ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides methods for managing descriptive flexfield contexts through REST API endpoints.


Name Type Description
ApplicationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the application associated with the descriptive flexfield context, which helps in linking the context to a specific application within the system.
DescriptiveFlexfieldCode [KEY] String The code of the descriptive flexfield, which is used to identify and reference the flexfield in the system for specific data entry or customization.
ContextCode [KEY] String The unique code for the context of the descriptive flexfield, defining the specific usage or scenario in which the flexfield is applied.
Name String The name of the descriptive flexfield context, typically used to provide a user-friendly identifier or label for the context in the interface.
Description String A detailed description of the descriptive flexfield context, explaining its purpose and usage within the application or module.
EnabledFlag String A flag indicating whether the descriptive flexfield context is enabled. Typically, a value of 'Y' signifies that it is enabled, and 'N' indicates that it is disabled.
Bind_ApplicationId Long The bound application ID, which links the context to a specific application for configuration purposes or flexibility in applying contexts.
Bind_DescriptiveFlexfieldCode String The bound descriptive flexfield code, linking this context to the corresponding flexfield, defining the flexible fields available within this context.
Finder String The name of the finder, which is used to locate or search for specific records or data associated with this descriptive flexfield context.

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Build 24.0.9175