Enables management of asset-related notes for documentation and communication.
Name | Type | Description |
InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the asset in the InstalledBaseAssets table. This attribute links the note to a specific asset in the system. |
NoteId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the note. This value is generated when the note is created and used to reference the specific note in the system. |
SourceObjectCode | String | The name of the source object that created the note. By default, the system sets this value to 'CSE_ASSET' during note creation. This attribute is read-only. |
SourceObjectId | String | The unique identifier for the source object associated with the note. It is set to the asset identifier during note creation and is read-only. |
PartyName | String | The name of the party associated with the note. This could refer to a customer, user, or other entity in the system. |
NoteTxt | String | The content or actual text of the note. This contains the detailed information or message entered when creating the note. |
NoteTypeCode | String | An abbreviation that uniquely identifies the type of note, such as 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', or 'PRIVATE'. The system automatically sets this during creation, and this attribute is read-only. |
VisibilityCode | String | Indicates the visibility level of the note. It can be 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', or 'PRIVATE'. A private note can only be viewed by the creator, while others can have broader access depending on the visibility setting. |
CreatorPartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the user who created the note. This value is automatically set by the system and is read-only. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is automatically populated by the system. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the note was created. This is automatically set during the creation process and is read-only. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is automatically set by the system whenever changes are made to the note. |
PartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the party associated with the note, often representing the customer or user. This attribute is used to link the note to a specific party. |
CorpCurrencyCode | String | The currency code used by the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use. |
CurcyConvRateType | String | The currency conversion rate type associated with the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use. |
ContactRelationshipId | Long | The unique identifier for the customer contact associated with the note. This attribute is read-only and not currently in use. |
ParentNoteId | Long | The unique identifier for the parent note. If the note is a reply or follow-up, this attribute links it to the original note. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the note. This value is automatically populated by the system whenever the note is modified. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | The login credentials of the user who last updated the note. This attribute provides an audit trail for changes made to the note. |
EmailAddress | String | The email address of the user who created the note. This value is used for contact purposes or notifications. |
FormattedAddress | String | The formatted address of the user who created the note. This value is presented in a standard address format for easier reference. |
FormattedPhoneNumber | String | The formatted phone number of the user who created the note. This value is used for contact purposes. |
UpdateFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the note can be updated. If true, the note is eligible for updates; if false, updates are not allowed. |
DeleteFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the note can be deleted. If true, the note is eligible for deletion; if false, deletion is not allowed. |
NoteNumber | String | A unique number assigned to the note for reference. This value is automatically generated by the system during creation and is read-only. |
NoteTitle | String | The title or subject of the note. This is an optional field that the user can enter to summarize the note's content. |
AssetId | Long | The unique identifier for the asset associated with the note. This value links the note to a specific asset record in the system. |
Finder | String | The finder associated with the note. It is used for searching and retrieving specific notes based on criteria in the system. |