ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Maintains information about shipment lines that remain unpacked, providing insight into pending packing tasks.


Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment transaction request related to unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long Identifier for the interface managing shipment delivery in the transaction request.
DeliveryDetailInterfaceId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment delivery detail.
ShipmentLine Long Unique identifier for a specific shipment line.
Item String Name of the item included in the shipment.
ItemRevision String Revision number of the item being shipped.
Subinventory String Subinventory used to fulfill the shipment item.
Locator String Concatenated inventory locator name for material sourcing.
ShippedQuantity Decimal Total quantity of the item shipped.
ShippedQuantityUOMCode String Code representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the shipped quantity.
ShippedQuantityUOM String UOM for the shipped quantity.
SecondaryShippedQuantity Decimal Shipped quantity in the secondary UOM.
SecondaryShippedQuantityUOMCode String Code representing the secondary UOM.
SecondaryShippedQuantityUOM String Secondary UOM for the shipped quantity.
NetWeight Decimal Net weight of the shipment line, excluding packaging.
GrossWeight Decimal Gross weight of the shipment line, including packaging.
WeightUOMCode String Code representing the UOM for weight.
WeightUOM String UOM for the weight of the shipment line.
Volume Decimal Volume occupied by the shipment line.
VolumeUOMCode String Code representing the UOM for volume.
VolumeUOM String UOM for the shipment line's volume.
LoadingSequence Decimal Loading sequence number for arranging shipment lines.
TaxationCountry String Country where the transaction occurs for tax purposes.
TransactionBusinessCategory String Business classification for tax processing in Oracle Fusion Tax.
DocumentFiscalClassification String Fiscal classification for tax reporting.
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode String User-defined tax classification code.
ProductFiscalClassification String Product fiscal classification for tax calculations.
IntendedUse String Intended use classification for the shipment item.
ProductCategory String Product category of the shipment item.
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode String Code identifying the final discharge location.
TaxClassificationCode String Code identifying a group of applicable taxes.
ProductTypeCode String Code specifying the product type for inventory classification.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Tax registration number of the first party in the transaction.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Tax registration number of the third party in the transaction.
TaxInvoiceNumber String Tax invoice number issued for tax compliance.
TaxInvoiceDate Date Date the tax invoice was issued.
AssessableValue Decimal Value of the item for tax assessment.
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber String Certificate number proving tax exemption.
TaxExemptionReasonCode String Code representing the reason for tax exemption.
Order String Order number associated with the shipment.
SoldToCustomer String Customer to whom the shipment is sold.
CreatedBy String User who created the shipment record.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time the shipment record was created.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the shipment record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time the shipment record was last updated.
RequestedQuantityToConsume Decimal Requested quantity to be consumed for the shipment line.
QuantityToBackorder Decimal Quantity requested for backorder.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number assigned to the shipment line.
Carrier String Carrier responsible for transporting the shipment.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String Reference for the transaction in an external system.
Finder String Searchable reference field for locating shipment records.
FromActualShipDate Datetime Start date range for actual shipment.
FromInitialShipDate Datetime Start date range for initially planned shipment.
ModeOfTransportCode String Code representing the mode of transport (for example, air, sea, land).
PackingUnit String Packing unit for the shipment.
ServiceLevelCode String Code representing the shipping service level.
ShipFromOrganizationCode String Code identifying the shipping organization.
Shipment String Unique identifier for the shipment.
ToActualShipDate Datetime End date range for actual shipment.
ToInitialShipDate Datetime End date range for initially planned shipment.
TransactionId Long Unique transaction ID linking this shipment to the transaction request.

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Build 24.0.9175