The Debrief Lines resource manages additional information for service activity, labor item, start time, end time, material item, quantity, unit of measure, expense item, amount, and currency code.
Name | Type | Description |
DebriefsDebriefHeaderId [KEY] | Long | DebriefsDebriefHeaderId of Debriefslines |
BillToPartyId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party (HZ_PARTIES). |
CurrencyCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the currency for the expense debrief line (FND_CURRENCIES). |
DebriefHeaderId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the debrief header record. |
DebriefLineId [KEY] | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the debrief line record. |
ExpenseAmount | Decimal | Expense debrief amount. |
InventoryItemId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the debrief item (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS). The item can be material, labor, or expense item as defined in the item's billing type (MATERIAL_BILLABLE_FLAG). |
ItemRevision | String | Number that identifies the item revision. |
LaborEndDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work ended. |
LaborStartDate | Datetime | Date and time when the work started. |
LineStatusCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the status of the debrief line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_RCL_DEBRIEF_STATUS. You cannot add additional debrief statuses. |
LineType | String | Internal code that identifies the debrief line record as material, labor, or expense line. |
LotNumber | String | Number that identifies the item's lot. |
OrderLineId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the sales order line (DOO_LINES_ALL). |
OrganizationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization. |
ParentInstanceId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the parent instance of an asset. |
Quantity | Decimal | Quantity of the debriefed item. |
ReasonCode | String | This attribute is not currently used. |
SerialNumber | String | Serial number that identifies the item debriefed. |
ServiceActivityId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the service activity of the debrief line (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL). |
SourceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the application where the debrief line was first entered. |
SourceType | String | Value that identifies the application where the debrief line was first entered. |
SubinventoryCode | String | Name of the subinventory that is used to install or return the debrief transaction. |
UOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure used in the debrief transaction. |
OrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the inventory organization associated with the debrief line. |
InventoryItemNumber | String | Number that identifies the item associated with the debrief line (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS). |
BillToPartyName | String | Name of the bill-to customer party. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure associated with the debrief line. |
ServiceActivityCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the service activity associated with the debrief line (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL). |
ReservationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the inventory reservation created for part installation debrief lines. |
CommonInventoryFlag | Bool | Attribute that uniquely identifies the project inventory source for debrief transaction. Contains one of the following values: null, true, or false. If true, issuing parts from project common inventory is allowed during debrief material process .If false or null, issuing parts from project common inventory is not allowed during debrief material process. This attribute does not have a default value. |
PartyId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the customer party. |
PartyName | String | Name of the customer. |
CustomerAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the customer account. |
CustomerAccountNumber | String | Number that identifies the customer account. |
BillToPartySiteId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party. |
BillToAddress | String | Billing Address of the customer. |
ServiceActivity | String | ServiceActivity of Debriefslines |
ServiceActivityDescription | String | ServiceActivityDescription of Debriefslines |
LineCategoryCode | String | LineCategoryCode of Debriefslines |
ZeroChargeFlag | Bool | ZeroChargeFlag of Debriefslines |
OmInterfaceFlag | Bool | OmInterfaceFlag of Debriefslines |
InventoryItemDescription | String | InventoryItemDescription of Debriefslines |
LineStatus | String | LineStatus of Debriefslines |
ErrorText | String | ErrorText of Debriefslines |
LineTypeMeaning | String | LineTypeMeaning of Debriefslines |
PricingSegmentCode | String | PricingSegmentCode of Debriefslines |
PricingSegmentExplanation | String | PricingSegmentExplanation of Debriefslines |
PricingStrategyExplanation | String | PricingStrategyExplanation of Debriefslines |
PricingStrategyId | Long | PricingStrategyId of Debriefslines |
AppliedCurrencyCode | String | AppliedCurrencyCode of Debriefslines |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Debriefslines |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Debriefslines |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Debriefslines |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Debriefslines |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of Debriefslines |
OriginalOrderLineId | Long | Reference to the original order line for which the correction is created. |
OrderNumber | String | OrderNumber of Debriefslines |
RepairOrderId | Long | RepairOrderId of Debriefslines |
RepairOrderNumber | String | RepairOrderNumber of Debriefslines |
BillingTypeCode | String | BillingTypeCode of Debriefslines |
BillingType | String | BillingType of Debriefslines |
UOMClass | String | UOMClass of Debriefslines |
PricingSegment | String | PricingSegment of Debriefslines |
PricingStrategy | String | PricingStrategy of Debriefslines |
InvoiceId | Long | InvoiceId of Debriefslines |
InvoiceNumber | String | InvoiceNumber of Debriefslines |
RepriceFlag | Bool | Value to be used to price a debrief line after manual adjustments are applied. It triggers repricing of the debrief line. |
StockLocationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the stocking location used in the debrief transaction (RCL_STOCK_LOCATIONS). |
Finder | String | Finder of Debriefslines |