ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Contains values for character-based flexfield configurations in manufacturing.


Name Type Description
Value [KEY] String The specific value associated with the character value set.
Description String A detailed description of the value in the character value set.
StartDateActive Date The date from which the value becomes active and valid in the character value set.
EndDateActive Date The date until which the value remains active and valid in the character value set.
EnabledFlag String Indicates whether the value is enabled ('Y') or disabled ('N').
SummaryFlag String Indicates whether the value is a summary value ('Y') or not ('N').
ValueSetCode String The code representing the value set to which the character value belongs.
Bind_AttrMap String The attribute mapping used as a bind variable for the character value.
Bind_DataSource String The data source used as a bind variable for retrieving character values.
Bind_DataSourceDiscr String The discriminator for the data source, used to distinguish between data sources in the context of the character value set.
Bind_FinderContext String The finder context used as a bind variable for retrieving character values.
Bind_FinderDateFlag String A flag indicating whether date-based validation is enabled for the finder context.
Bind_ValidationDate Date The date used for validating the character value within the value set.
Finder String A reference or search string used to locate specific details related to the character value.
Flex_vst_bind1 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind10 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind11 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind12 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind13 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind14 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind15 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind16 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind17 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind18 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind19 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind2 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind20 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind3 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind4 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind5 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind6 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind7 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind8 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.
Flex_vst_bind9 String A custom bind variable associated with the character value, used for specific business logic.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175