ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Oversees the management of picking details for individual lines, enabling the confirmation of pick activities.


Name Type Description
PickSlipDetailsPickSlip [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the Pick Slip details associated with the current line item in PickSlipDetailspickLines.
ShipToLocation String The location to which the items on the pick slip are being shipped, representing the final destination address.
Customer String The customer associated with the pick slip, typically identifying the company or individual making the order.
DestinationAccount String The account number or identifier where the picked items should be billed or associated with for accounting purposes.
DestinationLocator String The specific location within the destination site or warehouse where the items should be sent.
DestinationSubinventory String The subinventory within the destination warehouse where the picked items are to be placed or stored.
Item String The identifier for the specific item or product being picked from the inventory.
TransactionId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the transaction in which the pick slip line item is involved.
PickSlip Long The identifier for the overall pick slip document that groups multiple line items for the picking process.
PickSlipLine Long The specific line number within the pick slip that corresponds to a particular item or set of items.
RequestedQuantity Decimal The quantity of the item requested to be picked, as indicated on the pick slip.
RequiredDate Date The date by which the requested items need to be shipped or delivered, as specified in the pick slip.
Revision String The revision number of the item, if applicable, to indicate a specific version or modification of the item.
SecondaryRequestedQuantity Decimal An additional quantity requested, which may be in a different unit of measure, depending on the business process.
SecondaryUOM String The secondary unit of measure for the item, if the requested quantity needs to be recorded or processed in an alternate unit.
ShippingPriority String The priority level assigned to the shipping of this pick slip line, determining its urgency relative to other items.
SourceLocator String The location in the source warehouse or site from where the item is being picked.
SourceOrder String The order number from which this pick slip line originates, helping to track the origin of the items.
SourceOrderLine String The specific line number of the source order that corresponds to this pick slip line item.
SourceSubinventory String The subinventory in the source location where the item will be picked from.
TransactionType String The type of transaction this pick slip line is associated with, such as a sales order or internal transfer.
UOM String The unit of measure for the item on the pick slip line, indicating how the quantity is measured (for example, each, box, case).
MovementRequest String The identifier for a movement request related to this pick slip line, typically used for internal inventory transfers.
MovementRequestLine Long The line number of the movement request, corresponding to the specific item or set of items being moved.
AllowUseOfCommonSuppliesFlag Bool A flag indicating whether common supplies can be used for this pick slip line, typically related to shared resources.
MaximumPickedQuantity Decimal The maximum quantity of the item that can be picked, often constrained by inventory levels or business rules.
ErrorCode String A code representing any errors encountered during the processing of this pick slip line, often used for troubleshooting.
ErrorExplanation String A detailed explanation of the error, providing context and information for resolving issues with the pick slip line.
Finder String The identifier for the finder or user responsible for identifying and picking the item, usually tied to system processes or user roles.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175