Enables creation, retrieval, and updating of sales orders, offering comprehensive order management capabilities.
Name | Type | Description |
HeaderId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the sales order header, used to reference and track the overall sales order in the system. |
OrderNumber | String | The order number associated with the sales order, which is used for tracking and reference purposes. |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | The number associated with the original source transaction from which this sales order was created. |
SourceTransactionSystem | String | The system from which the original source transaction was initiated, providing context for the origin of the order. |
SourceTransactionId | String | Unique identifier for the source transaction, helping to trace the sales order back to its origin. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | The ID of the business unit associated with the sales order, helping to categorize and assign the order to the appropriate organizational unit. |
BusinessUnitName | String | The name of the business unit responsible for managing the sales order, used for reporting and organizational purposes. |
TransactionOn | Datetime | Timestamp for when the sales order transaction was created or processed. |
BuyingPartyId | Long | The ID of the buying party (customer or organization) associated with the sales order. |
BuyingPartyName | String | The name of the buying party involved in the sales order transaction. |
BuyingPartyNumber | String | Unique identifier or number assigned to the buying party, used for tracking and reference. |
BuyingPartyPersonFirstName | String | The first name of the individual representing the buying party in the transaction. |
BuyingPartyPersonLastName | String | The last name of the individual representing the buying party in the transaction. |
BuyingPartyPersonMiddleName | String | The middle name of the individual representing the buying party in the transaction. |
BuyingPartyPersonNameSuffix | String | Suffix (for example, Jr., Sr.) of the individual representing the buying party in the transaction. |
BuyingPartyPersonTitle | String | The title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) of the individual representing the buying party in the transaction. |
BuyingPartyContactId | Long | Unique identifier for the contact person associated with the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactName | String | Name of the contact person associated with the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactNumber | String | Contact number for the individual representing the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactFirstName | String | First name of the contact person associated with the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactLastName | String | Last name of the contact person associated with the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactMiddleName | String | Middle name of the contact person associated with the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactNameSuffix | String | Suffix (for example, Jr., Sr.) of the contact person representing the buying party. |
BuyingPartyContactTitle | String | Title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) of the contact person representing the buying party. |
PreferredSoldToContactPointId | Long | The unique ID for the preferred contact point of the sold-to party, helping identify the main contact for the sales order. |
CustomerPONumber | String | The customer's purchase order number associated with the sales order, used for tracking and reference. |
TransactionTypeCode | String | Code representing the type of transaction for the sales order, helping categorize the transaction (for example, standard order, return). |
TransactionType | String | The type of transaction (for example, order, return, credit) associated with the sales order. |
SubstituteAllowedFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether substitutes are allowed for the items in the sales order. If 'true', substitutes can be offered if needed. |
PackingInstructions | String | Instructions related to the packing of the items in the sales order, often including special handling or packaging requests. |
ShippingInstructions | String | Instructions for shipping, detailing how the items should be shipped or delivered. |
ShipsetFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order involves a shipset, where items are grouped together for shipping as a single unit. |
PartialShipAllowedFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether partial shipments are allowed for the sales order. If 'true', partial shipments are permitted. |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | The date on which the buyer has requested the items to be shipped. |
RequestedArrivalDate | Datetime | The requested date for the items to arrive at the destination. |
LatestAcceptableShipDate | Datetime | The latest date by which the order should be shipped, after which the order is considered late. |
LatestAcceptableArrivalDate | Datetime | The latest date by which the items should arrive at the destination. |
EarliestAcceptableShipDate | Datetime | The earliest date on which the items can be shipped, typically to ensure timely delivery. |
ShipmentPriorityCode | String | Code indicating the priority level of the shipment, used to categorize orders based on urgency. |
ShipmentPriority | String | The priority level for shipping the order, which can influence the shipping method and timing. |
ShippingCarrierId | Long | The unique ID for the shipping carrier used for delivering the sales order items. |
ShippingCarrier | String | The name of the shipping carrier responsible for delivering the order, such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL. |
ShippingServiceLevelCode | String | Code representing the service level for shipping, such as ground or expedited shipping. |
ShippingServiceLevel | String | Description of the service level for shipping, indicating the type of service (for example, next-day delivery, two-day shipping). |
ShippingModeCode | String | Code representing the shipping mode, which determines the method of delivery (for example, air, sea, land). |
ShippingMode | String | The shipping mode used for delivering the sales order items, such as air freight or ground transport. |
FOBPointCode | String | Code representing the Free On Board (FOB) point for the shipment, indicating the location where ownership of the goods transfers. |
FOBPoint | String | The Free On Board (FOB) point for the shipment, indicating the location where the buyer assumes responsibility for the goods. |
DemandClassCode | String | Code used to categorize the demand class for the order, helping prioritize and allocate inventory. |
DemandClass | String | The demand class for the sales order, typically used to define the type of demand (for example, regular, emergency). |
FreightTermsCode | String | Code representing the terms of freight for the sales order, such as prepaid or collect. |
FreightTerms | String | The freight terms for the sales order, indicating who is responsible for the shipping costs (for example, seller, buyer). |
RequestedFulfillmentOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the fulfillment organization that is requested to handle the sales order. |
RequestedFulfillmentOrganizationCode | String | Code representing the requested fulfillment organization for the sales order. |
RequestedFulfillmentOrganizationName | String | Name of the requested fulfillment organization for the sales order. |
SupplierId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier handling the order, used for tracking the supplier's involvement in the sales order. |
SupplierName | String | The name of the supplier providing the goods or services for the sales order. |
SupplierSiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier site from which the goods or services for the sales order will be shipped. |
PaymentTermsCode | Long | Code representing the payment terms for the sales order, indicating when and how payment should be made. |
PaymentTerms | String | Description of the payment terms for the sales order, specifying the conditions for payment (for example, Net 30, COD). |
SalespersonId | Long | Unique identifier for the salesperson associated with the sales order, used to track the sales representative handling the order. |
Salesperson | String | Name of the salesperson associated with the sales order, used for sales tracking and commission purposes. |
PricedOn | Datetime | The date and time when the sales order was priced, used for historical reference and pricing accuracy. |
TransactionalCurrencyCode | String | Currency code used for the transaction, specifying the currency in which the sales order is priced. |
TransactionalCurrencyName | String | The name of the currency used for the transaction (for example, USD for US dollars). |
AppliedCurrencyCode | String | Currency code used for applied pricing or charges, potentially different from the transactional currency. |
CurrencyConversionDate | Datetime | The date on which currency conversion rates were applied to the sales order. |
CurrencyConversionRate | Decimal | The conversion rate applied when converting between currencies for the sales order. |
CurrencyConversionType | String | The type of currency conversion used for the sales order, such as daily rates or fixed conversion rates. |
PricingSegmentCode | String | Code representing the pricing segment associated with the sales order, used to define different pricing strategies or categories. |
PricingSegment | String | Description of the pricing segment associated with the sales order, categorizing the pricing approach or rules applied. |
PricingStrategyId | Long | Unique identifier for the pricing strategy used for the sales order, helping to determine how the order's price is calculated. |
PricingStrategyName | String | The name of the pricing strategy applied to the sales order, used for tracking the pricing model used for this order. |
AllowCurrencyOverrideFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether currency overrides are allowed for the sales order. If 'true', the currency can be manually adjusted. |
SegmentExplanationMessageName | String | Name of the explanation message for the pricing segment, providing additional context or details about the pricing strategy. |
PricingSegmentExplanation | String | Explanation of the pricing segment used for the sales order, helping to clarify the rationale behind the pricing. |
StrategyExplanationMessageName | String | Name of the explanation message for the pricing strategy, providing more details or instructions related to the applied strategy. |
PricingStrategyExplanation | String | Explanation of the pricing strategy applied to the sales order, giving context to the pricing decisions and methodology. |
SalesChannelCode | String | Code representing the sales channel through which the sales order was placed (for example, direct sales, online). |
SalesChannel | String | Description of the sales channel used for the sales order, indicating how the order was placed or processed (for example, retail, wholesale). |
Comments | String | Any additional comments or notes related to the sales order, used for reference or special instructions. |
StatusCode | String | Code representing the current status of the sales order, used for categorizing the order's processing state (for example, pending, completed). |
Status | String | The status description of the sales order, providing more details on whether the order is active, processed, or closed. |
OnHoldFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order is on hold. If 'true', the order is temporarily suspended or delayed. |
CanceledFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order has been canceled. If 'true', the order is marked as canceled. |
CancelReasonCode | String | Code representing the reason for canceling the sales order, used to categorize the cancellation (for example, customer request, stock issues). |
CancelReason | String | Description of the reason for canceling the sales order, providing additional context about why the order was canceled. |
RequestedCancelDate | Datetime | The date on which the cancellation of the sales order was requested. |
RequestingBusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit that is requesting the sales order, used to track which unit initiated the request. |
RequestingBusinessUnitName | String | The name of the business unit that is requesting the sales order, useful for organizational tracking and categorization. |
RequestingLegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity that is requesting the sales order, used for compliance and regulatory purposes. |
RequestingLegalEntity | String | The name of the legal entity responsible for requesting the sales order, which may be different from the business unit. |
FreezePriceFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the pricing for the sales order is frozen. If 'true', no price changes are allowed after this flag is set. |
FreezeShippingChargeFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the shipping charge for the sales order is frozen. If 'true', no changes to shipping charges can occur. |
FreezeTaxFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the tax amount for the sales order is frozen. If 'true', no adjustments to tax charges are allowed. |
SubmittedFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order has been submitted. If 'true', the order has been finalized and submitted for processing. |
SubmittedBy | String | Name or identifier of the person who submitted the sales order, used for tracking who finalized the order. |
SubmittedDate | Datetime | The date and time when the sales order was submitted for processing. |
TransactionDocumentTypeCode | String | Code representing the document type associated with the transaction, such as invoice, order confirmation, or credit memo. |
PreCreditCheckedFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order has undergone a pre-credit check. If 'true', creditworthiness was verified before order acceptance. |
RevisionSourceSystem | String | The source system from which the order revision originated, used for tracking revisions and system interactions. |
SourceTransactionRevisionNumber | Long | Revision number for the source transaction, used to track versions of the original order or transaction. |
TradeComplianceResultCode | String | Code representing the result of the trade compliance check for the sales order, indicating whether it passed or failed compliance rules. |
TradeComplianceResult | String | The result of the trade compliance check for the sales order, providing details about whether the order complies with trade regulations. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name or identifier of the person who last updated the sales order, ensuring accountability for changes. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when the sales order was last updated, providing a record of when modifications were made. |
CreatedBy | String | Name or identifier of the person who originally created the sales order, providing tracking information for the order's creation. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the sales order was created, serving as a timestamp for when the order entered the system. |
OpenFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the sales order is still open. If 'true', the order has not been completed or closed. |
OrigSystemDocumentReference | String | Reference number for the original system document, linking the sales order to its originating document or record. |
OrderKey | String | A unique key or reference for the sales order, used to track the order within the system and across other related systems. |
AppliedCurrencyName | String | The name of the currency applied to the sales order, which may differ from the transactional currency used for the order. |
SupplierSiteName | String | The name of the supplier site handling the sales order, indicating the location from which the goods or services are being provided. |
MessageText | String | Any additional message or note associated with the sales order, used to communicate special instructions or important details. |
AgreementHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the agreement header associated with the sales order, linking the order to a specific agreement or contract. |
AgreementNumber | String | The number of the agreement linked to the sales order, helping to reference the terms and conditions governing the order. |
AgreementVersionNumber | Long | The version number of the agreement, indicating the specific version of the contract or agreement associated with the order. |
Finder | String | A search tool or method used to locate and identify specific sales orders, typically employed for filtering or finding particular orders in the system. |
FromDate | Date | The start date for the sales order’s validity or applicable period, helping to track the order’s active range. |
ToDate | Date | The end date for the sales order’s validity or applicable period, used to define when the order is no longer valid or relevant. |