ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages allocation and tracking of items within a transfer order for accurate inventory management.


Name Type Description
TransferOrdersHeaderId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the transfer order header associated with the distribution.
TransferorderlinesLineId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the transfer order line within the order distribution.
DistributionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the specific distribution of a transfer order line.
DistributionNumber Decimal Sequential number assigned to the distribution within the transfer order line.
LineId Long Unique identifier linking the distribution to a specific transfer order line.
PrimaryLedgerId Long Identifier for the primary ledger associated with the transaction.
CodeCombinationId Long Reference to the general ledger account combination associated with the distribution.
DistributionQuantity Decimal The quantity of items allocated in this specific distribution.
DeliveredQuantity Decimal The quantity of items that have been delivered from this distribution.
Percent Decimal The percentage of the transfer order line that this distribution represents.
DistributionAmount Decimal The monetary value allocated to this particular distribution.
RecoverableTax Decimal The portion of tax that is recoverable for this distribution.
NonrecoverableTax Decimal The portion of tax that is non-recoverable for this distribution.
FundsStatus String Indicates the funding status of the distribution (for example, reserved, committed).
BudgetDate Date The budget date associated with this transfer order distribution.
RequisitionDistributionId Long Unique identifier linking the distribution to a requisition distribution.
ChargeAccount String The charge account to which the distribution is assigned.
Finder String Identifier for the finder method used to retrieve the distribution.
HeaderId Long Reference identifier for the header of the transfer order.
PBatch String Batch reference associated with the transfer order distribution.
PDestinationOrganization String Destination organization where the transferred items will be received.
PItemNumber String Item number of the product being transferred.
PLineNumber String Line number corresponding to the transfer order line.
PLineStatus String Current status of the transfer order line (for example, open, closed, shipped).
PScheduledShipDate Datetime Scheduled date for shipping the transfer order items.
PSourceOrganization String Source organization from which the transfer order originates.
PTransactionOrigin String Indicates the transaction origin associated with the transfer order.
PTransferOrder String Reference number for the transfer order.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175