ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Flexfields for Pick Lines resource manages descriptive flexfields for the pick slip line.


Name Type Description
OpenPickLinesTransactionId [KEY] Long OpenPickLinesTransactionId of OpenPickLinesDFFs
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long TransactionTempId of OpenPickLinesDFFs
_FLEX_Context String __FLEX_Context of OpenPickLinesDFFs
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String __FLEX_Context_DisplayValue of OpenPickLinesDFFs
Finder String Finder of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PItem String PItem of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PMovementRequest String PMovementRequest of OpenPickLinesDFFs
POrder String POrder of OpenPickLinesDFFs
POrganization String POrganization of OpenPickLinesDFFs
POrganizationId String POrganizationId of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PPickSlip String PPickSlip of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PPickWave String PPickWave of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PSourceSubinventory String PSourceSubinventory of OpenPickLinesDFFs
PTransactionType String PTransactionType of OpenPickLinesDFFs
TransactionId Long TransactionId of OpenPickLinesDFFs

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Build 24.0.9111