ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks materials utilized in operations for work orders, supporting material planning and accountability.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for a work order within the WorkOrdersWorkOrderMaterial table. This identifier links material transactions to the corresponding work order, ensuring traceability in manufacturing or maintenance processes.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization that owns the work order and its associated material transactions. This identifier ensures that materials and operations are assigned to the correct business unit or facility.
WorkOrderId Long The primary key for the work order, representing a unique manufacturing or maintenance job. This identifier ties together the execution details, required materials, and operations.
WorkOrderOperationId Long A unique identifier for a specific operation within a work order. Each work order consists of multiple operations that define the step-by-step process needed to complete the job.
OperationSequenceNumber Decimal A numerical sequence that determines the execution order of operations within a work order. This sequence ensures that operations follow the correct workflow in production or maintenance activities.
OperationName String The name of a specific operation within a work order, providing clarity on the task performed (for example, 'Welding', 'Inspection', or 'Assembly').
StandardOperationId Long An identifier referencing a predefined standard operation that is applied to the work order. Standard operations allow for consistent manufacturing and maintenance processes.
StandardOperationCode String A unique code representing a standardized operation. This code facilitates efficiency by using predefined operation templates to streamline workflows.
WorkAreaId Long A unique identifier for the work area where the operation is performed. Work areas define logical or physical sections within a manufacturing plant or service facility.
WorkAreaName String The name of the work area where the operation takes place. This name helps allocate tasks and materials to specific factory zones, shop floors, or production lines.
WorkCenterId Long A unique identifier for the work center responsible for executing the operation. Work centers group machines, labor resources, or production cells assigned to specific tasks.
WorkCenterName String The name of the work center that executes the operation. Work centers are essential for resource allocation, scheduling, and production planning.
WorkOrderOperationMaterialId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for material assigned to a specific work order operation. This identifier ensures that required materials are properly allocated to the correct step in the production process.
MaterialSequenceNumber Decimal Defines the order in which materials are consumed during the execution of a work order operation. This field helps control material flow and optimize production efficiency.
MaterialType String The classification of material used in the work order, such as raw material, component, finished good, or tooling. This categorization helps manage inventory and supply chain requirements.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item required in the work order. This identifier links materials to the inventory system for stock tracking, replenishment, and consumption monitoring.
ItemNumber String A unique part number assigned to an inventory item. This part number helps identify, track, and manage materials used in production or maintenance activities.
ItemDescription String A detailed description of the inventory item used in the work order. This description provides clarity on item specifications, material composition, or functional use.
ItemRevision String The revision level of the inventory item. This field ensures the correct version of a component is used in production, aligning with engineering changes, quality requirements, and compliance standards.
QuantityPERProduct Decimal The required quantity of a specific material per unit of the finished product. This metric is crucial for material planning and cost estimation in production.
BasisType String Defines whether material consumption is calculated per unit, per lot, or as a fixed quantity. This setting impacts how materials are allocated and used in production planning.
Quantity Decimal The total quantity of material required for the work order operation. This metric is derived from the bill of materials and work order specifications.
InverseQuantity Decimal The reciprocal measurement of material quantity, often used in cases where alternative unit conversions apply for inventory tracking or production reporting.
UOMCode String The unit of measure (UOM) code associated with the material. This code ensures consistency in inventory tracking, work order processing, and material transactions.
UnitOfMeasure String The full name of the unit of measure for the material (for example, 'Each', 'Kilograms', or 'Meters'). This name ensures clarity in material handling and consumption.
RequiredDate Datetime The date when the material is required for use in the work order operation. This metric supports just-in-time inventory management and production scheduling.
YieldFactor Decimal The expected yield factor for the material, accounting for possible losses, scrap, or inefficiencies in the manufacturing process.
IncludeInPlanningFlag Bool Indicates whether this material should be considered in supply chain and production planning. If this value is set to 'True', the material is included in demand and supply calculations.
SupplyType String Defines how the material is sourced, such as 'Inventory Issue', 'Purchase Order', or 'Subcontracting'. This field setting determines whether the material comes from on-hand stock, external procurement, or third-party suppliers.
SupplyTypeDescription String A textual description of the supply type. This description provides details on how the material is sourced, handled, and allocated for the work order.
SupplySubinventory String The name of the subinventory from which the material is sourced for the work order. This field ensures materials are allocated from the correct inventory location for production or maintenance activities.
SupplyLocatorId Long The unique identifier for the specific storage location of the material within the warehouse or facility. This identifier helps track material movement and ensures accurate inventory management.
SupplyLocator String The name or code of the locator where the material is physically stored. This name aids in warehouse organization and streamlines the material picking process.
ReservedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of material that has been reserved for this work order. Reserved materials are allocated in advance to prevent stockouts and ensure production continuity.
IssuedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of material that has already been issued from inventory to the work order. Issued materials are considered consumed in the production process.
ProducedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of material that has been produced as part of this work order operation. This metric tracks output for reporting and quality control.
AllocatedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of material allocated to this work order but not yet issued. Allocated materials are set aside for production but have not been physically withdrawn from inventory.
PickedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of material that has been picked from inventory but not yet consumed in production. This metric ensures that materials are staged and ready for use at workstations.
RemainingAllocatedQuantity Decimal The quantity of allocated material that has not yet been issued or picked. This metric helps track pending material movements within the work order.
CreatedBy String The username or system identifier of the user who created the work order material record. This name is used for auditing and tracking responsibilities.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the work order material record was created. These metrics support traceability and historical analysis of material transactions.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the work order material record was last updated. These metrics ensure visibility into modifications for audit and reporting purposes.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or system identifier of the user who last modified the work order material record. This identifier helps track changes and maintain data integrity.
SubstituteFlag Bool Indicates whether a substitute material can be used in place of the originally planned material for the work order. This flag is useful for alternate sourcing and supply flexibility.
BackToBackFlag String Specifies whether the material is managed in a back-to-back fulfillment process, where a purchase order or work order is directly tied to a sales order demand.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the material is part of a contract manufacturing arrangement. This flag helps track materials supplied by third-party manufacturers.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining before the material is due for consumption in the work order. This metric helps in scheduling and inventory replenishment planning.
Finder String A searchable reference that helps locate and retrieve work order material records quickly within the system.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the material allocation is firm-planned, meaning it is locked in and cannot be adjusted automatically by planning processes.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the specific material item used in the work order. This identifier links to the master item record and ensures traceability in inventory management.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The scheduled completion date for the work order operation involving this material. This metric supports production planning and on-time delivery tracking.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The scheduled start date for the work order operation where this material is used. This metric ensures materials are available before production begins.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the serial number of the product associated with this work order material. This identifier supports traceability and compliance requirements.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier linking the material to a specific resource, such as a machine or labor unit. This identifier helps in capacity planning and resource allocation.
SerialNumber String The unique serial number assigned to the material item for tracking purposes. Serial numbers help in quality control, warranty tracking, and regulatory compliance.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long A unique reference linking the material to an external source document, such as a purchase order, sales order, or transfer order.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternative identifier referencing the source document that provides materials for this work order.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The unique identifier linking the material to a specific line item within the source document, such as a purchase order line or sales order line.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternative identifier referencing the specific line item within the source document. This identifier helps maintain traceability of material sources.
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the external system that provided data for this work order material. This identifier helps in integrations and cross-system data synchronization.
Tolerance Int Defines the allowable variance in material consumption for the work order operation. This field helps manage slight deviations in material usage.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with the work order. This number ensures that materials are linked to the correct project for cost tracking and budgeting.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number assigned to the work order for tracking and reporting purposes. This number ensures visibility into the production or maintenance job.
WorkOrderStatusId Long A unique identifier for the current status of the work order (for example, 'Open', 'Released', 'Completed', or 'Canceled'). This identifier helps in tracking work order progress.
WoTaskNumber String The task number associated with the work order. This number links material usage to specific job tasks within a larger project or work breakdown structure.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175