ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Charges resource manages the asset charges. The asset charge provides pricing details that are used for a flow such as billing or contract renewal.


Name Type Description
InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId [KEY] Long InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId of InstalledBaseAssetscharges
AssetChargeId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the asset charge. The application creates this value when it creates the asset charge. This attribute is read-only.
AssetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the asset that the application charges. The application uses the asset that the charge references to determine the value for this attribute. This attribute is read-only.
ChargeComponentsRollupFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the charge component represents the aggregated value of the rollup charge. If false, then the charge component does not represent this value. The default value is false.
ChargeDefinitionCode String Abbreviation that identifies the definition for the pricing charge. This attribute is required to define the asset charge.
ChargesRollupFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the pricing charge is a rollup charge. If false, then the pricing charge is not a rollup charge. The default value is false.
CurrencyCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the currency that the pricing charge uses. This attribute is required to define the charge for asset pricing.
PriceElementCode String Abbreviation that identifies the pricing element of the pricing charge. This attribute is required to define the asset charge.
PriceElementUsageCode String Abbreviation that indicates whether the unit price in the pricing element is the list price or the net price.
PricePeriodicityCode String Abbreviation that identifies the recurring timeframe that the application uses to price the charge such as month or year.
PricedQuantityUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the quantity that the application prices. This attribute is required to define the charge for asset pricing.
PrimaryFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the charge is a primary charge. If false, then the charge is not a primary charge. The default value is false.
TaxIncludedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the asset price includes taxes. If false, then the asset price does not include taxes. The default value is false.
UnitPrice Decimal Unit price of the asset. This is the current price of the asset or price that the organization used when it sold the asset.
Finder String Finder of InstalledBaseAssetscharges

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Build 24.0.9111