ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Lines to Return resource manages the received lines that are available to return.


Name Type Description
ToOrganizationCode String ToOrganizationCode of LinesToReturn
ToOrganizationId Long ToOrganizationId of LinesToReturn
FromOrganizationCode String FromOrganizationCode of LinesToReturn
FromOrganizationId Long FromOrganizationId of LinesToReturn
ItemNumber String ItemNumber of LinesToReturn
ItemId Long ItemId of LinesToReturn
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of LinesToReturn
ItemRevision String ItemRevision of LinesToReturn
ReceiptNumber String ReceiptNumber of LinesToReturn
LineStatus String LineStatus of LinesToReturn
DocumentType String DocumentType of LinesToReturn
SourceDocumentCode String SourceDocumentCode of LinesToReturn
DocumentNumber String DocumentNumber of LinesToReturn
DocumentLineNumber String DocumentLineNumber of LinesToReturn
DocumentScheduleNumber String DocumentScheduleNumber of LinesToReturn
DocumentDistributionNumber Decimal DocumentDistributionNumber of LinesToReturn
TransactionDate Date TransactionDate of LinesToReturn
VendorName String VendorName of LinesToReturn
VendorId Long VendorId of LinesToReturn
VendorSiteCode String VendorSiteCode of LinesToReturn
VendorSiteId Long VendorSiteId of LinesToReturn
VendorItemNumber String VendorItemNumber of LinesToReturn
TOShipmentNumber String TOShipmentNumber of LinesToReturn
ASNNumber String ASNNumber of LinesToReturn
ASNLineNumber Decimal ASNLineNumber of LinesToReturn
CustomerPartyName String CustomerPartyName of LinesToReturn
CustomerId Long CustomerId of LinesToReturn
AvailableQuantity Decimal AvailableQuantity of LinesToReturn
UnitOfMeasure String UnitOfMeasure of LinesToReturn
UOMCode String UOMCode of LinesToReturn
SecondaryAvailableQuantity Decimal SecondaryAvailableQuantity of LinesToReturn
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String SecondaryUnitOfMeasure of LinesToReturn
SecondaryUOMCode String SecondaryUOMCode of LinesToReturn
DestinationType String DestinationType of LinesToReturn
DestinationTypeCode String DestinationTypeCode of LinesToReturn
Location String Location of LinesToReturn
LocationId Long LocationId of LinesToReturn
Routing String Routing of LinesToReturn
RoutingHeaderId Long RoutingHeaderId of LinesToReturn
POHeaderId Long POHeaderId of LinesToReturn
POLineLocationId Long POLineLocationId of LinesToReturn
POLineId Long POLineId of LinesToReturn
PODistributionId Long PODistributionId of LinesToReturn
PORevisionNumber Long PORevisionNumber of LinesToReturn
ShipmentHeaderId Long ShipmentHeaderId of LinesToReturn
ShipmentLineId Long ShipmentLineId of LinesToReturn
TransferOrderHeaderId Long TransferOrderHeaderId of LinesToReturn
TransferOrderLineId Long TransferOrderLineId of LinesToReturn
TransferOrderDistId Long TransferOrderDistId of LinesToReturn
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long ReceiptAdviceHeaderId of LinesToReturn
ReceiptAdviceLineId Long ReceiptAdviceLineId of LinesToReturn
ReceiptSourceCode String ReceiptSourceCode of LinesToReturn
ConsignedItems String ConsignedItems of LinesToReturn
BackToBack String BackToBack of LinesToReturn
CategoryName String CategoryName of LinesToReturn
CategoryId Long CategoryId of LinesToReturn
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode of LinesToReturn
CurrencyConversionRate Decimal CurrencyConversionRate of LinesToReturn
CurrencyConversionDate Date CurrencyConversionDate of LinesToReturn
CurrencyConversionType String CurrencyConversionType of LinesToReturn
InventoryTransactionTypeId Long InventoryTransactionTypeId of LinesToReturn
ParentTransactionType String ParentTransactionType of LinesToReturn
ParentTransactionId [KEY] Long ParentTransactionId of LinesToReturn
GrandParentTransactionId Long GrandParentTransactionId of LinesToReturn
Reason String Reason of LinesToReturn
ReasonId Long ReasonId of LinesToReturn
ReceiptException String ReceiptException of LinesToReturn
EmployeeName String EmployeeName of LinesToReturn
EmployeeId Long EmployeeId of LinesToReturn
Subinventory String Subinventory of LinesToReturn
Locator String Locator of LinesToReturn
LocatorId Long LocatorId of LinesToReturn
BindASNNumber String BindASNNumber of LinesToReturn
BindBackToBack String BindBackToBack of LinesToReturn
BindConsigned String BindConsigned of LinesToReturn
BindDocumentDistributionNumber Long BindDocumentDistributionNumber of LinesToReturn
BindDocumentLineNumber String BindDocumentLineNumber of LinesToReturn
BindDocumentNumber String BindDocumentNumber of LinesToReturn
BindDocumentScheduleNumber String BindDocumentScheduleNumber of LinesToReturn
BindDocumentType String BindDocumentType of LinesToReturn
BindFromDate Date BindFromDate of LinesToReturn
BindItemId Long BindItemId of LinesToReturn
BindItemNumber String BindItemNumber of LinesToReturn
BindOrganizationCode String BindOrganizationCode of LinesToReturn
BindOrganizationId Long BindOrganizationId of LinesToReturn
BindParentTransactionId Long BindParentTransactionId of LinesToReturn
BindPODistributionId Long BindPODistributionId of LinesToReturn
BindPOHeaderId Long BindPOHeaderId of LinesToReturn
BindPOLineId Long BindPOLineId of LinesToReturn
BindPOLineLocationId Long BindPOLineLocationId of LinesToReturn
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId of LinesToReturn
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long BindReceiptAdviceLineId of LinesToReturn
BindReceiptNumber String BindReceiptNumber of LinesToReturn
BindShipmentHeaderId Long BindShipmentHeaderId of LinesToReturn
BindShipmentLineId Long BindShipmentLineId of LinesToReturn
BindSourceDocumentCode String BindSourceDocumentCode of LinesToReturn
BindToDate Date BindToDate of LinesToReturn
BindTOShipment String BindTOShipment of LinesToReturn
BindTransferOrderDistId Long BindTransferOrderDistId of LinesToReturn
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long BindTransferOrderHeaderId of LinesToReturn
BindTransferOrderLineId Long BindTransferOrderLineId of LinesToReturn
Finder String Finder of LinesToReturn

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Build 24.0.9111