ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages standard attributes for serial numbers in unpacked shipment lines using flexfields.


Name Type Description
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment.
UnpackedshipmentlinesShipmentLine [KEY] Long Reference to the shipment line in unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentlineserialsFromSerialNumber [KEY] String The starting serial number for the shipment line.
ShipmentlineserialsUniqueLineNumber [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment line serial number.
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long Temporary identifier for the shipment transaction.
FmSerialNumber [KEY] String Serial number of the shipped item.
_FLEX_Context String Context value for the flexfield associated with the shipment line.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Display value for the flexfield context in the shipment line.
BaseItem String The base item associated with the shipment.
DeliveryId Long Reference identifier for the delivery of the shipment.
EndAssemblyItemNumber String The item number of the final assembled product.
Finder String Search key used to locate and retrieve shipment data.
IntegrationStatus String The integration status of the shipment with external systems.
Item String The item being shipped.
LineStatus String The current status of the shipment line.
OrderNumber String The order number associated with the shipment.
OrderType String The type of order related to the shipment.
OrderTypeCode String The code representing the order type.
ParentPackingUnit String The parent packing unit associated with the shipment.
PickWave String The pick wave batch for the shipment line.
QuickShipStatus String Indicates whether the shipment is eligible for quick shipping.
RcvShipmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the received shipment line.
Shipment String Reference to the shipment record.
ShipmentSet String Indicates if the shipment is part of a set shipment.
ShipToCustomer String The customer receiving the shipment.
ShipToPartyId String Unique identifier for the party receiving the shipment.
SourceOrder String Reference to the original source order.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Reference to the fulfillment line in the source order.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId String Unique identifier for the fulfillment line in the source order.
SourceOrderLine String Reference to the specific order line in the source order.
SourceSystemId String Unique identifier for the source system providing shipment data.
TradeComplianceStatus String The current trade compliance status of the shipment.
TransportationPlanningStatus String The current transportation planning status of the shipment.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175