TDV Adapter for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.8963


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Adapter Views

Name Description
Configurations Configurations
ConfigurationsConfigurationLineAttributes The Configuration Line Attributes resource manages transactional item attributes for one configuration or for one configuration line.
ConfigurationsConfigurationLines The Configuration Lines resource manages configuration lines of a configuration.
ConfigurationsConfigurationMessages The Configuration Messages resource manages messages for configurations.
ConfigurationsconnectedItems The Connected Items resource manages the connected items associated with a configuration.
ConfigurationsmodelNodes The Model Nodes resource manages model nodes for an active configuration.
ConfigurationsmodelNodesmodelNodes The Model Nodes resource manages model nodes for an active configuration.
Finders Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues FlexFndPvsCharacterValues
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues
PricingMatrixClasses The Pricing Matrix Classes resource contains information about managing pricing matrix classes.
SalesOrdersForOrderHub The Sales Orders for Order Hub resource gets, creates, and updates sales orders in Oracle Order Management Cloud. A sales order captures order header details, such as customer, items ordered, and pricing. Here are the differences in REST API compared to the Order Import web service: - To extend the processing logic to set the default values and to validate and transform the order during order creation and submission through REST API, create an order management extension. The Sales Orders for Order Hub resource doesn't support the pre-transformation, product transformation, and post-transformation rules. - The Sales Orders for Order Hub resource also doesn't support automatic creation of customer, address, or contact information while creating an order. The resource also doesn't handle any cross-referencing of the primary and reference data. Common error handling: - 404 Not Found: Ensure that the correct parameter is used in the URL; for example, for linesUniqID, use the hash-generated key. Additionally, this error can occur if the user that is used while invoking the GET and Updating the order doesn't have business unit data security granted. - 500 Internal Server Error: Ensure that the EFF deployment is completed successfully or there are no errors encountered while deploying the flexfield. - 504 Gateway Timeout: The Order request may still be processed after the gateway time out; however, ensure that there are no validation failures that the order runs into while processing. You may need to run GET action to validate that the order is created.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubadditionalInformation The Additional Details resource manages details that flexfields store for the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubattachments The Attachments resource manages attachments for the order header and order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubbillToCustomer The Bill-to Customers resource manages the bill-to customer that the sales order header references.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubcopyOrderReference The Copy Orders resource manages details about the original sales order that order management used when creating a copy for a sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubholds The Holds resource manages active and released holds on the order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublines The Order Lines resource manages details about the order line, such as item and quantity.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesadditionalInformation The Additional Details resource manages details that flexfields store for the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesamendSubscriptionReferences The Amend Subscription References resource manages details about unique references to the subscription product in Oracle Subscription Management Cloud. When ActionTypeCode is ORA_AMEND, this information is used for ending the old subscription lines in Subscription Management that are replaced by the new subscription being created in Subscription Management. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails The Asset Transaction Details resource manages the asset transaction details to support license migration orders. This resource is not currently used.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesattachments The Attachments resource manages attachments for the order header and order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillingPlans The Billing Plans resource manages the billing plan for the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillToCustomer The Bill-to Customers resource manages the bill-to customer that the sales order header references.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublineschannelPrograms The Channel Programs resource manages the channel programs of a sales order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges The Charges resource manages price details for the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublineschargeschargeComponents The Charge Components resource manages price details for the order line, including price elements and amounts.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescoverageReferences The Coverage Items resource manages details about each coverage item that covers a covered item on an order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescoveredProductReferences The Covered Items resource manages details about each covered item that a coverage item covers on an order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesdropShipPurchaseOrderReference The Drop Ships resource manages the purchase order when order management uses drop ship to ship the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesdropShipRequisitionReference The Drop Ship Requisitions resource manages the requisition when order management uses drop ship to ship the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesexternalAssetReference The External Asset References resource manages details about asset keys from an external application that are associated with subscription items on an order line when ActionTypeCode is null or ORA_ADD. The External Asset References resource also manages details about unique references to the subscription product in Oracle Subscription Management Cloud when ActionTypeCode is ORA_END. When ActionTypeCode is ORA_END, this information is used for ending the subscription in Subscription Management. This is available for use with the Integrate Order Management with Subscription Management to Process Subscriptions or Coverages features.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesexternalFulfillmentSalesOrderReference The Fulfillment Orders resource manages the fulfillment order in the fulfillment system that fulfills the sales order that order management submitted to the fulfillment system.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesholds The Holds resource manages active and released holds on the order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesinternalOrderReference The Internal Sales Orders resource manages sales orders that are internal to order management.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublineslineDetails The Line Details resource manages shipping and billing details for the order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublineslotSerials The Lot Serials resource manages the lot serial details for returns and inventory transaction order lines.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesmanualPriceAdjustments The Manual Price Adjustments resource manages manual price adjustments that the Order Entry Specialist applies for each order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesoriginalOrderReference The Original Orders resource manages the original order for a return sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinespayments The Payments resource manages payment details of the order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinespriceAdjustments The Price Adjustments resource manages price adjustments, such as discounts.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinespriceValidations The Price Validations resource manages price validations and price violations that occur when pricing prices a sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesproject The Projects resource manages the project details of a sales order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesprojectprojectDetails SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesprojectprojectDetails
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinessalesCredits The Sales Credits resource manages sales credits for each salesperson on the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesshipToCustomer The Ship-to Customers resource manages the ship-to customer that the sales order header references.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinessupplyOrderReference The Supply Orders resource manages the supply that order management uses to supply the item.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinestransactionItemAttributes The Transaction Item Attributes resource manages transaction item attributes for each item on each order line.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments The Payments resource manages payment details of the order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubsalesCredits The Sales Credits resource manages sales credits for each salesperson on the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubshipToCustomer The Ship-to Customers resource manages the ship-to customer that the sales order header references.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubtotals The Totals resource manages details for the total price of a sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubtotalstotalComponents The Total Components resource manages the components that determine the total price of a sales order.
StandardLookupsLOV The standard lookups list of values resource is used to query the list of values of standard lookups, which list the available codes and translated meanings. Standard lookups are defined in the standard lookups view and store lookup codes that support reference data sharing.

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Build 24.0.8963