ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages documentation and attachments related to resources used in operations, improving resource transparency.


Name Type Description
ProcessWorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking the process work order to its resource attachments, enabling tracking of documents and files related to work order resources.
ProcessworkorderresourceWorkOrderOperationResourceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the resource within the work order operation associated with the attachment. This identifier links the document to a specific resource.
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the document attached to the resource. This identifier tracks the attachment in the document management system.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the resource attachment record was last updated. These metrics provide a historical reference for changes.
LastUpdatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who last updated the attachment record. This identifier ensures accountability and traceability for modifications.
DatatypeCode String Specifies the type of data in the attachment (for example, 'PDF,' 'IMAGE,' or 'TEXT'). This type indicates the format of the file.
FileName String The name of the file attached to the resource. This name helps users identify and reference the attached document.
DmFolderPath String The folder path in the document management system where the attachment is stored. This path provides the logical location for retrieval.
DmDocumentId String The unique identifier for the document in the document management system. This identifier enables direct access to the stored file.
DmVersionNumber String The version number of the document in the document management system. This number tracks revisions and updates to the file.
Url String The URL linking to the document in the document management system. Enables quick access to the attached file.
CategoryName String Specifies the category or classification of the attachment, such as 'Technical Manual' or 'Inspection Report.' This classification helps organize documents.
UserName String The name of the user associated with the attachment, such as the uploader or owner of the document.
Uri String The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the attachment. This URI provides a standardized location reference for the document.
FileUrl String The direct URL for accessing or downloading the attached file. This URL facilitates easy retrieval of the document.
UploadedText String The text content extracted from the uploaded file. This extracted content is useful for searchable attachments or text-based documents.
UploadedFileContentType String Specifies the content type of the uploaded file. This value indicates the format of the file.
UploadedFileLength Long The size of the uploaded file in bytes. This value helps understand storage requirements and file properties.
UploadedFileName String The name of the file as uploaded by the user, which might differ from the stored file name in the document management system (DMS).
ContentRepositoryFileShared Bool Indicates whether the file is shared within the content repository. The value 'true' means it is accessible to multiple users or systems.
Title String The title of the attachment, often summarizing its purpose or content for quick identification.
Description String A detailed description of the attachment, explaining its relevance or purpose in the context of the work order resource.
ErrorStatusCode String Specifies the error code, if any, related to the attachment upload or processing. UThis error code is useful for troubleshooting issues.
ErrorStatusMessage String A descriptive message providing details about errors encountered during attachment upload or processing.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who created the attachment record. This identifier provides accountability for the initial upload.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the attachment record was created. These metrics help track when the document was added to the system.
FileContents String The actual content of the uploaded file, stored as text or binary data. This attribute is used when file content needs to be retained in the system.
ExpirationDate Datetime The date when the attachment is set to expire or become invalid. This metric is useful for managing time-sensitive documents.
LastUpdatedByUserName String The username of the individual who last updated the attachment record. This username adds another layer of traceability.
CreatedByUserName String The username of the individual who created the attachment record. This username helps identify the uploader.
AsyncTrackerId String The unique identifier used for tracking asynchronous operations related to the attachment, such as uploads or processing tasks.
FileWebImage String A web-friendly preview or thumbnail image of the attached file.This preview is useful for quickly visualizing the content of the document.
DownloadInfo String Details or metadata about downloading the attached file, such as permissions, restrictions, or download URLs.
PostProcessingAction String Specifies the action to be performed on the attachment after processing, such as archiving, notification, or updating metadata.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether the resource attachment is part of a back-to-back process, directly linking the attachment to specific customer-driven operations.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the resource attachment is associated with contract manufacturing, where production is outsourced to external suppliers or partners.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until the resource attachment is due for use or processing. This value helps in scheduling and prioritization.
Finder String Represents the search mechanism or criteria used to locate specific resource attachments within the system for quick access.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the attachment or associated resource is firm planned, preventing changes to its allocation or schedule.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the resource attachment. This identifier links the attachment to specific materials used in production.
ItemNumber String The unique number assigned to the inventory item associated with the resource attachment. This number aids in identification and tracking of related items.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material item related to the resource attachment. This identifier tracks materials associated with the attachment for resource usage.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization where the resource attachment is managed. This identifier represents the production facility or warehouse.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The planned date and time for completing the operation or task associated with the resource attachment. These metrics support scheduling and tracking.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned date and time for starting the operation or task linked to the resource attachment. These metrics ensure alignment with production schedules.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the product serial number associated with the resource attachment. This identifier enables serialized tracking of items linked to the attachment.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource associated with the attachment. This identifier tracks which resource is linked to the document for production purposes.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the resource or item associated with the attachment. This serial number provides precise tracking and traceability for serialized items.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source header linking the resource attachment to its originating transaction, such as a sales order or production request.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternate unique identifier for the source header associated with the attachment, providing additional traceability to upstream systems.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source line linking the resource attachment to a specific line item in the originating transaction.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternate unique identifier for the source line associated with the resource attachment. This identifier offers additional traceability.
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the source system that provided the data related to the resource attachment. This identifier is useful for tracking integrations with external systems.
Tolerance Int Specifies the allowable tolerance level for the resource or its associated attachment. This attribute helps manage acceptable variances in usage or delivery.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with the resource attachment. This number links the attachment to specific project-related tasks or deliverables.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area where the resource attachment is used. This identifier helps organize attachments by production zones.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center where the resource attachment is associated. This identifier tracks attachments at specific production locations.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order linked to the resource attachment. This identifier connects the attachment to broader production activities.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number assigned to the work order associated with the resource attachment. This number aids in tracking attachments within workflows.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The unique identifier for the current status of the work order linked to the resource attachment. This identifier indicates whether the work order is open, in progress, or completed.
WoTaskNumber String The task number within the work order associated with the resource attachment. This attribute tracks attachments at the task level for production steps.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175