ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks and manages supply information for each order line, supporting detailed monitoring of supply creation and fulfillment processes.


Name Type Description
SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] String Reference number for the supply request associated with this supply order line.
SupplyLineId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the supply order line within the supply request.
SupplyOrderHeaderId Long Identifier linking this supply order line to its corresponding supply order header.
SupplyLineNumber Long Line number within the supply order, used for tracking individual supply requests.
SupplyLineStatus String Current processing status of the supply order line (for example, Open, Completed, Canceled).
SupplyType String Type of supply order (for example, Transfer Order, Work Order, Purchase Order).
ItemId Long Unique identifier for the item requested in the supply order line.
ItemRevision String Revision number of the item, if applicable.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineNumber String Reference number for the supply order line in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
Quantity Decimal Total quantity requested for the item in this supply order line.
UOMCode String Abbreviation for the unit of measure (UOM) associated with the requested quantity.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineId Long Unique identifier linking this supply order line to its reference line in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
NeedByDate Datetime Date by which the requested supply is needed.
PreparerId Long Unique identifier of the user who prepared the supply request.
SupplyOrderSource String Application that originated the supply order (for example, Order Management, Inventory, External System).
DestinationOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the destination organization receiving the supply.
DestinationOrganizationCode String Abbreviation identifying the destination organization.
ItemNumber String Human-readable item number associated with the requested supply.
ItemDescription String Detailed description of the item requested in the supply order.
UOMName String Full name of the UOM for the requested item.
DestinationOrganizationName String Full name of the destination organization where the supply is being sent.
PreparerName String Full name of the user who prepared the supply request.
PreparerEmail String Email address of the user who prepared the supply request.
BindDestOrganizationCode String Binding code that links the supply order line to the destination organization.
BindDocumentNumber String Binding document number associated with the supply order line.
BindItemNumber String Binding item number used for linking supply order data.
BindNeedByDate Datetime Binding field indicating the required delivery date for the supply request.
BindSupplyOrderNumber String Binding field for linking the supply order number.
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber String Binding field for linking the supply order reference number.
BindSupplyOrderSource String Binding field for linking the supply order source application.
BindSupplyRequestDate Datetime Binding field indicating when the supply request was submitted.
BindSupplyStatus String Binding field for tracking the processing status of the supply request.
BindSupplyType String Binding field specifying the type of supply order.
Finder String Utility field used for retrieving specific supply order lines.
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber String Reference number used to track the supply order associated with this line.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175