ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Reverts workspace participants to their last released state, undoing changes.


Name Type Description
WorkspaceId Integer Specifies the unique identifier for the workspace from which participants will be unreleased. This identifier ensures that the correct workspace is targeted for the modification process.
Participants String Contains a list of unique identifiers for the workspace participants who are being unreleased. This list can include users, teams, or external collaborators whose access needs to be modified.
TargetWorkspaceDescription String Provides a textual description of the target workspace that is created before the unrelease process. This description helps differentiate workspaces and provides context for administrative tracking.
TargetWorkspaceName String Defines the name of the target workspace that is created before the unrelease operation. This information ensures that participants are reassigned or managed within the correct workspace environment.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Result String Represents the output returned after execution of the unrelease operation. This output can include confirmation messages, error details, or success indicators related to the workspace participant update.

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Build 24.0.9175