Tracks service line details such as labor, materials, expenses, and activity durations.
Name | Type | Description |
DebriefsDebriefHeaderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the debrief header, linking it to the specific debrief line records. |
BillToPartyId | Long | The unique identifier of the bill-to party (HZ_PARTIES) associated with the debrief transaction. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency code used for the expense amount in the debrief line (referenced from FND_CURRENCIES). |
DebriefHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the debrief header record, linking it to the overall debrief process. |
DebriefLineId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for each debrief line, used to reference individual entries in the debrief. |
ExpenseAmount | Decimal | The amount associated with the expense in the debrief line. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS), which could be a material, labor, or expense item, depending on the billing type. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision number associated with the product item being debriefed. |
LaborEndDate | Datetime | The date and time when labor activities related to the debrief line were completed. |
LaborStartDate | Datetime | The date and time when labor activities related to the debrief line began. |
LineStatusCode | String | The status of the debrief line, indicating its current state. Valid statuses are defined in the lookup type ORA_RCL_DEBRIEF_STATUS. |
LineType | String | An internal code identifying whether the debrief line is related to material, labor, or expense. |
LotNumber | String | The lot number of the item being debriefed, used for tracking inventory batches. |
OrderLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the order line related to the debrief (DOO_LINES_ALL). |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier of the organization handling the inventory for the debrief. |
ParentInstanceId | Long | The unique identifier for the parent instance of an asset associated with the debrief. |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item being debriefed. |
ReasonCode | String | This attribute is not currently in use but could serve as a reason for adjustments or corrections in the debrief. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number of the item being debriefed, used for tracking specific units. |
ServiceActivityId | Long | The identifier for the service activity associated with the debrief line (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL). |
SourceId | String | The unique identifier for the application from which the debrief line originated. |
SourceType | String | The type of application where the debrief line was first entered. |
SubinventoryCode | String | The subinventory name used for installation or return of items in the debrief transaction. |
UOMCode | String | The unit of measure code used in the debrief transaction, such as 'EA' for each or 'KG' for kilograms. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code identifying the inventory organization related to the debrief line. |
InventoryItemNumber | String | The unique number identifying the item associated with the debrief line (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS). |
BillToPartyName | String | The name of the bill-to party or customer associated with the debrief. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure used for the item in the debrief line, such as quantity or weight. |
ServiceActivityCode | String | The abbreviation that identifies the service activity associated with the debrief (RCL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES_VL). |
ReservationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory reservation created for part installation in the debrief process. |
CommonInventoryFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the project inventory is considered common inventory during the debrief material process. 'True' allows issuing parts from the common inventory. |
PartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the customer party (associated with the debrief). |
PartyName | String | The name of the customer associated with the debrief. |
CustomerAccountId | Long | The unique identifier of the customer account involved in the debrief transaction. |
CustomerAccountNumber | String | The account number of the customer associated with the debrief. |
BillToPartySiteId | Long | The unique identifier of the bill-to party site where the debrief is directed. |
BillToAddress | String | The billing address of the customer associated with the debrief. |
ServiceActivity | String | A general description of the service activity associated with the debrief line. |
ServiceActivityDescription | String | A detailed description of the service activity for the debrief line. |
LineCategoryCode | String | The category code assigned to the debrief line. |
ZeroChargeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the debrief line has zero charges. If true, the line is treated as non-billable. |
OmInterfaceFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the debrief line has been interfaced with the Oracle Manufacturing system. |
InventoryItemDescription | String | A description of the inventory item associated with the debrief line. |
LineStatus | String | The current status of the debrief line, such as 'Pending', 'Completed', 'Cancelled'. |
ErrorText | String | Text field used for detailing errors encountered during the processing of the debrief line. |
LineTypeMeaning | String | A description of the line type, explaining whether it is for material, labor, or expense. |
PricingSegmentCode | String | The code for the pricing segment associated with the debrief line. |
PricingSegmentExplanation | String | A detailed explanation of the pricing segment applied to the debrief line. |
PricingStrategyExplanation | String | A detailed explanation of the pricing strategy applied to the debrief line. |
PricingStrategyId | Long | The unique identifier for the pricing strategy applied to the debrief line. |
AppliedCurrencyCode | String | The currency code used for applying pricing to the debrief line. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date when the debrief line was created. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the debrief line record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the debrief line was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the debrief line record. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | The login information of the user who last updated the debrief line. |
OriginalOrderLineId | Long | The reference to the original order line for which the debrief correction is created. |
OrderNumber | String | The order number associated with the debrief line. |
RepairOrderId | Long | The repair order ID related to the debrief line. |
RepairOrderNumber | String | The repair order number associated with the debrief line. |
BillingTypeCode | String | The billing type code associated with the debrief line. |
BillingType | String | A description of the billing type for the debrief line. |
UOMClass | String | The class of unit of measure used in the debrief transaction. |
PricingSegment | String | The pricing segment associated with the debrief line. |
PricingStrategy | String | The pricing strategy applied to the debrief line. |
InvoiceId | Long | The invoice ID related to the debrief line. |
InvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number related to the debrief line. |
RepriceFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the debrief line should be repriced after manual adjustments are applied. |
StockLocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory stocking location used in the debrief transaction (RCL_STOCK_LOCATIONS). |
Finder | String | A generic search term used for locating debrief line records in the system. |