ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Process Work Orders resource manages details about what, how to, how many, and when to manufacture a primary product. This resource is used in an inventory organization that's identified as a process manufacturing plant. Each process work order describes the primary output item, by-products, operations, resources, input items, quantities, dates, and descriptive flexfields.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization that's enabled for manufacturing. It's a primary key of the inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the inventory organization that's enabled for manufacturing.
OrganizationName String OrganizationName of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkOrderId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the work order. It's a primary key that the application generates when it creates the work order.
WorkOrderNumber String Number that identifies the work order. This number is unique in the manufacturing organization. The user can manually assign the number when the user creates the work order, or can allow the application to create a unique number from the numbering scheme that the following plant parameters define: Work Order Prefix or Work Order Starting Number.
WorkOrderDescription String Description of the work order.
WorkOrderType String Type of work order that the user selected when creating the work order.
WorkOrderTypeDescription String WorkOrderTypeDescription of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkOrderSubType String Description of the work being performed. Values include Standard Production, Prototyping, or Repair.
WorkOrderSubTypeDescription String WorkOrderSubTypeDescription of ProcessWorkOrders
ProcessName String Unique name of a process work definition. Either Process Name or Primary Output is required to create a process work order.
PrimaryProductId Long Value that uniquely identifies the primary output of the process work order. This is auto-populated by the application from the outputs of work order operation outputs.
ItemNumber String Number that identifies the item, which is an primary output of the work order.
Description String Description of ProcessWorkOrders
PrimaryProductQuantity Decimal Planned production quantity for the work order.
PrimaryProductUOMCode String PrimaryProductUOMCode of ProcessWorkOrders
PrimaryProductUnitOfMeasure String PrimaryProductUnitOfMeasure of ProcessWorkOrders
ItemRevision String ItemRevision of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkDefinitionAsOfDate Datetime As-of date that the work definition uses to determine the work definition version.
WorkDefinitionId Long WorkDefinitionId of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkDefinitionCode String WorkDefinitionCode of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkDefinitionVersionId Long WorkDefinitionVersionId of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkDefinitionVersionNumber String WorkDefinitionVersionNumber of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkDefinitionName String WorkDefinitionName of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkOrderPriority Decimal Priority to use when determining when to run the work order in relation to other work orders.
WorkOrderStatusId Long Value that uniquely identifies the work order status. A list of all the valid work order statuses can be retrieved using the workOrderStatuses resource.
WorkOrderStatusName String WorkOrderStatusName of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkOrderStatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the work order status. A list of all the valid work order statuses can be retrieved using the workOrderStatuses resource.
WorkOrderSystemStatusCode String WorkOrderSystemStatusCode of ProcessWorkOrders
SchedulingMethod String Scheduling method that the application uses to schedule the work order. The default value is DEFAULT_SCHEDULING.
BatchQuantity Decimal Quantity of material either consumed or produced in the production process. It can be based on the total quantity of the input items or output items. Batch Quantity is required if Process Name is specified during work order create action.
CompletedQuantity Decimal CompletedQuantity of ProcessWorkOrders
ScrappedQuantity Decimal ScrappedQuantity of ProcessWorkOrders
RejectedQuantity Decimal RejectedQuantity of ProcessWorkOrders
NettableSupplyQuantityOverride Decimal Quantity that the planning application uses as supply from the work order.
UOMCode String UOMCode of ProcessWorkOrders
UnitOfMeasure String UnitOfMeasure of ProcessWorkOrders
FirmPlannedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then planning does not consider the work order when rescheduling or re-planning. If false, then planning can suggest rescheduling and re-planning recommendations with respect to the work order. The default value is false.
PlannedStartDate Datetime Date and time when the work order is scheduled to start.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime Date and time when the work order is scheduled to complete.
ActualStartDate Datetime ActualStartDate of ProcessWorkOrders
ActualCompletionDate Datetime ActualCompletionDate of ProcessWorkOrders
ReleasedDate Datetime Date when the work order is released.
ClosedDate Datetime Date when the user closed the work order.
CanceledDate Datetime CanceledDate of ProcessWorkOrders
DelayStatus Int DelayStatus of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkOrderDate Datetime WorkOrderDate of ProcessWorkOrders
CanceledReason String Reason for canceling the work order.
OvercomplToleranceType String Tolerance type for completing more work than the work order quantity requires.
OvercomplToleranceValue Decimal Percent or quantity to allow the finished work to exceed the work order quantity.
OvercomplToleranceTypeDescription String OvercomplToleranceTypeDescription of ProcessWorkOrders
UndercomplToleranceType String Tolerance type for completing less work than the work order quantity requires. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
UndercomplToleranceValue Decimal Percent or quantity to allow the finished work to subceed the work order quantity. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
UndercomplToleranceTypeDescription String UndercomplToleranceTypeDescription of ProcessWorkOrders
UnderCompletedFlag Bool UnderCompletedFlag of ProcessWorkOrders
SupplyType String Default supply type to use for the work order material.
SupplyTypeDescription String SupplyTypeDescription of ProcessWorkOrders
PreassignLotFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then one or more lot numbers can be preassigned to a product in the work order. If false, then lot numbers can't be preassigned to a product in the work order. A product is any type of production output, whether it's the primary product, co-product, or by-product. The value of this attribute is copied from the work definition and does not have a default value. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ResequenceFlag Bool ResequenceFlag of ProcessWorkOrders
OrchestrationCode String OrchestrationCode of ProcessWorkOrders
InterfaceSourceCode String InterfaceSourceCode of ProcessWorkOrders
ScoSupplyOrderId Long ScoSupplyOrderId of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceSystemType String Type of source application. Values include INTERNAL or EXTERNAL.
SourceSystemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source application.
SourceHeaderReference String SourceHeaderReference of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long SourceHeaderReferenceId of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceLineReference String SourceLineReference of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceLineReferenceId Long SourceLineReferenceId of ProcessWorkOrders
ProjectNumber String ProjectNumber of ProcessWorkOrders
TaskNumber String TaskNumber of ProcessWorkOrders
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ProcessWorkOrders
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ProcessWorkOrders
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ProcessWorkOrders
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ProcessWorkOrders
ExplosionFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application creates work order operations, operation materials, and operation resources from the work definition on the work order header. If false, then the application does not create these operations, materials, or resources from the work definition. The default value is false.
BackToBackFlag String BackToBackFlag of ProcessWorkOrders
ContractMfgFlag String ContractMfgFlag of ProcessWorkOrders
DueDays Int DueDays of ProcessWorkOrders
Finder String Finder of ProcessWorkOrders
InventoryItemId Long InventoryItemId of ProcessWorkOrders
MaterialItemId Long MaterialItemId of ProcessWorkOrders
ProductSerialId Long ProductSerialId of ProcessWorkOrders
ResourceId Long ResourceId of ProcessWorkOrders
SerialNumber String SerialNumber of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceHeaderRefId Long SourceHeaderRefId of ProcessWorkOrders
SourceLineRefId Long SourceLineRefId of ProcessWorkOrders
Tolerance Int Tolerance of ProcessWorkOrders
WoProjectNumber String WoProjectNumber of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkAreaId Long WorkAreaId of ProcessWorkOrders
WorkCenterId Long WorkCenterId of ProcessWorkOrders
WoTaskNumber String WoTaskNumber of ProcessWorkOrders

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Build 24.0.9111