ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Enables management of asset-related notes for documentation and communication.


Name Type Description
InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the asset in the InstalledBaseAssets table. This attribute links the note to a specific asset in the system.
NoteId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the note. This value is generated when the note is created and used to reference the specific note in the system.
SourceObjectCode String The name of the source object that created the note. By default, the system sets this value to 'CSE_ASSET' during note creation. This attribute is read-only.
SourceObjectId String The unique identifier for the source object associated with the note. It is set to the asset identifier during note creation and is read-only.
PartyName String The name of the party associated with the note. This could refer to a customer, user, or other entity in the system.
NoteTxt String The content or actual text of the note. This contains the detailed information or message entered when creating the note.
NoteTypeCode String An abbreviation that uniquely identifies the type of note, such as 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', or 'PRIVATE'. The system automatically sets this during creation, and this attribute is read-only.
VisibilityCode String Indicates the visibility level of the note. It can be 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', or 'PRIVATE'. A private note can only be viewed by the creator, while others can have broader access depending on the visibility setting.
CreatorPartyId Long The unique identifier for the user who created the note. This value is automatically set by the system and is read-only.
CreatedBy String The user who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is automatically populated by the system.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This is automatically set during the creation process and is read-only.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is automatically set by the system whenever changes are made to the note.
PartyId Long The unique identifier for the party associated with the note, often representing the customer or user. This attribute is used to link the note to a specific party.
CorpCurrencyCode String The currency code used by the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use.
CurcyConvRateType String The currency conversion rate type associated with the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use.
CurrencyCode String The currency code for the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only and is not currently in use.
ContactRelationshipId Long The unique identifier for the customer contact associated with the note. This attribute is read-only and not currently in use.
ParentNoteId Long The unique identifier for the parent note. If the note is a reply or follow-up, this attribute links it to the original note.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the note. This value is automatically populated by the system whenever the note is modified.
LastUpdateLogin String The login credentials of the user who last updated the note. This attribute provides an audit trail for changes made to the note.
EmailAddress String The email address of the user who created the note. This value is used for contact purposes or notifications.
FormattedAddress String The formatted address of the user who created the note. This value is presented in a standard address format for easier reference.
FormattedPhoneNumber String The formatted phone number of the user who created the note. This value is used for contact purposes.
UpdateFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the note can be updated. If true, the note is eligible for updates; if false, updates are not allowed.
DeleteFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the note can be deleted. If true, the note is eligible for deletion; if false, deletion is not allowed.
NoteNumber String A unique number assigned to the note for reference. This value is automatically generated by the system during creation and is read-only.
NoteTitle String The title or subject of the note. This is an optional field that the user can enter to summarize the note's content.
AssetId Long The unique identifier for the asset associated with the note. This value links the note to a specific asset record in the system.
Finder String The finder associated with the note. It is used for searching and retrieving specific notes based on criteria in the system.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175