ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks service line details such as labor, materials, expenses, and activity durations.


Name Type Description
DebriefsDebriefHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the debrief header, linking it to the specific debrief line records.
BillToPartyId Long The unique identifier of the bill-to party (HZ_PARTIES) associated with the debrief transaction.
CurrencyCode String The currency code used for the expense amount in the debrief line (referenced from FND_CURRENCIES).
DebriefHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the debrief header record, linking it to the overall debrief process.
DebriefLineId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for each debrief line, used to reference individual entries in the debrief.
ExpenseAmount Decimal The amount associated with the expense in the debrief line.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS), which could be a material, labor, or expense item, depending on the billing type.
ItemRevision String The revision number associated with the product item being debriefed.
LaborEndDate Datetime The date and time when labor activities related to the debrief line were completed.
LaborStartDate Datetime The date and time when labor activities related to the debrief line began.
LineStatusCode String The status of the debrief line, indicating its current state. Valid statuses are defined in the lookup type ORA_RCL_DEBRIEF_STATUS.
LineType String An internal code identifying whether the debrief line is related to material, labor, or expense.
LotNumber String The lot number of the item being debriefed, used for tracking inventory batches.
OrderLineId Long The unique identifier for the order line related to the debrief (DOO_LINES_ALL).
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization handling the inventory for the debrief.
ParentInstanceId Long The unique identifier for the parent instance of an asset associated with the debrief.
Quantity Decimal The quantity of the item being debriefed.
ReasonCode String This attribute is not currently in use but could serve as a reason for adjustments or corrections in the debrief.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the item being debriefed, used for tracking specific units.
ServiceActivityId Long The identifier for the service activity associated with the debrief line (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL).
SourceId String The unique identifier for the application from which the debrief line originated.
SourceType String The type of application where the debrief line was first entered.
SubinventoryCode String The subinventory name used for installation or return of items in the debrief transaction.
UOMCode String The unit of measure code used in the debrief transaction, such as 'EA' for each or 'KG' for kilograms.
OrganizationCode String The code identifying the inventory organization related to the debrief line.
InventoryItemNumber String The unique number identifying the item associated with the debrief line (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS).
BillToPartyName String The name of the bill-to party or customer associated with the debrief.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure used for the item in the debrief line, such as quantity or weight.
ServiceActivityCode String The abbreviation that identifies the service activity associated with the debrief (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL).
ReservationId Long The unique identifier for the inventory reservation created for part installation in the debrief process.
CommonInventoryFlag Bool Indicates whether the project inventory is considered common inventory during the debrief material process. 'True' allows issuing parts from the common inventory.
PartyId Long The unique identifier for the customer party (associated with the debrief).
PartyName String The name of the customer associated with the debrief.
CustomerAccountId Long The unique identifier of the customer account involved in the debrief transaction.
CustomerAccountNumber String The account number of the customer associated with the debrief.
BillToPartySiteId Long The unique identifier of the bill-to party site where the debrief is directed.
BillToAddress String The billing address of the customer associated with the debrief.
ServiceActivity String A general description of the service activity associated with the debrief line.
ServiceActivityDescription String A detailed description of the service activity for the debrief line.
LineCategoryCode String The category code assigned to the debrief line.
ZeroChargeFlag Bool Indicates whether the debrief line has zero charges. If true, the line is treated as non-billable.
OmInterfaceFlag Bool Indicates whether the debrief line has been interfaced with the Oracle Manufacturing system.
InventoryItemDescription String A description of the inventory item associated with the debrief line.
LineStatus String The current status of the debrief line, such as 'Pending', 'Completed', 'Cancelled'.
ErrorText String Text field used for detailing errors encountered during the processing of the debrief line.
LineTypeMeaning String A description of the line type, explaining whether it is for material, labor, or expense.
PricingSegmentCode String The code for the pricing segment associated with the debrief line.
PricingSegmentExplanation String A detailed explanation of the pricing segment applied to the debrief line.
PricingStrategyExplanation String A detailed explanation of the pricing strategy applied to the debrief line.
PricingStrategyId Long The unique identifier for the pricing strategy applied to the debrief line.
AppliedCurrencyCode String The currency code used for applying pricing to the debrief line.
CreationDate Datetime The date when the debrief line was created.
CreatedBy String The user who created the debrief line record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date when the debrief line was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the debrief line record.
LastUpdateLogin String The login information of the user who last updated the debrief line.
OriginalOrderLineId Long The reference to the original order line for which the debrief correction is created.
OrderNumber String The order number associated with the debrief line.
RepairOrderId Long The repair order ID related to the debrief line.
RepairOrderNumber String The repair order number associated with the debrief line.
BillingTypeCode String The billing type code associated with the debrief line.
BillingType String A description of the billing type for the debrief line.
UOMClass String The class of unit of measure used in the debrief transaction.
PricingSegment String The pricing segment associated with the debrief line.
PricingStrategy String The pricing strategy applied to the debrief line.
InvoiceId Long The invoice ID related to the debrief line.
InvoiceNumber String The invoice number related to the debrief line.
RepriceFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the debrief line should be repriced after manual adjustments are applied.
StockLocationId Long The unique identifier for the inventory stocking location used in the debrief transaction (RCL_STOCK_LOCATIONS).
Finder String A generic search term used for locating debrief line records in the system.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175