ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment lines.


Name Type Description
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsTransactionId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
DeliveryDetailInterfaceId [KEY] Long DeliveryDetailInterfaceId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
LineActionType String Abbreviation that identifies how to process this shipment line. Valid values are CREATE and UPDATE. This attribute is ignored when the action code at the header level is ValidateAndLock, Lock, ReleaseLock, TPUpdate, or TPDelete.
OrderTypeCode String OrderTypeCode of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
Order String Order of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
OrderLine String Sales order line number from the application that stores the order.
OrderSchedule String Sales order shipment number from the application that stores the order.
SourceOrder String SourceOrder of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SourceOrderLine String Number that identifies the source order line within the source order header.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Number that identifies the source order fulfillment line within the source order line.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source order fulfillment line.
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the ship-from organization.
OrganizationName String Name of the inventory organization.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
Item String Value that uniquely identifies the item.
ItemDescription String Description of the inventory item.
RequestedDate Datetime Date when the customer requested the order line.
ScheduledShipDate Datetime Date when the order line is scheduled to be shipped.
RequestedDateTypeCode String Abbreviation that indicates whether the requested date occurs when the material ships or when it arrives.
FreightTermsCode String Abbreviation that identifies the agreement that describes whether the buyer or seller pays the shipping cost of the sales order and when is the payment due. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup WSH_FREIGHT_CHARGE_TERMS.
ShipmentPriorityCode String Abbreviation that identifies the priority of the demand lines to ship. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup WSH_SHIPPING_PRIORITY.
FOBCode String Abbreviation that identifies ownership of the items that are in transit. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup FOB.
GradeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the preferred grade of the item.
CustomerPONumber String Number that identifies the customer purchase order.
CustomerItem String Customer item number.
ShippedQuantity Decimal ShippedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
ConvertedQuantity Decimal ConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
StagedQuantity Decimal StagedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
BackorderedQuantity Decimal BackorderedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
QuantityUOMCode String QuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SecondaryConvertedQuantity Decimal SecondaryConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SecondaryStagedQuantity Decimal SecondaryStagedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SecondaryBackorderedQuantity Decimal SecondaryBackorderedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SecondaryQuantityUOMCode String SecondaryQuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SecondaryQuantityUOM String SecondaryQuantityUOM of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SourceRequestedQuantity Decimal Quantity requested by the customer on the source order line.
SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the requested quantity on the source order line.
SourceRequestedQuantityUOM String Unit of measure for the requested quantity on the source order line.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity Decimal Quantity, in the item's secondary unit of measure, requested on the source order line.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the secondary unit of measure for the requested quantity on the source order line.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM String Secondary unit of measure for the requested quantity on the source order line.
BusinessUnitId Long Value that uniquely identifies the selling business unit.
BusinessUnit String Name of the selling business unit.
CarrierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the carrier.
Carrier String Name of the carrier that transports the shipment.
CarrierNumber String Number that identifies the carrier that transports the shipment.
ModeOfTransportCode String Abbreviation that identifies the mode of transport for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT.
ServiceLevelCode String Abbreviation that identifies the service level for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS.
EarliestPickupDate Datetime Earliest date when the shipment line can be picked up.
LatestPickupDate Datetime Latest date when the shipment line can be picked up.
EarliestDropoffDate Datetime Earliest date when the shipment line can be delivered to the customer.
LatestDropoffDate Datetime Latest date when the shipment line can be delivered to the customer.
ShipToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party.
ShipToCustomer String Name of the party who receives the sales order line that ships.
ShipToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the ship-to party.
ShipToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party site.
ShipToPartySiteNumber String Number that identifies the ship-to party site.
ShipToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to contact for the shipment line.
ShipToContact String Person to contact at the ship-to customer site.
ShipToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the ship-to customer.
SoldToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to party.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the party who purchased the sales order line.
SoldToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the sold-to party.
SoldToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to contact for the shipment line.
SoldToContact String Person to contact at the sold-to customer site.
SoldToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the sold-to customer.
BillToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party for the order line.
BillToCustomer String Name of the party to bill for the sales order line.
BillToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the person to be contacted for any billing details.
BillToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party site.
BillToPartySiteNumber String Number that identifies the bill-to party site.
BillToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to contact for the order line.
BillToContact String Person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
BillToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the bill-to customer.
ShipmentSet String Shipment set that contains the order line.
ArrivalSet String Arrival set that contains the order line.
SourceLineUpdateDate Datetime Date when the source line was most recently updated.
SourceSystemId Long SourceSystemId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
SourceSystem String SourceSystem of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
UnitPrice Decimal Price of item for each unit.
Currency String Abbreviation that identifies the currency of the shipment line.
SellingPrice Decimal Unit of measure for the requested quantity on the source order line.
SellingPriceCurrency String Value that uniquely identifies the type of currency used for the selling price.
ReleaseLockFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then release any existing lock against the fulfillment lines. If false, then retain any existing locks. The default value is false.
ParentItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent item.
ParentItem String Name of the parent item.
ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source shipment of the parent item.
BaseItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the base Assemble to Order (ATO) model information used for internal processing.
BaseItem String Name of the base item.
EndAssemblyItem String Number that identifies the finished assembled item to build by using the item shipped on this shipment line.
SourceSubinventory String Subinventory from which the requested item should be picked if the material is available.
DoNotShipBeforeDate Datetime Date before which the line cannot be shipped.
DoNotShipAfterDate Datetime Date after which the line cannot be shipped.
MaximumOvershipmentPercentage Decimal Maximum percent above the requested quantity that can ship on a shipment line.
MaximumUndershipmentPercentage Decimal Maximum percent below the requested quantity that can ship on a shipment line.
TaxationCountryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country where the transaction has taken place for taxation purposes.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the first party tax registration for the transaction.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Number that identifies the first-party tax registration for the transaction.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the third party tax registration for the transaction.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Number that identifies the third-party tax registration for the transaction.
LocationOfFinalDischargeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the final discharge location.
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode String Value that indicates the final destination location for the purchases made by the customer. The location code of the final customer or where the goods would be used is not necessarily the same as the initial ship-to location.
DocumentFiscalClassificationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the document fiscal classification code.
TransactionBusinessCategoryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the business classification used by Oracle Fusion Tax to identify and categorize an external transaction into a Oracle Fusion Tax transaction.
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the classification for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.
TaxInvoiceNumber String Number of the tax invoice used to meet specific tax reporting requirements of different countries.
TaxInvoiceDate Date Date and time when the tax invoice used to meet specific tax reporting requirements of different countries was generated.
ProductCategoryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the product category of the transaction line.
IntendedUseClassificationId Decimal Value that uniquely identifies the intended use classification.
IntendedUse String Name of the intended use classification identifier.
ProductTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the product type of the inventory item.
AssessableValue Decimal Deemed price at which a product is valued by a tax authority for tax calculation purposes. The same product can have more than one assessable value as given by different tax authorities.
TaxClassificationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the tax classification, a grouping of taxes for reporting, and processing purposes.
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber String Number that identifies the tax exemption certificate.
TaxExemptionReasonCode String Abbreviation that identifies the tax exemption reason.
ProductFiscalClassificationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the product fiscal classification of the transaction line.
ProductFiscalClassification String Category of the attachment.
TransportationPlanningStatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the transportation planning of the shipment line. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup ORA_WSH_TRAN_PLAN_STATUS.
TransportationPlanningDate Datetime Date when the transportation planning of the shipment line is received.
TransportationShipment String Value that identifies the planned shipment from the transportation management application.
TransportationShipmentLine String Value that identifies the planned shipment line from the transportation management application.
InitialDestinationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the initial leg of the transportation planned to deliver the shipment to the final destination.
TradeComplianceStatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the trade compliance screening of the shipment line. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup ORA_WSH_TRD_COMP_STATUS.
TradeComplianceDate Datetime Date when the trade compliance status was updated.
TradeComplianceReason String Reason for the trade compliance screening status.
ProjectSalesOrderFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then project details available with source application. If false, then project details are not available with source application. This attribute does not have a default value.
ProjectCostingProjectId Long Value that uniquely identifies the project for standardized project cost collection.
ProjectCostingProjectNumber String Number that identifies the project for standardized project cost collection.
ProjectCostingProjectName String Name of the project for standardized project cost collection. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ProjectCostingTaskId Long Value that uniquely identifies the task for standardized project cost collection.
ProjectCostingTaskNumber String Number that identifies the task for standardized project cost collection.
ProjectCostingTaskName String Name of the task for standardized project cost collection. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
SrcAttributeCategory String Value that identifies the category for the source application descriptive flexfields.
SrcAttribute1 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the first user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute2 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the second user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute3 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the third user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute4 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fourth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute5 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fifth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute6 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the sixth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute7 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the seventh user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute8 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the eighth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute9 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the ninth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute10 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the tenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute11 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the eleventh user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute12 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the twelfth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute13 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the thirteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute14 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fourteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute15 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fifteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute16 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the sixteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute17 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the seventeenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute18 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the eighteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute19 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the nineteenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttribute20 String Value that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the twentieth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber1 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the first user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber2 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the second user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber3 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the third user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber4 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fourth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber5 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fifth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber6 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the sixth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber7 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the seventh user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber8 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the eighth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber9 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the ninth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeNumber10 Decimal Number that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the tenth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeDate1 Date Date that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the first user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeDate2 Date Date that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the second user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeDate3 Date Date that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the third user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeDate4 Date Date that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fourth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeDate5 Date Date that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fifth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeTimestamp1 Datetime Date and time that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the first user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeTimestamp2 Datetime Date and time that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the second user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeTimestamp3 Datetime Date and time that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the third user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeTimestamp4 Datetime Date and time that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fourth user descriptive flexfield.
SrcAttributeTimestamp5 Datetime Date and time that indicates the source application descriptive flexfield segment of the fifth user descriptive flexfield.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
OriginalItemConvertedQuantity Decimal OriginalItemConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
Finder String Finder of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
FromRequestedDate Datetime FromRequestedDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
FromScheduledShipDate Datetime FromScheduledShipDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
ToRequestedDate Datetime ToRequestedDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
ToScheduledShipDate Datetime ToScheduledShipDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines
TransactionId Long TransactionId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines

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Build 24.0.9111