ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles lot and serial number tracking for items controlled by both, ensuring detailed traceability.


Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the receiving receipt request header, used to track the receipt requests at the header level for the associated line and lot information.
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction associated with the receiving receipt request line. It links the transaction details at the line level.
LotNumber [KEY] String The identifier for the specific lot of the item being processed in the receiving transaction, especially relevant when the warehouse applies lot and serial control.
LotExpirationDate Date The expiration date of the lot associated with the receiving transaction, which is critical for inventory management and shelf-life tracking.
ParentLotNumber String Identifies the parent lot in a lot-controlled item, indicating the broader grouping of which this lot is a part.
VendorLotNumber String Identifies the supplier's lot number for the received item, which is essential for tracking the origin and quality control of the lot.
TransactionQuantity Decimal The total quantity of the item in the lot that is involved in the receiving transaction, essential for inventory management and stock reconciliation.
PrimaryQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity for the lot in the primary unit of measure, helping to ensure the correct inventory counts are maintained for standard item measurements.
SecondaryTransactionQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity for the lot in a secondary unit of measure, used when items are tracked using multiple units of measure (for example, cases and individual units).
OriginationDate Date The date on which the lot was first created or received, marking the start of its lifecycle for the receiving transaction.
OriginationType String The type of origination for the lot, indicating whether it was produced internally, received from a supplier, or originates from another source.
HoldDate Date The date when the lot was placed on hold, possibly due to quality issues, discrepancies, or other reasons requiring temporary suspension from further processing.
ReasonId Long A unique identifier for the reason code explaining the receiving transaction, helping to provide context for actions like holds, adjustments, or returns.
ReasonName String The descriptive name of the reason code for the receiving transaction, offering clarity on why the action was taken (for example, damage, inspection failure).
MaturityDate Date The date when the lot reaches its maturity, marking the end of its useful life for the receiving transaction.
GradeCode String A code representing the quality grade of the item, which can help in assessing its suitability for use or sale.
CustomerId Long The unique identifier for the customer involved in the receiving receipt request, linking the transaction to the specific customer for which the goods are being processed.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer party associated with the receiving receipt request, which could be either the end customer or an intermediary.
DocumentNumber String A unique identifier for the document associated with the receiving receipt request, used for referencing and tracking the specific transaction.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String A reference number from an external system that tracks the transaction, providing cross-system linkage between OracleSCM and other systems.
Finder String A unique identifier or search term that facilitates locating the receiving receipt request in the system, often used in tracking or querying the records.
FromDate Datetime The starting date and time from which the transaction details are relevant, useful for filtering transactions within a specific time period.
FromOrganizationCode String The code identifying the organization that is originating the receiving receipt request, used for cross-organizational tracking.
FromOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization initiating the transaction, useful for mapping the request back to the source organization.
GroupId Long An identifier for the group associated with the receiving receipt request, which can be used to group multiple related transactions together.
HeaderInterfaceId Long The unique identifier for the header interface of the receiving receipt request, used to associate all line-level data to a header record.
ItemId Long The unique identifier for the item being processed in the receiving transaction, linking the transaction to the specific product being received.
ItemNumber String The item number or SKU used for identifying the item, essential for categorizing and processing inventory transactions.
OrganizationCode String The code for the organization receiving the goods, used to ensure the correct organizational unit is assigned to the transaction.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization handling the receiving transaction, helping to track transactions by organization.
POHeaderId Long The purchase order header identifier for the transaction, linking the receiving request to a specific purchase order.
ProcessingStatusCode String The status code indicating the current state of the receiving receipt request, such as pending, in progress, or completed.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The identifier for the receipt advice header associated with the transaction, used to track the corresponding advice document.
RMANumber String The return material authorization (RMA) number, linking the receiving request to a return process, if applicable.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header, linking the transaction to the specific shipment being received.
ShipmentNumber String The shipment number used to track the shipment associated with the receiving receipt request, helping to reconcile with external logistics.
SourceDocumentCode String A code referencing the source document from which the receiving receipt request originated, providing context to the transaction.
ToDate Datetime The ending date and time for which the transaction details are relevant, used for filtering or ending the period for the transaction.
TransactionStatusCode String The status code for the transaction, which helps to indicate whether it is pending, completed, or has encountered issues.
TransactionType String The type of transaction being performed, such as receipt, return, or adjustment, used to define the nature of the receiving request.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transfer order header, linking the transaction to an internal transfer of goods between organizations.
VendorId Long The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods, crucial for identifying the source of the materials being processed.
VendorName String The name of the vendor supplying the goods, used to track the supplier for procurement and receiving purposes.
VendorNumber String The vendor number associated with the supplier, used to identify and manage the supplier in the system.

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Build 24.0.9175