ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Debriefs resource manages additional information for a source document, technician, business unit, customer party, customer account, bill-to site, item number, serial number, asset number, and debrief status.


Name Type Description
AssetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the asset.
BillToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party.
BUOrgId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit.
CustomerAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer account.
DebriefHeaderId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the debrief header record.
DebriefNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the debrief header record.
DebriefStatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the debrief header. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_RCL_DEBRIEF_STATUS. You cannot add additional debrief statuses.
FreezePrice String Value that indicates whether or not the price is frozen when creating the sales order.
ObjectVersionNumber Int Number that is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was most recently queried.
ParentEntityCode String Abbreviation that identifies the parent entity of the debrief header.
ParentEntityId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent entity of the debrief header.
ParentEntityName String Name of the parent entity associated with the debrief.
PartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer party (HZ_PARTIES) associated with the service logistics debrief record (RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS).
ProductItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the product (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS) associated with the service logistics debrief record (RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS).
ProductSerialNumber String Serial number that identifies the product.
TechnicianPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the technician resource (HZ_PARTIES) associated with the service logistics debrief record (RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS).
ProductItemNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the product (EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS) associated with the service logistics debrief record (RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS).
BUName String Name of the business unit where the sales order is created.
TechnicianPartyName String Name of the technician.
CustomerName String Name of the customer.
CustomerAccountNumber String Number that identifies the customer account.
AssetNumber String Number that identifies the asset.
ParentEntityCodeMeaning String Meaning of the parent entity code. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_RCL_SOURCE_DOC_TYPE.
ParentEntityNumber String Number that identifies the parent document associated with the service logistics debrief record.
CostOrganizationName String CostOrganizationName of Debriefs
CostOrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the maintenance organization.
CostOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the maintenance organization.
WorkOrderSubTypeMeaning String WorkOrderSubTypeMeaning of Debriefs
WorkOrderSubTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the work order subtype.
ProductItemDescription String ProductItemDescription of Debriefs
BillToAddress String BillToAddress of Debriefs
PurchaseOrder String Value that defines the purchase order number from the service request for the debrief header.
ServiceRequestId Long ServiceRequestId of Debriefs
ServiceRequestNumber String ServiceRequestNumber of Debriefs
DebriefStatus String DebriefStatus of Debriefs
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Debriefs
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of Debriefs
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Debriefs
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of Debriefs
LastUpdateLogin String LastUpdateLogin of Debriefs
RepriceFlag Bool Value that identifies the repricing of the debrief. Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, initiates repricing for the debrief. If false, doesn't initiate repricing for the debrief.
CurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the currency for repricing the debrief.
TechnicianPartyNumber String TechnicianPartyNumber of Debriefs
TechnicianEmailAddress String TechnicianEmailAddress of Debriefs
OrderId Decimal OrderId of Debriefs
OrderNumber String OrderNumber of Debriefs
CreateChargesFlag Bool Value that pulls the charges created for maintenance work orders for a debrief transaction.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of Debriefs
ReceivedQuantity Decimal ReceivedQuantity of Debriefs
ShipToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party.
ShipToAddress String ShipToAddress of Debriefs
Finder String Finder of Debriefs

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Build 24.0.9111