Manages allocation and tracking of items within a transfer order for accurate inventory management.
Name | Type | Description |
TransferOrdersHeaderId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the transfer order header associated with the distribution. |
TransferorderlinesLineId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the transfer order line within the order distribution. |
DistributionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the specific distribution of a transfer order line. |
DistributionNumber | Decimal | Sequential number assigned to the distribution within the transfer order line. |
LineId | Long | Unique identifier linking the distribution to a specific transfer order line. |
PrimaryLedgerId | Long | Identifier for the primary ledger associated with the transaction. |
CodeCombinationId | Long | Reference to the general ledger account combination associated with the distribution. |
DistributionQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items allocated in this specific distribution. |
DeliveredQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items that have been delivered from this distribution. |
Percent | Decimal | The percentage of the transfer order line that this distribution represents. |
DistributionAmount | Decimal | The monetary value allocated to this particular distribution. |
RecoverableTax | Decimal | The portion of tax that is recoverable for this distribution. |
NonrecoverableTax | Decimal | The portion of tax that is non-recoverable for this distribution. |
FundsStatus | String | Indicates the funding status of the distribution (for example, reserved, committed). |
BudgetDate | Date | The budget date associated with this transfer order distribution. |
RequisitionDistributionId | Long | Unique identifier linking the distribution to a requisition distribution. |
ChargeAccount | String | The charge account to which the distribution is assigned. |
Finder | String | Identifier for the finder method used to retrieve the distribution. |
HeaderId | Long | Reference identifier for the header of the transfer order. |
PBatch | String | Batch reference associated with the transfer order distribution. |
PDestinationOrganization | String | Destination organization where the transferred items will be received. |
PItemNumber | String | Item number of the product being transferred. |
PLineNumber | String | Line number corresponding to the transfer order line. |
PLineStatus | String | Current status of the transfer order line (for example, open, closed, shipped). |
PScheduledShipDate | Datetime | Scheduled date for shipping the transfer order items. |
PSourceOrganization | String | Source organization from which the transfer order originates. |
PTransactionOrigin | String | Indicates the transaction origin associated with the transfer order. |
PTransferOrder | String | Reference number for the transfer order. |