ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages active and released holds on sales order lines, enabling better control of order processing.


Name Type Description
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the sales order header, linking the hold information to the parent order in Oracle Fusion Order Management, ensuring accurate tracking of holds at the order level.
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] Long Identifier for the fulfillment line associated with the hold, allowing detailed tracking of holds on specific lines within the order.
HoldInstanceId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the specific hold instance, allowing for individual tracking of each hold applied to the sales order.
HoldName String Name or description of the hold applied to the sales order, providing context for the reason behind the hold (for example, payment issues, inventory issues).
HoldCode String Code representing the type or category of the hold, used to categorize different types of holds in Oracle Fusion Order Management.
HoldComments String Additional comments or notes related to the hold, providing further details about the reason for the hold or any special instructions.
ApplyUser String User who applied the hold to the sales order, enabling audit tracking and accountability for hold actions.
ApplyDate Datetime Date and time when the hold was applied to the sales order, ensuring that the timeline of the order and holds is accurately tracked.
HoldReleaseComments String Comments related to the release of the hold, providing details about why and how the hold was removed from the order.
HoldReleaseReasonCode String Code representing the reason for releasing the hold, helping to categorize why the hold was lifted.
HoldReleaseReason String Description of the reason why the hold was released, explaining the actions taken to resolve the issue that caused the hold.
ReleaseUser String User who released the hold, enabling traceability of hold release actions in Oracle Fusion Order Management.
ReleaseDate Datetime Date and time when the hold was released from the sales order, ensuring accurate tracking of hold lifecycles.
ApplySystem String System from which the hold was applied, providing insight into the origin of the hold in cases of integration with external systems.
ActiveFlag Bool Indicates whether the hold is currently active. If true, the hold is still in place. If false, the hold has been released.
SourceRequestId String Identifier from the source system that links to the request that initiated the hold, helping to maintain data consistency across systems.
Finder String Method or tool used to search for specific hold records, enabling efficient retrieval of hold information in Oracle Fusion Order Management.
FromDate Date Start date when the hold is applicable, marking the beginning of the hold period for the sales order.
HeaderId Long Unique identifier for the order header, used to link the hold details to the overall sales order, ensuring consistency in order processing.
OrderKey String Unique key for referencing the sales order associated with the hold, providing an essential linkage for all related transactions.
OrderNumber String Unique order number assigned to the sales order, used for referencing the order in reporting, invoicing, and fulfillment processes.
SourceTransactionNumber String Transaction number from the source system, linking the hold information to its originating transaction and ensuring consistency during integration.
SourceTransactionSystem String Source system from which the transaction originated, providing context for integration with external platforms.
ToDate Date End date when the hold is no longer applicable, marking the expiration of the hold period and ensuring time-bound data management.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175