Tracks product or process improvement suggestions, including new product or process proposals.
Name | Type | Description |
IdeaId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier assigned to each idea. This identifier ensures that each idea is distinctly referenced in the system for tracking and management. |
Type | String | The classification type of the idea, which categorizes it based on predefined criteria. The value for this attribute can be reviewed and updated in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Manage Product Idea Classes task. |
TypeDisplayValue | String | A human-readable display value representing the type of the idea. This value is typically used in user interfaces and reports to provide a clear classification. |
Name | String | The title or short name of the idea. This title is a concise representation of the concept being proposed. |
IdeaNumber | String | The unique number assigned to the idea for tracking purposes. This number is often used for reference in discussions, approvals, and reports. |
CreatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the user who submitted the idea. This field helps in tracking authorship and accountability. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | A system-generated version number that tracks changes to the idea record in the database. This number is used for concurrency control and record updates. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The timestamp when the idea was initially created. This timestamp helps in tracking when the idea was first proposed. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The timestamp of the most recent update to the idea. This timestamp ensures visibility into when changes were last made. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the last user who modified the idea. This field helps in auditing and tracking updates. |
Status | String | The current status of the idea, which determines its progress in the review and approval workflow. The value for this attribute can be managed in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Manage Product Idea Statuses task. |
StatusDisplayValue | String | A user-friendly display value representing the current status of the idea. This value is used in reports and UI screens for readability. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Tracks the login session of the user who last updated the idea. This login information is used for auditing and security purposes. |
VoteSummaryAsText | String | A summary of votes received for the idea in a text format. This summary provides an overview of community engagement and interest. |
AllowAccesstoEveryone | String | Indicates whether the idea is publicly accessible. Possible values include 'true' (all users can access) or 'false' (restricted access). The default value is 'false'. |
Description | String | A detailed description of the idea, providing an overview of the proposed concept, problem statement, and intended benefits. |
Content | String | A rich-text field containing a comprehensive explanation of the idea, including supporting details, images, and attachments where applicable. |
Tags | String | A comma-separated list of keywords or tags associated with the idea. This list is used for categorization and improving searchability. |
YesVoteCnt | Int | The total number of users who have voted 'Yes' in favor of the idea, indicating support and interest from the community. |
NoVoteCnt | Int | The total number of users who have voted 'No' on the idea, indicating a lack of support from the community. |
LikeIt | Int | The number of users who liked the idea. Likes provide an additional measure of engagement beyond votes. |
ReferencesCnt | Int | The count of references linked to this idea. References typically represent other objects (such as projects, documents, or product requirements) that are associated with the idea. |
Popularity | Int | A numeric score representing the overall popularity of the idea, based on engagement factors such as votes, likes, and comments. |
HasMyVote | Bool | Indicates whether the current user has voted in favor of the idea. Possible values include 'true' (user has voted Yes) or 'false' (user has not voted in favor). The default value is 'false'. |
CommentsCnt | Int | The total number of comments submitted on the idea, providing a measure of user engagement and discussion. |
Customers | String | A list of customers associated with this idea. This list can be used to track customer interest or identify target users for the proposed concept. |
CommentsCount | Int | The total number of comments on the idea. This metric duplicates 'CommentsCnt' and can be used in different contexts for reporting or API responses. |
LikeCount | Int | The total number of likes received for the idea, representing positive engagement from users. |
DisLikeCount | Int | The total number of dislikes recorded for the idea, indicating negative feedback or opposition to the concept. |
ProjectedMarketDemand_c | String | An estimate of the market demand for the idea, based on research, customer interest, or internal forecasting. |
CompetitiveThreat_c | String | An assessment of the competitive threat posed by similar products or ideas in the market. This assessment helps in prioritizing innovation and differentiation strategies. |
ProjectedDevelopmentLOE_c | String | The estimated level of effort (LOE) required for development if the idea is pursued. This metric helps evaluate feasibility and resource allocation. |
ProjectedMarketSize_c | String | An estimate of the potential market size for the idea, used for business case analysis and strategic planning. |
StrategicFitWithBrandPortfolio_c | String | An evaluation of how well the idea aligns with the existing brand portfolio and overall corporate strategy. |
ProjectedRevenue_c | String | An estimate of the potential revenue that could be generated if the idea is implemented. This estimate is used for financial modeling and decision-making. |
IdeaPreliminaryRanking_c | String | A preliminary ranking assigned to the idea based on various criteria such as business value, feasibility, and strategic alignment. |
BusinessNeed_c | String | A description of the specific business need that this idea addresses, providing justification for its consideration and development. |
PotentialCustomers_c | String | A list or description of potential customers who might be interested in the idea. This field helps in market validation and targeting efforts. |
CreatorIdeaDescription_c | String | A detailed explanation of the idea as provided by its creator. This field captures the original thought process and intent behind the proposal. |
Finder | String | The name of the predefined finder query used to retrieve ideas dynamically based on search criteria. Finders optimize data retrieval in applications. |