ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Subinventories for Work Centers resource manages the subinventories that each work center uses. You can use only one subinventory as the supply subinventory for each work center.


Name Type Description
WorkCentersWorkCenterId [KEY] Long WorkCentersWorkCenterId of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory
WorkCenterSubinventoryId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the subinventory associated with the work center that this subinventory references.
WorkCenterId Long WorkCenterId of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory
WorkCenterSubInvType String WorkCenterSubInvType of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory
SubinventoryName String Name of the subinventory.
LocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the subinventory locator that this locator references.
Locator String Subinventory locator that this locator references. Do not use this attribute with a POST or PATCH operation.
ChangedDate Date ChangedDate of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory
Finder String Finder of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory
ResourceId Long ResourceId of WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory

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Build 24.0.9111