Manages shipment line details linked to transaction requests.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the shipment line transaction request. This links the shipment line transaction to a specific request. |
DeliveryDetailInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the interface record that contains the details of the delivery associated with this shipment line transaction. |
LineActionType | String | Identifies the type of action to process for this shipment line. Valid values are CREATE and UPDATE, which determine how the shipment line should be handled. This attribute is ignored in certain actions like ValidateAndLock or ReleaseLock. |
OrderTypeCode | String | The order type code that corresponds to the shipment line. It identifies the specific order type in the system, such as SALES_ORDER. |
Order | String | The order number that identifies the source order for this shipment line. |
OrderLine | String | The sales order line number from the application that stores the order. It uniquely identifies each line in the order. |
OrderSchedule | String | The schedule number within the sales order. This corresponds to a specific shipment associated with the order. |
SourceOrder | String | The number that identifies the source order header from which this shipment line originates. |
SourceOrderLine | String | The line number in the source order, used to link this shipment line to the corresponding line in the source order. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | The fulfillment line number for the source order that corresponds to this shipment line. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the source order fulfillment line. |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory organization handling the shipment line. |
OrganizationCode | String | The abbreviation or code that identifies the organization handling the shipment line. |
OrganizationName | String | The name of the organization handling the shipment. |
ItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item being shipped in this shipment line. |
Item | String | The identifier for the item being shipped. This value represents the actual product. |
ItemDescription | String | A description of the inventory item being shipped. |
RequestedDate | Datetime | The date when the customer requested the item for shipment. |
ScheduledShipDate | Datetime | The date when the shipment of the item is scheduled to occur. |
RequestedDateTypeCode | String | Indicates whether the requested date refers to the shipping date or the arrival date. |
FreightTermsCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the terms under which freight charges are paid. It indicates whether the seller or the buyer pays for shipping. |
ShipmentPriorityCode | String | The priority code for the shipment line, indicating its urgency and scheduling priority. |
FOBCode | String | The code identifying the terms of ownership transfer for the items in transit. It specifies whether the buyer or seller assumes responsibility for shipping costs and risks. |
GradeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the preferred grade of the item, often used in industries like materials or pharmaceuticals to distinguish quality. |
CustomerPONumber | String | The customer purchase order number associated with this shipment line. |
CustomerItem | String | The customer's item number used to track the product in the customer’s own systems. |
ShippedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item that has been shipped as part of this transaction. |
ConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item shipped, converted into the item's secondary unit of measure (UOM), if applicable. |
StagedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item that has been staged or prepared for shipment but not yet shipped. |
BackorderedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item that is backordered due to insufficient stock. |
QuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the quantity of the item in this shipment line, such as pieces, boxes, or kilograms. |
SecondaryConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item in the secondary UOM after conversion. |
SecondaryStagedQuantity | Decimal | The staged quantity of the item in the secondary UOM. |
SecondaryBackorderedQuantity | Decimal | The backordered quantity of the item in the secondary UOM. |
SecondaryQuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the secondary quantity of the item in this shipment line. |
SecondaryQuantityUOM | String | The UOM for the secondary quantity of the item in this shipment line. |
SourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity requested by the customer on the source order line for the item. |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the quantity requested on the source order line. |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | The UOM for the quantity requested on the source order line. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity requested on the source order line, in the secondary UOM. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the secondary requested quantity on the source order line. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | The UOM for the secondary requested quantity on the source order line. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | The unique identifier for the business unit handling the sale of this item. |
BusinessUnit | String | The name of the business unit handling the sale of this item. |
CarrierId | Long | The unique identifier for the carrier assigned to transport this shipment. |
Carrier | String | The name of the carrier responsible for transporting this shipment. |
CarrierNumber | String | The carrier's identification number, used for tracking and logistics. |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | The abbreviation for the mode of transport used for this shipment line, such as truck, air, or sea. |
ServiceLevelCode | String | The abbreviation for the service level of the shipping method, indicating delivery speed and priority. |
EarliestPickupDate | Datetime | The earliest date on which the shipment line can be picked up from the warehouse. |
LatestPickupDate | Datetime | The latest possible date on which the shipment line can be picked up. |
EarliestDropoffDate | Datetime | The earliest date on which the shipment line can be delivered to the customer. |
LatestDropoffDate | Datetime | The latest possible date on which the shipment line can be delivered to the customer. |
ShipToPartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the party to which the goods are being shipped. |
ShipToCustomer | String | The name of the customer who will receive the goods for this shipment line. |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | The unique identifier for the ship-to customer. |
ShipToPartySiteId | Long | The unique identifier for the ship-to party site, which is the specific location where the shipment will be delivered. |
ShipToPartySiteNumber | String | The site number of the ship-to location, often used for more precise location identification. |
ShipToContactId | Long | The identifier for the person to contact at the ship-to site. |
ShipToContact | String | The contact person at the ship-to site. |
ShipToContactNumber | String | The phone number of the contact person at the ship-to site. |
SoldToPartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the sold-to party for this shipment. |
SoldToCustomer | String | The name of the party that purchased the goods being shipped. |
SoldToCustomerNumber | String | The number that identifies the sold-to customer. |
SoldToContactId | Long | The unique identifier for the sold-to contact. |
SoldToContact | String | The contact person at the sold-to customer site. |
SoldToContactNumber | String | The phone number of the contact person at the sold-to customer site. |
BillToPartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the party to be billed for this shipment line. |
BillToCustomer | String | The name of the party to be billed for the shipment. |
BillToCustomerNumber | String | The number that identifies the billing customer. |
BillToPartySiteId | Long | The unique identifier for the bill-to party site. |
BillToPartySiteNumber | String | The site number of the bill-to location. |
BillToContactId | Long | The unique identifier for the bill-to contact. |
BillToContact | String | The contact person at the bill-to site. |
BillToContactNumber | String | The phone number of the bill-to contact. |
ShipmentSet | String | The shipment set to which this shipment line belongs. |
ArrivalSet | String | The arrival set to which this shipment line belongs. |
SourceLineUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the source line was most recently updated. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The unique identifier for the source system that generated the transaction. |
SourceSystem | String | The name of the source system generating the shipment transaction. |
UnitPrice | Decimal | The price per unit of the item being shipped. |
Currency | String | The currency in which the price and quantity are denominated. |
SellingPrice | Decimal | The selling price of the item being shipped. |
SellingPriceCurrency | String | The currency used for the selling price of the item. |
ReleaseLockFlag | Bool | Indicates whether to release any existing locks on the fulfillment lines. True means release locks, and false means retain locks. |
ParentItemId | Long | The identifier for the parent item if this shipment line is part of a larger assembly. |
ParentItem | String | The name of the parent item for the shipment line. |
ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | The source order fulfillment line identifier for the parent item. |
BaseItemId | Long | The identifier for the base item used in internal processing for assembly to order (ATO). |
BaseItem | String | The name of the base item. |
EndAssemblyItem | String | The finished item that will be created after assembling from the base item in this shipment line. |
SourceSubinventory | String | The subinventory from which the requested item will be picked. |
DoNotShipBeforeDate | Datetime | The date before which this shipment line cannot be shipped. |
DoNotShipAfterDate | Datetime | The date after which this shipment line should not be shipped. |
MaximumOvershipmentPercentage | Decimal | The maximum percentage by which the shipment line can exceed the requested quantity. |
MaximumUndershipmentPercentage | Decimal | The maximum percentage by which the shipment line can fall short of the requested quantity. |
TaxationCountryCode | String | The country code indicating where the transaction is subject to taxation. |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | The first-party tax registration identifier. |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number for the first party. |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | The third-party tax registration identifier. |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number for the third party. |
LocationOfFinalDischargeId | Long | The unique identifier for the final discharge location of the goods. |
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode | String | The code indicating the final discharge location for the shipment. |
DocumentFiscalClassificationCode | String | The fiscal classification code for the document associated with this shipment. |
TransactionBusinessCategoryCode | String | The transaction business category code for categorizing the transaction. |
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode | String | The fiscal classification code defined by the user for the transaction. |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number used for tax purposes. |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | The date of the tax invoice issued for this transaction. |
ProductCategoryCode | String | The product category code for the items in this shipment. |
IntendedUseClassificationId | Decimal | The intended use classification identifier. |
IntendedUse | String | The name of the intended use classification. |
ProductTypeCode | String | The product type code for the inventory items. |
AssessableValue | Decimal | The assessable value for taxation purposes. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | The tax classification code used for the shipment. |
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber | String | The certificate number for tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionReasonCode | String | The code for the reason for tax exemption. |
ProductFiscalClassificationId | Long | The unique identifier for the product fiscal classification. |
ProductFiscalClassification | String | The product fiscal classification. |
TransportationPlanningStatusCode | String | The status code of transportation planning for this shipment line. |
TransportationPlanningDate | Datetime | The date when the transportation planning was completed. |
TransportationShipment | String | The identifier for the transportation shipment for this line. |
TransportationShipmentLine | String | The identifier for the transportation shipment line for this shipment. |
InitialDestinationId | Long | The identifier for the initial destination for the shipment. |
TradeComplianceStatusCode | String | The trade compliance status code for this shipment line. |
TradeComplianceDate | Datetime | The date when the trade compliance status was checked. |
TradeComplianceReason | String | The reason for the trade compliance status. |
ProjectSalesOrderFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the shipment is part of a project sales order. |
ProjectCostingProjectId | Long | The identifier for the project linked to the shipment line. |
ProjectCostingProjectNumber | String | The project number linked to the shipment line. |
ProjectCostingProjectName | String | The name of the project linked to the shipment line. |
ProjectCostingTaskId | Long | The task ID linked to the shipment line for project costing. |
ProjectCostingTaskNumber | String | The task number linked to the shipment line for project costing. |
ProjectCostingTaskName | String | The task name linked to the shipment line for project costing. |
SrcAttributeCategory | String | The category for the source application's DFF. |
SrcAttribute1 | String | The first user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute2 | String | The second user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute3 | String | The third user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute4 | String | The fourth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute5 | String | The fifth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute6 | String | The sixth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute7 | String | The seventh user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute8 | String | The eighth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute9 | String | The ninth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute10 | String | The tenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute11 | String | The eleventh user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute12 | String | The twelfth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute13 | String | The thirteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute14 | String | The fourteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute15 | String | The fifteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute16 | String | The sixteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute17 | String | The seventeenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute18 | String | The eighteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute19 | String | The nineteenth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttribute20 | String | The twentieth user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber1 | Decimal | The first numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber2 | Decimal | The second numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber3 | Decimal | The third numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber4 | Decimal | The fourth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber5 | Decimal | The fifth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber6 | Decimal | The sixth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber7 | Decimal | The seventh numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber8 | Decimal | The eighth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber9 | Decimal | The ninth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeNumber10 | Decimal | The tenth numerical user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeDate1 | Date | The first date-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeDate2 | Date | The second date-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeDate3 | Date | The third date-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeDate4 | Date | The fourth date-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeDate5 | Date | The fifth date-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp1 | Datetime | The first timestamp-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp2 | Datetime | The second timestamp-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp3 | Datetime | The third timestamp-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp4 | Datetime | The fourth timestamp-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp5 | Datetime | The fifth timestamp-based user-defined DFF attribute for the source application. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the shipment line transaction request. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the shipment line transaction request was created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when the shipment line transaction request was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the shipment line transaction request. |
OriginalItemConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The original quantity converted into the secondary UOM before any adjustments. |
Finder | String | A unique identifier for searching or querying the shipment line transaction request. |
FromRequestedDate | Datetime | The starting date range of the requested shipment. |
FromScheduledShipDate | Datetime | The starting date range of the scheduled shipment. |
ToRequestedDate | Datetime | The ending date range of the requested shipment. |
ToScheduledShipDate | Datetime | The ending date range of the scheduled shipment. |
TransactionId | Long | The transaction ID for the shipment line transaction request. |