ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Inventory Item Serial Numbers resource manages the current serial numbers for items in organizations.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the organization.
OrganizationName String Name of the organization.
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
ItemNumber String Name of the inventory item.
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
SerialNumber [KEY] String Serial number that identifies the inventory item.
SubinventoryCode String SubinventoryCode of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
LocatorId Long LocatorId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Locator String Locator of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
LotNumber String LotNumber of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Revision String Revision of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
StatusId Long Value that uniquely identifies the material status.
StatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the item.
UsageCode String UsageCode of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Usage String Usage of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
ShippedDate Datetime ShippedDate of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
ReceiptDate Datetime ReceiptDate of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Allocated String Allocated of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Reserved String Reserved of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Supplier String Name of the supplier.
SupplierLot String Number that identifies the supplier lot.
SupplierSerialNumber String Serial number assigned to the item by its supplier.
UniqueDeviceIdentifier String Value that uniquely identifies the device.
ItemPrimaryImageURL String ItemPrimaryImageURL of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
BindInventoryItemId Long BindInventoryItemId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
BindItemNumber String BindItemNumber of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
BindLotNumber String BindLotNumber of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
BindOrganizationCode String BindOrganizationCode of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
BindSerialNumber String BindSerialNumber of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Finder String Finder of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_CycleCountHeaderId Long Param_CycleCountHeaderId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_InventoryItemId Long Param_InventoryItemId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_LocatorId Long Param_LocatorId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_LotNumber String Param_LotNumber of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_OrganizationId Long Param_OrganizationId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_Subinventory String Param_Subinventory of InventoryItemSerialNumbers
Param_TransactionTypeId Long Param_TransactionTypeId of InventoryItemSerialNumbers

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Build 24.0.9111