Tracks and manages supply information for each order line, supporting detailed monitoring of supply creation and fulfillment processes.
Name | Type | Description |
SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] | String | Reference number for the supply request associated with this supply order line. |
SupplyLineId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the supply order line within the supply request. |
SupplyOrderHeaderId | Long | Identifier linking this supply order line to its corresponding supply order header. |
SupplyLineNumber | Long | Line number within the supply order, used for tracking individual supply requests. |
SupplyLineStatus | String | Current processing status of the supply order line (for example, Open, Completed, Canceled). |
SupplyType | String | Type of supply order (for example, Transfer Order, Work Order, Purchase Order). |
ItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the item requested in the supply order line. |
ItemRevision | String | Revision number of the item, if applicable. |
SupplyOrderReferenceLineNumber | String | Reference number for the supply order line in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud. |
Quantity | Decimal | Total quantity requested for the item in this supply order line. |
UOMCode | String | Abbreviation for the unit of measure (UOM) associated with the requested quantity. |
SupplyOrderReferenceLineId | Long | Unique identifier linking this supply order line to its reference line in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud. |
NeedByDate | Datetime | Date by which the requested supply is needed. |
PreparerId | Long | Unique identifier of the user who prepared the supply request. |
SupplyOrderSource | String | Application that originated the supply order (for example, Order Management, Inventory, External System). |
DestinationOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the destination organization receiving the supply. |
DestinationOrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation identifying the destination organization. |
ItemNumber | String | Human-readable item number associated with the requested supply. |
ItemDescription | String | Detailed description of the item requested in the supply order. |
UOMName | String | Full name of the UOM for the requested item. |
DestinationOrganizationName | String | Full name of the destination organization where the supply is being sent. |
PreparerName | String | Full name of the user who prepared the supply request. |
PreparerEmail | String | Email address of the user who prepared the supply request. |
BindDestOrganizationCode | String | Binding code that links the supply order line to the destination organization. |
BindDocumentNumber | String | Binding document number associated with the supply order line. |
BindItemNumber | String | Binding item number used for linking supply order data. |
BindNeedByDate | Datetime | Binding field indicating the required delivery date for the supply request. |
BindSupplyOrderNumber | String | Binding field for linking the supply order number. |
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber | String | Binding field for linking the supply order reference number. |
BindSupplyOrderSource | String | Binding field for linking the supply order source application. |
BindSupplyRequestDate | Datetime | Binding field indicating when the supply request was submitted. |
BindSupplyStatus | String | Binding field for tracking the processing status of the supply request. |
BindSupplyType | String | Binding field specifying the type of supply order. |
Finder | String | Utility field used for retrieving specific supply order lines. |
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber | String | Reference number used to track the supply order associated with this line. |