ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Packing Units resource manages the operations on packing units.


Name Type Description
PackingUnitId [KEY] Long PackingUnitId of PackingUnits
PackingUnit String Name of the packing unit.
ParentPackingUnitId Long ParentPackingUnitId of PackingUnits
ParentPackingUnit String ParentPackingUnit of PackingUnits
OutermostPackingUnitId Long OutermostPackingUnitId of PackingUnits
OutermostPackingUnit String OutermostPackingUnit of PackingUnits
PackingUnitContextMeaning String Description of the packing unit context.
PackingUnitContext String Abbreviation that identifies the packing unit context.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the organization of the packing unit.
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the organization of the packing unit.
ContainerItemNumber String Name of the container item.
ContainerItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the container item.
GrossWeight Decimal Weight of the packing unit and its contents.
GrossWeightUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure of the weight of the packing unit and its contents.
GrossWeightUOMName String GrossWeightUOMName of PackingUnits
TareWeight Decimal Tare weight of the packing unit.
TareWeightUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the tare weight of the packing unit.
TareWeightUOMName String TareWeightUOMName of PackingUnits
NetWeight Decimal Net weight of the packing unit.
NetWeightUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the net weight of the packing unit.
NetWeightUOMName String NetWeightUOMName of PackingUnits
ContainerVolume Decimal Total volume of the packing unit container.
ContainerVolumeUOM String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure of the packing unit container volume.
ContainerVolumeUOMName String ContainerVolumeUOMName of PackingUnits
ContentVolume Decimal Total volume of the packing unit contents.
ContentVolumeUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure of the packing unit content volume.
ContentVolumeUOMName String ContentVolumeUOMName of PackingUnits
SourceName String Name of the source of the packing unit.
SealCode String Abbreviation that identifies the seal of the packing unit.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number of the packing unit.
AllowAutoGeneration String Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then packing unit will be generated based on packing unit setup defined for organization. If false, then packing unit is user-defined. There is no default value for this attribute.
Finder String Finder of PackingUnits
PPackingUnit String PPackingUnit of PackingUnits

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Build 24.0.9111