The Charges resource manages price details for the sales order.
Name | Type | Description |
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] | Long | SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] | Long | LinesFulfillLineId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
OrderChargeId [KEY] | Long | OrderChargeId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
SourceChargeId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the charge. The source application applies this value. |
PriceTypeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the price type. |
PriceType | String | Price type, such as one time, recurring, and so on. |
ChargeTypeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the charge type. |
ChargeType | String | Charge type, such as item sale, service sale, financing, lease, shipping, restocking penalties, and so on. |
ChargeDefinitionCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the charge definition. |
ChargeDefinition | String | Charge definition that defines the price type, charge type, and subtype. |
ChargeSubtypeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the charge subtype. |
ChargeSubType | String | Charge subtype. |
PricedQuantity | Decimal | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the priced quantity, such as Ton. |
ChargeCurrencyCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the charge currency. |
ChargeCurrency | String | Charge currency. |
PricedQuantityUOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the priced quantity. |
PricedQuantityUOM | String | Unit of measure for priced quantity, such as Ton. Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud or a service in Oracle Order Management Cloud provides this value. |
PricePeriodicityCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the price periodicity. |
PricePeriodicity | String | Periodicity for recurring price types, such as month, quarter, or year. |
SequenceNumber | Int | Sequence number for the charge. |
PrimaryFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the charge is the primary charge. If false, then the charge is not the primary charge. For Oracle Fusion application priced orders, the default value is set based on the pricing setup. For pre-priced orders, the value is entered by the user. |
RollupFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the charge is a rollup charge. If false, then the charge is not a rollup charge. For Oracle Fusion application priced orders, the default value is set based on the pricing setup. For pre-priced orders, the default value is false. |
AverageUnitSellingPrice | Decimal | Weighted average of the selling price. This average is the total sales revenue divided by total units sold. |
CanAdjustFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the charge is eligible for adjustment. If false, then the charge is not eligible for adjustment. For Oracle Fusion application priced orders, the default value is set based on the pricing setup. For pre-priced orders, the default value is false. |
GSAUnitPrice | Decimal | Price for each unit. Determined from the price list on the pricing strategy. |
ApplyToCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies where pricing applies the charge: for the item, for shipping, or for the return. |
ApplyTo | String | Specifies where pricing applies the charge: for the item, for shipping, or for the return. |
TieredFlag | Bool | TieredFlag of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
TierAppliesToCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the applicability of the tier whether all tiers or the highest tier. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_QP_TIER_GRADUATED_TYPES. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features. |
TierAppliesTo | String | Value that identifies whether the applicability of the tier is for all tiers or the highest tier. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features. |
UsagePriceLockFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the usage pricing is used. If false, then the usage pricing isn't used. This attribute does not have a default value. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features. |
BlockAllowance | Decimal | Value that indicates the block allowance for a non-tiered consumption charge. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features. |
BlockSize | Decimal | Number that represents the size of the block for charge calculation for a tier. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features. |
UsageUOMCode | String | UsageUOMCode of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
ChargePeriodCode | String | ChargePeriodCode of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
UsageUOM | String | UsageUOM of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
ChargePeriod | String | ChargePeriod of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
Finder | String | Finder of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
FromDate | Date | FromDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
HeaderId | Long | HeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
OrderKey | String | OrderKey of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
OrderNumber | String | OrderNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | SourceTransactionNumber of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
SourceTransactionSystem | String | SourceTransactionSystem of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |
ToDate | Date | ToDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges |