ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Oversees eligible lot numbers for receiving return material authorizations (RMAs), adhering to enforced lot number parameters.


Name Type Description
LotNumber [KEY] String The identifier for the specific lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
LotExpirationDate Date The date on which the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table expires.
ParentLotNumber String The identifier of the parent lot associated with the current lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
BindItemId Long A reference ID for the item that is bound to the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
BindLotNumber String The identifier of the lot that is bound to the current lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization to which the lot is bound in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long The identifier for the receipt advice line associated with the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.
Finder String The code or identifier used to locate or search for the lot in the RmaRestrictedLots table.

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Build 24.0.9175