Provides access to published order forecasts for supplier collaboration and enables response submissions for supply commitments.
Name | Type | Description |
CollaborationOrderForecastId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration order forecast. |
CorrelationCode | String | A code used to correlate related collaboration order forecasts. |
SupplyPlanName | String | The name of the supply plan associated with this collaboration order forecast. |
SupplyPlanDescription | String | A description of the supply plan used for the collaboration order forecast. |
SupplyPlanVersion | Int | The version number of the supply plan used for this forecast. |
SourceSystemCode | String | A code representing the source system that provided the forecast data. |
SourceSystem | String | The source system from which the collaboration order forecast originates. |
CollaborationSourceId | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration source related to the forecast. |
CollaborationPlanId | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration plan associated with the forecast. |
CollaborationPlanName | String | The name of the collaboration plan linked to the forecast. |
PlanningCycleStartDate | Date | The start date of the planning cycle for this forecast. |
PlanningCycleEndDate | Date | The end date of the planning cycle for this forecast. |
ShipFromSupplierId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierName | String | The name of the supplier shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierNumber | String | The unique number identifying the supplier shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierDUNS | String | The DUNS number associated with the supplier shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierAlternateName | String | An alternate name for the supplier shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierSiteId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier site shipping the item. |
ShipFromSupplierSiteName | String | The name of the supplier site shipping the item. |
ProcurementBUId | Long | A unique identifier for the procurement business unit responsible for the order. |
ProcurementBUName | String | The name of the procurement business unit responsible for the order. |
ShipToOrganizationId | String | A unique identifier for the organization receiving the shipment. |
ShipToOrganizationCode | String | A code representing the organization receiving the shipment. |
ShipToOrganizationName | String | The name of the organization receiving the shipment. |
ShipToSupplierId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier delivering to the ship-to location. |
ShipToSupplierName | String | The name of the supplier delivering to the ship-to location. |
ShipToSupplierSiteId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier site delivering to the ship-to location. |
ShipToSupplierSiteName | String | The name of the supplier site delivering to the ship-to location. |
ShipToCustomerId | Long | A unique identifier for the customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomerName | String | The name of the customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomerSiteId | Long | A unique identifier for the customer site receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomerSiteName | String | The name of the customer site receiving the shipment. |
InventoryItemId | String | A unique identifier for the inventory item included in the forecast. |
ItemNumber | String | A unique identifier for the item in the forecast. |
ItemDescription | String | A detailed description of the item in the forecast. |
ItemCategory | String | The category or classification of the item in the forecast. |
UOMCode | String | A code representing the unit of measure for the item. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure in which the item is quantified. |
SupplierItemNumber | String | The supplier's unique identifier for the item. |
ManufacturerName | String | The name of the manufacturer of the item. |
ManufacturerPartNumber | String | The manufacturer's part number for the item. |
ForecastTotalForecastHorizonQuantity | Decimal | The total forecasted quantity for the forecast horizon. |
ForecastTotalCommitHorizonQuantity | Decimal | The total committed quantity for the commit horizon. |
CommitTotalQuantity | Decimal | The total quantity committed by the supplier. |
OnHandQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item currently available on hand. |
SupplierOnHandQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item reported by the supplier as on hand. |
SupplierOnHandPublishedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the supplier's on-hand quantity was published. |
SupplierOnHandPublishedByUserName | String | The username of the person who published the supplier's on-hand quantity. |
PublishedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the forecast was published. |
PublishedByPersonId | Long | A unique identifier for the person who published the forecast. |
PublishedByUserName | String | The username of the person who published the forecast. |
OnHandPublishedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the on-hand quantity was published. |
OnHandPublishedByUserName | String | The username of the person who published the on-hand quantity. |
CommitDate | Datetime | The date when the commitment was made. |
CommitDueDate | Datetime | The date by which the committed quantity is expected to be fulfilled. |
Status | String | The current status of the collaboration order forecast. |
StatusCode | String | A code representing the current status of the forecast. |
CollaborationCycleVersion | Int | The version of the collaboration cycle for this forecast. |
CreatedByPersonId | Long | A unique identifier for the person who created the forecast. |
CreatedBy | String | The username of the person who created the forecast. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the forecast was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The username of the person who last updated the forecast. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when the forecast was last updated. |
B2BOnlyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the forecast is restricted to B2B transactions. |
DropShipFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the forecast is for a drop-shipment order. |
NoteToSupplier | String | A note from the collaboration planner to the supplier regarding the forecast. |
NoteToPlanner | String | A note from the supplier to the collaboration planner regarding the forecast. |
Finder | String | A system-generated reference used to locate the collaboration order forecast. |