ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Maintains information about inner packing units that are enclosed within outer packing units, providing a nested view of packing structures.


Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment transaction request associated with inner packing units.
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long Identifier for the interface managing shipment delivery within the transaction request.
OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the outer packing unit’s License Plate Number (LPN) in the shipment.
LPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the inner packing unit’s LPN in the shipment.
PackingUnit String Name or identifier of the packing unit that contains the shipment items.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number assigned to the packing unit for shipment monitoring.
MasterSerialNumber String Unique serial number that identifies the packing unit.
SealNumber String Number assigned to the seal on a packing unit, ensuring it remains closed during transport.
PackingUnitType String Type of packing unit, indicating its characteristics (for example, box, pallet, container).
FOBCode String Code indicating ownership of in-transit items. The list of valid values is defined in the lookup type FOB.
Volume Decimal Total volume capacity of the packing unit.
VolumeUOMCode String Code representing the unit of measure (UOM) used for the packing unit's volume.
VolumeUOM String UOM for the volume of the packing unit (for example, cubic feet, liters).
GrossWeight Decimal Total weight of the packing unit, including its contents.
GrossWeightUOMCode String Code representing the UOM used for the gross weight of the packing unit.
GrossWeightUOM String UOM for the gross weight of the packing unit (for example, kg, lb).
TareWeight Decimal Weight of the packing unit container alone, without its contents.
TareWeightUOMCode String Code representing the UOM used for the tare weight of the packing unit.
TareWeightUOM String UOM for the tare weight of the packing unit.
CreatedBy String User who created the inner packing unit entry in the shipment transaction.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp when the inner packing unit entry was created.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last modified the inner packing unit entry in the shipment transaction.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp when the inner packing unit entry was last updated.
Attachments String References to any attachments associated with the inner packing unit.
Costs String Shipping cost details associated with the inner packing unit.
Errors String List of errors encountered during processing of the inner packing unit.
DFF String Descriptive flexfields (DFFs) containing additional custom attributes for the inner packing unit.
InnerPackingUnits String Details of any nested packing units within this inner packing unit.
Notes String Additional notes or remarks related to the inner packing unit.
PackedLines String Shipment line items packed within the inner packing unit.
Carrier String Name of the carrier responsible for transporting the shipment.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String Reference ID linking the transaction request to an external system.
Finder String Searchable reference field for locating specific shipment records.
FromActualShipDate Datetime Start date range for the actual shipment date.
FromInitialShipDate Datetime Start date range for the originally planned shipment date.
Item String Identifier or name of the item contained within the inner packing unit.
ModeOfTransportCode String Code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, air, sea, land).
Order String Order number associated with the shipment.
ServiceLevelCode String Code representing the level of service for the shipment (for example, express, standard).
ShipFromOrganizationCode String Code identifying the organization location from which the shipment originates.
Shipment String Unique identifier or name of the shipment.
ShipmentLine Long Line number corresponding to a specific item in the shipment.
SoldToCustomer String Customer to whom the shipment is sold.
ToActualShipDate Datetime End date range for the actual shipment date.
ToInitialShipDate Datetime End date range for the originally planned shipment date.
TransactionId Long Unique transaction ID linking this inner packing unit data to the shipment transaction request.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175