Manages descriptive flexfields for advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests, supporting detailed data capture.
Name | Type | Description |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the header record in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, used in the context of advanced shipment notice (ASN) line request processing. |
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the transaction associated with a line item in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, tied to an ASN line request. |
InterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier representing the transaction for the entire interface, used to track processing of the ASN line within the system. |
_FLEX_Context | String | The context name for the descriptive flexfield, which allows users to define custom attributes for ASN line requests. This field helps in categorizing or grouping ASN lines based on context. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | The display value corresponding to the descriptive flexfield context, providing a human-readable label for the context in ASN line requests. |
CustomerId | Long | The unique identifier assigned to the customer associated with the ASN line request, linking the record to customer-specific data. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer party involved in the ASN line request, typically representing the organization or entity receiving the goods. |
DocumentNumber | String | The unique document number assigned to the ASN line request, typically used for tracking and referencing the request in external and internal systems. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | A reference number from an external system, used to cross-reference or link the ASN line request with transactions in external applications. |
Finder | String | A search key or unique identifier used to quickly locate or filter records in the system related to ASN line requests. |
FromDate | Datetime | The start date for the period relevant to the ASN line request, often indicating when the goods are expected to be received or processed. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The code of the originating organization for the ASN line request, helping to identify the source location of the goods or transaction. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the organization that initiated the ASN line request, used to link the request to an organizational unit in the system. |
GroupId | Long | An identifier used to group multiple ASN line requests together, typically for processing or reporting purposes. |
HeaderInterfaceId | Long | The unique identifier for the header record in the Receiving Receipt Requests table, which can be used to relate line items to their respective headers. |
ItemId | Long | The identifier of the item being received in the ASN line request, used to link the request to specific inventory or catalog items. |
ItemNumber | String | The item number associated with the ASN line request, typically used for inventory and item identification purposes. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code of the organization handling or processing the ASN line request, helping to identify which part of the company is responsible for the transaction. |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier of the organization processing the ASN line request, ensuring proper tracking and assignment of responsibility. |
POHeaderId | Long | The purchase order (PO) header ID related to the ASN line request, used to link the line item with a specific PO in the system. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | The status code that indicates the current state of processing for the ASN line request, such as 'Pending', 'Completed', or 'Failed'. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | The header ID for the receipt advice associated with the ASN line request, providing a link to the receipt advice document related to the transaction. |
RMANumber | String | The return merchandise authorization (RMA) number linked to the ASN line request, used in cases where goods are returned or exchanged. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the shipment associated with the ASN line request, used to track the shipment of goods to the receiving organization. |
ShipmentNumber | String | The shipment number assigned to the goods being delivered as part of the ASN line request, used for tracking and delivery verification. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | A code representing the source document for the ASN line request, which can link the request to its origin, such as a purchase order or sales order. |
ToDate | Datetime | The end date for the period relevant to the ASN line request, often indicating when the goods were received or when processing is expected to be completed. |
TransactionStatusCode | String | The status code of the transaction, indicating the progress or outcome of processing the ASN line request, such as 'In Progress' or 'Completed'. |
TransactionType | String | The type of transaction being processed, such as 'Receipt', 'Return', or 'Adjustment', indicating the nature of the ASN line request. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the transfer order header related to the ASN line request, used in cases where goods are being transferred between organizational units. |
VendorId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods in the ASN line request, linking the request to specific vendor information. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor supplying the goods in the ASN line request, helping to identify the supplier responsible for the shipment. |
VendorNumber | String | The vendor number assigned to the supplier in the system, used for quick identification and reference in vendor-related transactions. |