Oversees eligible lot numbers for receiving return material authorizations (RMAs), adhering to enforced lot number parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | The identifier for the specific lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
LotExpirationDate | Date | The date on which the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table expires. |
ParentLotNumber | String | The identifier of the parent lot associated with the current lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
BindItemId | Long | A reference ID for the item that is bound to the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
BindLotNumber | String | The identifier of the lot that is bound to the current lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier of the organization to which the lot is bound in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
BindReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | The identifier for the receipt advice line associated with the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |
Finder | String | The code or identifier used to locate or search for the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table. |