchestration Cloud.
RequestCreationDate Datetime Date and time when the check availability request was created for the fulfillment line.
RequestTimeZone String Time zone from which the ship method request originated.
UniqueOrderIdentifier String Value that uniquely identifies the order.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
FulfillmentLineEntryResultList String Values that contain the web response for the fulfillment line entry.
PromiseDateTime String Date and time when the promise is generated by Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud.
PromisingInstance String Value that uniquely identifies the source application.
PromisingSystem String Value that identifies the Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud application that performed the availability check.

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Build 24.0.9111