ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages descriptive flexfields for advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests, supporting detailed data capture.


Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the header record in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, used in the context of advanced shipment notice (ASN) line request processing.
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction associated with a line item in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, tied to an ASN line request.
InterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long A unique identifier representing the transaction for the entire interface, used to track processing of the ASN line within the system.
_FLEX_Context String The context name for the descriptive flexfield, which allows users to define custom attributes for ASN line requests. This field helps in categorizing or grouping ASN lines based on context.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String The display value corresponding to the descriptive flexfield context, providing a human-readable label for the context in ASN line requests.
CustomerId Long The unique identifier assigned to the customer associated with the ASN line request, linking the record to customer-specific data.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer party involved in the ASN line request, typically representing the organization or entity receiving the goods.
DocumentNumber String The unique document number assigned to the ASN line request, typically used for tracking and referencing the request in external and internal systems.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String A reference number from an external system, used to cross-reference or link the ASN line request with transactions in external applications.
Finder String A search key or unique identifier used to quickly locate or filter records in the system related to ASN line requests.
FromDate Datetime The start date for the period relevant to the ASN line request, often indicating when the goods are expected to be received or processed.
FromOrganizationCode String The code of the originating organization for the ASN line request, helping to identify the source location of the goods or transaction.
FromOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization that initiated the ASN line request, used to link the request to an organizational unit in the system.
GroupId Long An identifier used to group multiple ASN line requests together, typically for processing or reporting purposes.
HeaderInterfaceId Long The unique identifier for the header record in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, which can be used to relate line items to their respective headers.
ItemId Long The identifier of the item being received in the ASN line request, used to link the request to specific inventory or catalog items.
ItemNumber String The item number associated with the ASN line request, typically used for inventory and item identification purposes.
OrganizationCode String The code of the organization handling or processing the ASN line request, helping to identify which part of the company is responsible for the transaction.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization processing the ASN line request, ensuring proper tracking and assignment of responsibility.
POHeaderId Long The purchase order (PO) header ID related to the ASN line request, used to link the line item with a specific PO in the system.
ProcessingStatusCode String The status code that indicates the current state of processing for the ASN line request, such as 'Pending', 'Completed', or 'Failed'.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The header ID for the receipt advice associated with the ASN line request, providing a link to the receipt advice document related to the transaction.
RMANumber String The return merchandise authorization (RMA) number linked to the ASN line request, used in cases where goods are returned or exchanged.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment associated with the ASN line request, used to track the shipment of goods to the receiving organization.
ShipmentNumber String The shipment number assigned to the goods being delivered as part of the ASN line request, used for tracking and delivery verification.
SourceDocumentCode String A code representing the source document for the ASN line request, which can link the request to its origin, such as a purchase order or sales order.
ToDate Datetime The end date for the period relevant to the ASN line request, often indicating when the goods were received or when processing is expected to be completed.
TransactionStatusCode String The status code of the transaction, indicating the progress or outcome of processing the ASN line request, such as 'In Progress' or 'Completed'.
TransactionType String The type of transaction being processed, such as 'Receipt', 'Return', or 'Adjustment', indicating the nature of the ASN line request.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transfer order header related to the ASN line request, used in cases where goods are being transferred between organizational units.
VendorId Long The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods in the ASN line request, linking the request to specific vendor information.
VendorName String The name of the vendor supplying the goods in the ASN line request, helping to identify the supplier responsible for the shipment.
VendorNumber String The vendor number assigned to the supplier in the system, used for quick identification and reference in vendor-related transactions.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175