ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Category Items resource manages the category items that the warehouse can use in the cycle count.


Name Type Description
CycleCountDefinitionsCycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long CycleCountDefinitionsCycleCountHeaderId of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
CountCategoryItemId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the category item that the cycle count definition references.
InventoryItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the category item.
ItemNumber String Number that identifies the category item.
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
CategoryId Long Value that uniquely identifies the count category that the category item references.
CategoryName String Name of the count category that the category item references.
CategoryDescription String Description of the count category that the category item references.
AdjustmentValuePositiveTolerance Decimal Positive adjustment that the warehouse allows the value to vary for the category item.
AdjustmentValueNegativeTolerance Decimal Negative adjustment that the warehouse allows the value to vary for the category item.
QuantityVariancePositivePercentage Decimal Positive percent that the warehouse allows the quantity to vary from the requested quantity for the category item.
QuantityVarianceNegativePercentage Decimal Negative percent that the warehouse allows the quantity to vary from the requested quantity for the category item.
LastScheduledDate Datetime Date when the warehouse scheduled this category item for counting.
IncludeInScheduleFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then schedule this category item. If false, then don't schedule this category item. The default value is false.
BindCycleCountName String BindCycleCountName of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
BindOrganizationCode String BindOrganizationCode of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
CycleCountHeaderId Long CycleCountHeaderId of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
Finder String Finder of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems
Subinventory String Subinventory of CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems

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Build 24.0.9111