Stores notes and instructions related to outer packing units, including packing guidelines and shipping-specific information.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the shipment transaction request associated with outer packing unit notes. |
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the interface managing shipment delivery within the transaction request. |
OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the outer packing unit’s License Plate Number (LPN) in the shipment. |
NoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the note associated with the outer packing unit. |
SourceObjectCode | String | Code representing the source object type that the metadata defines for the note (for example, shipment, order, packing unit). |
SourceObjectId | String | Unique identifier of the source object to which the note is attached. |
PartyName | String | Name of the party associated with the note (for example, carrier, customer, shipper). |
NoteTxt | String | Full text content of the note attached to the outer packing unit. |
NoteTypeCode | String | Code representing the category of the note (for example, shipping instructions, damage report, tracking update). |
VisibilityCode | String | Code indicating the visibility level of the note (for example, public, internal, confidential). |
CreatorPartyId | Long | Unique identifier of the person or entity that created the note. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the note entry for the outer packing unit. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp when the note entry was created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp when the note entry was last updated. |
PartyId | Long | Unique identifier of the party associated with the note. |
CorpCurrencyCode | String | Code representing the corporate currency in which financial amounts are recorded. |
CurcyConvRateType | String | Type of currency conversion rate applied to financial amounts in the note. |
CurrencyCode | String | Code representing the currency used in any financial references in the note. |
ContactRelationshipId | Long | Unique identifier of the relationship between the contact and the shipment transaction. |
ParentNoteId | Long | Unique identifier of the parent note, if this note is a reply or part of a thread. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last modified the note entry. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Session identifier of the user who last updated the note. |
EmailAddress | String | Email address of the contact person related to the note. |
FormattedAddress | String | Formatted address of the party associated with the note. |
FormattedPhoneNumber | String | Formatted phone number of the contact person for reference. |
UpdateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the note is flagged for updates (true/false). |
DeleteFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the note is flagged for deletion (true/false). |
NoteNumber | String | System-generated or externally assigned unique identifier for the note. |
NoteTitle | String | Title or subject of the note, typically entered by the user. |
Carrier | String | Name of the carrier related to the shipment or the note. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | Reference identifier linking the note to an external system transaction. |
Finder | String | Searchable reference field for locating specific notes in the system. |
FromActualShipDate | Datetime | Start date range for the actual shipment date associated with the note. |
FromInitialShipDate | Datetime | Start date range for the originally planned shipment date. |
Item | String | Identifier or name of the item related to the note. |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | Code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, air, sea, land). |
Order | String | Order number associated with the shipment or note. |
PackingUnit | String | Packing unit name or identifier associated with the note. |
ServiceLevelCode | String | Code representing the level of service for the shipment (for example, express, standard). |
ShipFromOrganizationCode | String | Code identifying the organization location from which the shipment originates. |
Shipment | String | Unique identifier or name of the shipment. |
ShipmentLine | Long | Line number corresponding to a specific item in the shipment. |
SoldToCustomer | String | Name of the customer to whom the shipment is sold. |
ToActualShipDate | Datetime | End date range for the actual shipment date. |
ToInitialShipDate | Datetime | End date range for the originally planned shipment date. |
TransactionId | Long | Unique transaction ID linking this note data to the shipment transaction request. |