ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages extensible flexfields for item revisions in templates to capture additional revision-specific attributes.


Name Type Description
ItemTemplatesItemId [KEY] Long Specifies the unique identifier for an item within the ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsEFFs module. This identifier links item template records to their associated revision extensible flexfields (EFFs), allowing for additional structured attributes.
ItemTemplatesOrganizationId [KEY] Long Defines the unique identifier for the organization managing the item template. This identifier ensures that revision extensible flexfields (EFFs) are correctly associated with the appropriate business unit for classification and reporting.
RevisionId [KEY] Long Represents the unique identifier for a specific revision of the item. This identifier is used to track changes to the item over time, ensuring proper version control and historical tracking.
CategoryCode String Defines the category code assigned to the item revision. This classification helps in organizing and managing item revisions based on business-specific categories.
VersionId Long Specifies the version identifier for the item revision. This identifier tracks the evolution of item revisions over time, ensuring consistency and historical traceability.
Finder String Defines the search mechanism or query criteria used to locate records in the ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsEFFs module. This field enhances system usability by enabling efficient data retrieval for item revisions and associated extensible flexfields.
ItemId Long Specifies the unique identifier for the item within the item template module. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of item revisions and associations with extensible flexfields.
OrganizationId Long Defines the unique identifier for the organization that manages the item revision. This identifier ensures proper assignment of revision-controlled items to the correct business unit, enabling accurate lifecycle management and compliance tracking.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175