Tracks items covered by specific coverage items, ensuring warranty and service consistency.
Name | Type | Description |
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the sales order header, linking the covered product references to the parent order and ensuring proper tracking across the order lifecycle. |
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the fulfillment line associated with the covered product reference, enabling tracking of product coverage at the line level within the order. |
SourceOrderId | String | Unique identifier for the source order from the order capture system, helping to link the covered product reference to the original source order. |
SourceOrderNumber | String | Order number from the source system that contains the covered item, ensuring proper integration between systems for accurate order tracking. |
SourceOrderSystem | String | The source system from which the order originated, providing context for integration with external systems and ensuring consistency across platforms. |
OrderNumber | String | Unique number assigned to the sales order that contains the covered item, used for referencing the order in reports, invoicing, and fulfillment. |
DisplayLineNumber | String | Line number in a readable format for the order line, used for customer-facing reports and user interfaces to identify the item or service covered under the sales order. |
SourceLineId | String | Unique identifier for the order line in the source system, ensuring accurate tracking of the covered product in both the source system and sales order. |
SourceLineNumber | String | Line number in the source application that refers to the transaction containing the covered item, ensuring proper linkage between external systems and the order line. |
CoveredItemNumber | String | Identifier for the covered item within the sales order, helping to track which items are covered under the order, such as for warranties or service contracts. |
CoveredFulfillLineId | Long | Fulfillment line ID for the covered item, linking the coverage to a specific fulfillment line, and aiding in tracking the fulfillment of the covered item. |
HeaderId | Long | Unique ID for the order header, linking the covered product references to the overall sales order and ensuring consistency throughout the order lifecycle. |
Finder | String | Method or tool used to locate specific coverage reference records in the system, allowing for efficient retrieval and management of coverage data. |
FromDate | Date | Start date when the coverage reference is valid. Used to determine the period during which the coverage applies, particularly for warranties and service contracts. |
OrderKey | String | Unique key used to reference the sales order associated with the coverage reference, ensuring that all related transactions are tracked under the correct order. |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | Transaction number from the source system, linking the covered product reference to its originating transaction, and ensuring consistency when integrating with external systems. |
SourceTransactionSystem | String | Source system name from which the covered product reference data originated, providing context for integration with external systems and ensuring consistency across platforms. |
ToDate | Date | End date when the coverage reference is no longer valid, marking the expiration of the coverage and ensuring accurate coverage periods within the sales order. |