Contains customizable flexfields for detailed information about materials processed in work order operations.
Name | Type | Description |
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this operation material. This identifier links the descriptive flexfield (DFF) entry to the correct work order for tracking. |
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation associated with this material. This identifier ensures accurate mapping of DFF entries to specific operation steps. |
WorkorderoperationmaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation material that this DFF entry is associated with. This identifierenables detailed tracking of material usage and custom attributes. |
WoOperationMaterialId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the material used in the work order operation. This primary key is generated by the application to maintain data integrity. |
_FLEX_Context | String | The descriptive flexfield (DFF) context name that defines the custom attributes or segments available for work order operation materials. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | The display value of the descriptive flexfield (DFF) context for work order operation materials. This field provides a user-friendly name for the applied context. |
BackToBackFlag | String | Indicates whether this work order operation material is linked to a back-to-back order. This flag ensures alignment between demand and supply processes. |
ContractMfgFlag | String | Indicates whether the work order operation involves contract manufacturing. This flag supports tracking of outsourced production and vendor-related materials. |
DueDays | Int | The number of days remaining until the planned completion of the work order operation. This metric helps in scheduling and material readiness monitoring. |
Finder | String | A search key or identifier used to quickly locate specific work-order operation material DFF entries in the system. |
FirmPlannedFlag | String | Indicates whether the material requirement is firm-planned, meaning it is locked and not subject to rescheduling or changes. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this work order operation material. This identifier ensures traceability of inventory usage in the operation. |
ItemNumber | String | The specific item number assigned to the material. This number serves as a unique identifier for inventory and production tracking. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when this DFF entry was last updated. These metrics ensure visibility into recent changes and tracking modifications. |
MaterialItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the material assigned to this work order operation. This identifier helps track material usage and its associated DFF attributes. |
OrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization or business unit responsible for this work order operation material. This identifier supports multi-organization tracking. |
PlannedCompletionDate | Datetime | The planned date and time for completing the work order operation. These metrics ensure alignment with material availability and production schedules. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | The planned date and time for starting the work order operation. These metrics ensure that materials and their custom attributes are available when production begins. |
ProductSerialId | Long | The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this work order operation material. This identifier supports traceability and compliance for serialized items. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the resource (for example, 'machine', 'tool', or 'labor') associated with this work order operation. This identifier helps in linking materials to resource planning. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number assigned to the material or product associated with this operation. This serial number ensures traceability for serialized inventory. |
SourceHeaderReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this work order operation material DFF entry to the source document header, such as a purchase order or sales order. |
SourceHeaderRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source header, ensuring compatibility with external systems or legacy integrations. |
SourceLineReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this work order operation material DFF entry to a specific line item in the source document, such as a purchase order line. |
SourceLineRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source line. This identifier supports integration with external systems and historical tracking. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The identifier for the external system from which this work order operation material DFF data originates. This identifier ensures data synchronization across platforms. |
Tolerance | Int | The allowable tolerance for variations in material usage for this work order operation. DFF attributes might provide custom details on acceptable limits. |
WoProjectNumber | String | The project number associated with this work order operation material. This number links the material and its custom attributes to broader project tracking. |
WorkAreaId | Long | The unique identifier for the work area where the operation is executed. This identifier helps in organizing DFF entries by production zones. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center associated with the work order operation. This identifier ensures that DFF attributes are correctly linked to the responsible production unit. |
WorkOrderId | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this operation material. This identifier connects DFF attributes to the overarching production job. |
WorkOrderNumber | String | The user-friendly work-order number associated with this operation material. This number helps reference DFF entries in reports and workflows. |
WorkOrderStatusId | Long | The identifier for the current status of the work order (for example, 'Planned,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed'). DFF attributes might provide additional status-related information. |
WoTaskNumber | String | The specific task number within the work order operation that this material DFF entry is associated with. This number enables task-level tracking of custom attributes. |