Manages standard attributes for serial numbers in unpacked shipment lines using flexfields.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment. |
UnpackedshipmentlinesShipmentLine [KEY] | Long | Reference to the shipment line in unpacked shipment lines. |
ShipmentlineserialsFromSerialNumber [KEY] | String | The starting serial number for the shipment line. |
ShipmentlineserialsUniqueLineNumber [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the shipment line serial number. |
TransactionTempId [KEY] | Long | Temporary identifier for the shipment transaction. |
FmSerialNumber [KEY] | String | Serial number of the shipped item. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Context value for the flexfield associated with the shipment line. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Display value for the flexfield context in the shipment line. |
BaseItem | String | The base item associated with the shipment. |
DeliveryId | Long | Reference identifier for the delivery of the shipment. |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | The item number of the final assembled product. |
Finder | String | Search key used to locate and retrieve shipment data. |
IntegrationStatus | String | The integration status of the shipment with external systems. |
Item | String | The item being shipped. |
LineStatus | String | The current status of the shipment line. |
OrderNumber | String | The order number associated with the shipment. |
OrderType | String | The type of order related to the shipment. |
OrderTypeCode | String | The code representing the order type. |
ParentPackingUnit | String | The parent packing unit associated with the shipment. |
PickWave | String | The pick wave batch for the shipment line. |
QuickShipStatus | String | Indicates whether the shipment is eligible for quick shipping. |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the received shipment line. |
Shipment | String | Reference to the shipment record. |
ShipmentSet | String | Indicates if the shipment is part of a set shipment. |
ShipToCustomer | String | The customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToPartyId | String | Unique identifier for the party receiving the shipment. |
SourceOrder | String | Reference to the original source order. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | Reference to the fulfillment line in the source order. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | String | Unique identifier for the fulfillment line in the source order. |
SourceOrderLine | String | Reference to the specific order line in the source order. |
SourceSystemId | String | Unique identifier for the source system providing shipment data. |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | The current trade compliance status of the shipment. |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | The current transportation planning status of the shipment. |